Tuesday 13 March 2012

world of tanks power leveling in tactical level - OHJ

Estate market of China is in history on the most crucial adjusting control period. The building city adjusting control that is as long as a year many, brought distinct effect it seems that: Clinch a deal the quantity is atrophic, land market cold and cheerless, investor glides continuously to the confidence of landed course of study. Chinese real estate and development business people stand in turning point jointly, see the sound as one falls of city of empty China building. Taking the question to Chinese real estate, " daily of the first finance and economics " at near future special interview Zhang Yuliang of greenbelt group president. Daily of the first finance and economics: Chinese real estate allows all trade in the experience enough 2011 wife person is impressive. From your angle world of tanks power leveling, how can you sum up the Chinese real estate 2011? Zhang Yuliang: Although ups and downs of market of all previous classics, but estate market place encountered 2011 still not less than for in recent years most acid test. To room look forward to character, a series of adjusting control that come from policy of industry, banking bring enormous challenge, also become test company exercise to benefit the internal organs at the same time " touchstone " , we are experienced more deep-feltly, in the market of survival of the fittest, train of thought more before look up, meet an emergency is rapidder, decision-making more essence of life is accurate, carry out more significant business to reveal system stronger live, development even " tortuous path overtake " ability. Daily: Superabundant to lasting one year estate is restricted to buy reach price fixing policy, what view do you have? This severe bounds is bought reach price fixing policy, do you think below what kind of circumstance ability is loosened likely? Zhang Yuliang: The core of adjusting control is normative demand, the target is real estate go investment is changed and the people's livelihood is changed, stimulative estate returns to its commodity attribute, this is to promote estate market to last what health develops in order is indispensible. Of course, in correctional, normative process, restricted policy also accidentally injure arrives quite one part tigidity and perfective demand, how reasonable to this part demand gives safeguard, or will become adjusting control method to refine perfect way further. Central near future already was made clear once more 2012 will " hold to policy of estate adjusting control not to shake, stimulative house price is reasonable regression " world of tanks power leveling, should say, the estate below normal sex adjusting control is entering stable development period, change the new condition that complies with policy, market only as the enterprise, newly, ability control is more and active, obtain greater progress space. Daily: You think, from macroscopical level, namely China and global economy environment, and the level such as the fund condition that develops business oneself looks, below the situation that faced domestic strict adjusting control 2011, what is the biggest problem that development business faces? Besides depreciate besides, if development business wants to save oneself what to method and idea still have? Zhang Yuliang: The abidance of integral fluidity tightened up pair of room look forward to to develop to be formed generally 2011 restrict, greenbelt gives from many sided to this answer actively. We are passed in strategic level carry out actively " transition " and increase " tone structure " strength will answer vicissitude of the market effectively. The first, adjust estate advocate the product structure of course of study, the small family in be being increased mainly just needed kind of residence and commerce to handle official bussiness of kind of product supply strength wot power leveling, strengthen technical innovation and product research and development, optimize product detail continuously, policy of effective butt joint wants demand of market of sue for peace. Among them, 40% what business does kind of product sale to already occupied estate to open to booking amount this year, effectively propped up greenbelt this year the growth of outstanding achievement. The 2nd, adjust area structure, increase the sale strength that suffers adjusting control to affect lesser city, pay close attention to actively at the same time and layout 34 lines city, preferred undertake the project is laid in. The 3rd, regard integrated industry as the group, greenbelt adjusts industrial structure actively still, the position that increases the integrated industry such as the sources of energy, finance and extend, to enterprise whole management outstanding achievement grows steadily formed strong prop up. In addition, in tactical level, greenbelt complies with policy and market demand actively, depreciate neatly sales promotion, accelerate a product to change with capital steam again, strengthen capital movement to prepare actual effect at the same time, optimize resource configuration, improve efficiency of have enough to meet need. Daily: The estate market that if stand in to come relative to long-term point of view,takes a fancy to a country, do you think which stage Chinese real estate has