Wednesday 14 March 2012

world of tanks power leveling closer to the 200-day moving average line - ZXI

129756500981875000_9The 1th page: Greece bond yields soaring global markets tumble 2nd page: Greece debt default seen the 3rd page of the week: 12 institutions creditors supported Greece "for debt" the 4th page: German Bank into first debt swap "Tartar" Greece approximation order default page 5th: Greece a disorderly default would result in 1 trillion Euro loss 6thPage: gold or Greece debt restructuring "insulation" review: Beijing time on Thursday, Greece debt exchange agreement will be formally implemented. Despite the major creditors backed bonds exchange agreements, but investors in the market are either not good yesterday, Greece 1-year Treasury yields had reached a record high of 1012.06%, this means that investors are not to the nominal valueOne-tenth prices, selling hand Greece bonds. Such pessimism to diffuse in the financial markets around the world, yesterday, the global stock market has a callback, non-US dollar currencies such as euro and Australian dollar continued to plunge, and commodities such as gold and oil prices are falling. ����Industry analysis that in March, wait-and-see atmosphere a stronger international markets, investors remain cautious. [Latest news] Greece debtYields global markets plunge [default expected] Greece debt default seen 12 institutions creditors this week to support Greece "for debt" German Bank into first debt swap "Tartar" Greece approximation order default Greece a disorderly default would result in 1 trillion Euro loss [Analysis comments] gold or GreekLa debt restructuring "insulation"-----------------------------------------------------------------------investors optimistic about Greece one-tenth price of replacement plan for less than face value of the bonds to sell Greece debtOn Thursday Beijing time, Greece debt exchange agreement will be formally implemented. ����Despite the major creditors backed bonds exchange agreements, but investors in the market are either not good yesterday, Greece 1-year Treasury yields had reached a record high of 1012.06%, which means investors are at less than face value of one-tenth price, selling hand Greece bonds. This pessimisticEmotions to diffuse in the financial markets around the world, yesterday, the global stock market has a callback, non-US dollar currencies such as euro and Australian dollar continued to plunge, and commodities such as gold and oil prices are falling. ����Industry analysis that in March, wait-and-see atmosphere a stronger international markets, investors remain cautious. Greece debt investors lost more than 90% because it does not look after Greece could successfully implementBond exchange agreements, yesterday investors without losses at less than face value price one-tenth price to sell Greece debt, leading Greece bond yields soar, yields on one-year Treasury bonds had reached a record high of 1012.06%. ����This means that the actual loss of investors more than 90%. Under the assistance agreement reached by the EU, will be in Beijing on ThursdayExecuted bond exchange agreements are Greece get sine qua non for second round of 130 billion euro aid, if you are unable to successfully execute, it means that the scheme will also be paid to, the eurozone is likely to once again being drawn into the crisis. Greece bonds Exchange Act of Congress, held by the country's private sector creditors each 100 euro Greece old bonds, face value in exchange for 31.5 euro, due up to 2042 Greece new bonds and European financial stability facility (EFSF) issue of 2-year bond face value of 15 euro. Greece bonds replacement plan to a total of 177 billion euros on the size of Greece the national debt. Greece bonds investors bear the actual losses of about 73%~74%. Private sector creditors in debtReplacement plan minimum participation rate is set to 90%, only to achieve the participation rate, debt Exchange Protocol can be implemented if participation rates of less than 90%, but 75%, Greece started consultations with the EU and International Monetary Fund of collective action clauses in order to bridge the gap; however, if the participation rate is lower than 75%, agreement will be invalid. China Merchants Bank head office outside the highHui Liu Dongliang, an analyst said, from the perspective of current market expectations, Greece debt exchange agreement more likely could not be performed. This will have a negative impact on global financial markets. ����However, the combat will not be particularly serious, because the market had expected. Bank of China Head Office of foreign exchange analyst Xu Fan said this week focusing on Thursday Greece debt replacement and on the implementation of the agreement on Friday nightUnited States non-farm employment data. Owing to the large uncertainty, caution over Greece debt exchange agreement and the risk of failure of the scheme cannot be performed. Moreover, while the United States employment data better world of tanks power leveling, but consumer pressure, also weakened, unless the fed more monetary easing, otherwise, a slowdown is the probability of the event, global financial markets remain cautious�� Stocks plunge in US stocks futures as investors focus on Greece's private sector debt swap plan as well as the United States in February employment in non-agricultural, yesterday night United States stock index futures fell. The Dow Jones industrial index dropped 98 points to 12,863, standard and poor's 500 index fell 11.3 points to points, NASDAQ 100 Futures down 20.75Points to 2595.25 points. 