Sunday 18 March 2012

diablo 3 gold making mummies after death services to customers. Reports - SNL

129756711730625000_1170Egypt ancient mummies. (File photo) pet mummies of the company showing the finished product. Company boss and making pets of specimens. A cat in the production process. Employees holding a Peacock was made Mummy.Us-a company that provides the world's only Mummy burial service United Kingdom media on 5th diablo 3 gold, United States company invented a new way of burial: body made of mummies. To date, more than 1500 people have all over the world contact the claimed to be the world's only company booking mummies service. Text: XIYee made need to take 90 days the wet body for thousands of years no report from United Kingdom media reports on 6th, claimed to be the world's only provided in the form of mummies immolation service Salmen (Summum) company, recently in United States, Utah diablo 3 gold, Salt Lake City opened, making mummies after death services to customers. Reports, starting from the 1975 SA company started developing technology of making mummies, Which mimic the pyramid shape of the Office building in Salt Lake City. According to company staff revealed that their customers have more than 1500 people, including celebrities from around the world. In addition to producing the Mummy, Salmen made Mummy body pet service is also available. It is reported that they have dozens of pet, including General dog cat bird, peacocks and even mice, in accordance with theUnification of Egypt mummies immolation process be buried. According to reports, the SA-company of the whole process of making mummies 90 days time. Staff of visceral body pulled out, cleaned, and then placed in the grooves in the body, specially made for 70 days immersed in liquid. Then, staff at the body surface coated with wax and lanolin, then wrapped with layers of cotton gauze, and then covered with aGlass fiber as protection. Finally, the whole body is placed in a coffin made of steel or copper. SA-company is responsible for providing customer service lang·Temu said: "we are using chemical penetration extremely. If you drop a drop in Palm, and after a few seconds, you can taste the taste of the liquid in the mouth. "Temu said that ancient Mummy looks quite dry,It is because when people think, let the body complete dehydration is the best way to preserve the body; "and we used the opposite way. We believe that the body fully moist is the best way to save. "" That's why we dealt with body, looked like just died yesterday, even after thousands of years, also has this effect. "Why make mummies?Report from ancient Egypt people believe in reincarnation, so they saved Mummy body made easy, so that you have the opportunity to receive eternal life. Mummy in ancient practices including wine and Nile water cleaning of the body, as a pure, and intestinal and stomach liver and lung took out, but leaving the heart, because the heart is considered closely related to the eternal life. Body with salt and cover air dry about 40 days.Then, the body be cleaned again, then oil to keep the skin elastic. And then use the Sesame coated, wrap high quality linen. Ancient Egypt believe that after body wear neat clothes, you can begin the cycle to the next. (XI Yi) cost thousands of pounds to help development of cloning technology report from however, SA company making Mummy services valuable. SystemMake a cat Mummy would cost 3,600 pounds, dogs to 15,000 pounds. Human Mummy spent about 40,000 or so. Temu said: "our customers all over the world. For example, if in the United Kingdom, a pet has just passed away, the owner wanted it made Mummy, then we will ask the vet wrap the body of dog diablo 3 power leveling, with ice cubes and immediately flown to the United States. ”Temu said that some customers do want to take their pets made Mummy died, stayed at home. "Sometimes even some very small animals, such as a mouse or a bird. "" The most surprising is that after we deal with these animals, looks the same as when they die. We did test on some animal mummies, a few years later, theySo to maintain in perfect condition. "In addition to the animals, Salmen has produced a number of successful human mummies. However, these mummies made 18 months after being opened to check is completed. Under Utah law, these must be incinerated after the mummy was opened. But now, many people have contracted with SA company, called death is made into the Mummy. "We already haveMany customers signed up when they signed up some thirty or forty years old, fifty or sixty years now. So, we still have a lot of work to do. "SA-the company believes that their technology on the development of cloning technology is of great significance. In future, you can drill through the coffin extracts DNA from the mummies. "To save the body, so that in the future when necessaryExtract DNA, which for many people is a very attractive approach. Many people hope they can also be cloned. "(Editor: Song Yuxin)

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