Sunday 4 March 2012

tsw gold height up to 12 km.  Report points out that - TFK

129733475388283750_23Reference network on February 8 Korea military one source 5th said that North Korea recently from countries in the Middle East (presumably for Syria) introduced several US domestic high speed target drone MQM-107D, and study on this basis to develop an unmanned aircraft. According to Yonhap Infomax report, Korea information it is considered that age of conan gold, in high speed target drone mounted on high-explosive bomb of Korea on a number of occasionsFlight tests, but did not enter the stage.  Us and ROK Army uses high speed target drone MQM-107D 5.5 metres in length, wing length 3 m aoc gold, a maximum speed of 925 km, height up to 12 km.  Report points out that tsw gold, if North Korea successfully developed unmanned aircraft, configured in Hwanghae-do 4th Corps troops, to contend and Han armies. AlsoNews that North Korea also introduced a Russia produced propeller-driven drones, and its research and development for unmanned aircraft. It is reported that the unmanned fighter combat distances of up to 60 km.

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