taken at present? The circumstance that can the development of prospective China real estate still resemble appearing more than 10 years to go up greatly in that way in the past? If won't, a what kind of curve will that present? Zhang Yuliang: The estate below normal sex adjusting control is entering stable development period, to the enterprise character, this also is one practices hard exercise to benefit the internal organs at the same time, strengthen the management, period that enhances development quality and core competition ability. The each room look forward to that believes to include greenbelt inside can is opposite system of operation of oneself strategy, management and exterior market undertake more the research analysis of systematic development, pay attention to the market and the essence that the product locates to allow to spend more, pay attention to the promotion of company brand and figure more, pay close attention to the conformity of advantage resource more. Tendency of good luck general those specialization rate is high, development system is strong, company assets structure is reasonable, adjust management strategy and the company with politic market in time. Daily: Advance with all one's strength this year to the country and the safeguard room of a large number of start working, whether do you think to be met in future certain to generation of commodity house market concussion? Be known according to us, greenbelt also participated in Shanghai to ensure the construction of room project not less, to ensuring the development of room future and operation, do you have He Jian to discuss? Zhang Yuliang: While to commercializing Ministry of Supply cent has adjusting control, increase safeguard sex housing to build strength, accelerate form commodity house and safeguard room double track to make the housing system that run, be economic society progress is indispensible, also getting energetically drive. Develop a business as national estate, we in recent years practical sense is accelerated perfect safeguard by each district government sexual housing system, increase the strength that how dwells project, also devote into with all one's strength at the same time among them. Current, be in Shanghai area, greenbelt already was started early or late built wall of bridge of greenbelt new river (Jiang Qiao base) , project of house of commodity of the Na Xiang base, long form a complete set that promote an island, fine station of the north that decide a city is large the many projects such as living community project, total investment dimensions exceeds 10 billion yuan, total floor area exceeds 2 million square metre. In addition, we assume the construction that ensures room project actively also in and other places of lake of Xi'an, overgrown with weeds, Jinan, Wuhan, total floor area already exceeded 1.3 million square metre. Should say, the large-scale construction that ensures a room develops gross to be able to produce certain effect necessarily to commodity house, but this also makes room look forward to reinforce an a person engaged in some particular pursuit further at the same time group fixed position of accurate product of fractionize, essence, optimize product function, promotion commodity house develops a standard. Commercialize run, big company is participated in, it is to mend one of important way that push safeguard room construction, greenbelt wishs to devote oneself to project of the people's livelihood hand in hand with other big company. Daily: Face not quite clear now market to go situation, do you have He Jian to discuss to holding money to treat bought customer? When is you think to meet the better chance that enter town? From the angle of the enterprise, whether had arrived to copy look forward to of the subsoil ground market, Xiaofang in be being bought now when? Whether does greenbelt have the plan of this respect and preparation? Zhang Yuliang: Adjusting control effect has been shown, the building that occurrence price shakes dish the amount shows growth trend, the person that just needed to buy a house can pay close attention to actively, preferred into city. From the point of industry and company point of view, the adjusting control of survival of the fittest period afterwards, the concentration of real estate is spent, rise somewhat necessarily into introductory cage and technical content, below the premise that the risk can accuse, choose machine undertakes opposing periodic investment, it is large house look forward to the positive step that catchs good luck to extend development space is grabbed in weak city, greenbelt can implement active and careful investment strategy, machine of particular case choose lays in project of composition of vision area region. Daily: Do you go to the economy 2012 and estate situation have why to sentence beforehand? If let you put forward desire of a New Year, what can you make wish? Zhang Yuliang: Good luck and challenge coexist. The hope also is certain greenbelt will be in breakthrough of new force of a year of labor, implementation is more effective beneficial, have quality, more competitive development more. Wish Chinese economy and real-estate industry can achieve the progress of smooth health in a new year heartily also. Responsibility edits: NF045

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