6th European stock market edged lower in early trading, the STOXX Europe 600 index fell 0.4% per cent, United Kingdom fell 0.2% per cent of FTSE 100 index points, Germany DAX 30 index fell 0.4% per cent, France the CAC40 index fell 0.4% per cent75.28. Australia fed to maintain interest rates unchanged yesterday, Australia fed policy meeting in March to maintain interest rates unchanged at 4.25%. The Fed said, global economic growth below trend this year, Europe will remain for some time in the future as a potential source of unrest. Inflation in the next two quarters will fall further, The underlying inflation rate remained at about 2.5%. In view of the growth are close to trend inflation close to the target, the Fed believes that the current monetary policy is still appropriate. ����If demand weakens, and inflation prospects would provide space for relaxation of monetary policy. Affect the stock market rout euro bearish yesterday, Greece influence bond prices tumbled, pessimismDiffuse global financial markets, investors again selling to hedge risk asset, global stock markets plunged, high interest currencies such as euro, Australian dollar continued a callback, and commodities such as oil and gold prices continued falling. Yesterday, Hong Kong's Hang Seng index fell 2.16% in the past two days, more than 700 points, closed yesterday 20,806, technical form, fallTrends clearly. ����The Nikkei index falling for two consecutive days, began to build a head form. On the foreign exchange market, under the influence of flight operations, the euro fell below support of 1.32, deep hit, at 6:30 last night, Euro 1.3138. Australian dollar/US dollar China downgraded economic growth targets and the double impact of global risk aversion, 3 consecutive day yesterdayBottom dropped to 1.06. For the euro and the Australian dollar, China Merchants Bank senior foreign exchange analyst Liu Dongliang remains bearish, said recent words from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, United States over a long period of time is difficult to launch QE3 and released two consecutive rounds of the European Central Bank liquidity, bad for the euro. Expected year of the euro will go toward the 1.2. Australian dollar shortWill be lowered, but the medium and long term, high interest rate would still be on the formation supporting Australian dollars. Bank of China Head Office of foreign exchange analyst Xu Fan said, still bearish on the euro, euro could reach 1.25 by the end, volatility is large, euro is not up too much space. Australian dollar prices are high, especially in China's economic growth to slow down in the world, the prices of goods andAustralian dollar adversely. Gold market gold prices dropped below $ 1700 Monday-Tuesday time, worse-than-expected euro-zone economic data with the Greece debt to boost the dollar, leading to international gold prices decreased significantly, breaking $ 1700 mark Tuesday evening fell to $ 1695 near the location. Silver, Platinum and other precious metals prices in the same period under allFall. On the domestic market, spot gold prices follow fell to 346 dollars per gram, trading light. ����Has experienced collapse and explosive warehouse last week, long sapped the market this week was still under fixed confidence, little interest in bottom-feeding, wait-and-see atmosphere great. European debt crisis is causing significant cause of gold into bear market territory since September last year, about European economic data is also a shortLine is based mainly in the gold price. ����To this end, the poor euro-zone data this week, Greece's debt with private creditors replacement process is concerned, has caused the international investment market linkage, dollar higher, futures plunge in gold also was impact, prospects for short-term bearish. From the technical point of view, since Bernanke hinted last week without having to push a third round of quantitative easing (QE3)Since gold prices have fallen 4%, has dropped below the upward path, closer to the 200-day moving average line, technical indicators to fully empty. ����In the case of lack of buying physical gold market, rise in prices is difficult to come back to the track. Actions recommended: bottom caution about economic problems in Europe are still important factors in future wot power leveling, if the European debt crisis and then the news, did not rule out the gold price in aHit us $ 1600~1650 the possibility of seeking support; even Europe better, if there are no heavy, power buy wot power leveling, such as the outbreak of war in stimulus, oscillating between the gold price should be maintained at $ 1700-1781 arrangement. Recommended short-term investors bottom-feeders, other investors holding gold long term.

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