Friday 9 March 2012

wot power leveling is now running. Second - OZZ

129742939380625000_407First, prices fell back on Friday as scheduled, Greece Ministry of domestic chaos, people to March in protest austerity, the Cabinet to resign against austerity, Greece Ministry of national voting delay could not be achieved in Europe the second loan, which makes global commodities fell sharply. Monday morning in Greece Prime Minister's hardline insistence of Greece agreement the Parliament finally passed the financial crunch, market worriesSlightly eased, but a low steel prices have opened, but no further down. On Tuesday, p downgrade Spain 15 Bank ratings, Moody's downgraded ratings of the six countries of the eurozone, Greece still has no results, more bad factors continue to affect the market, 1205 contract dipped below 3-month upward trend line, but still obtained early in the 4,250 upward triangleSupport, not winning. On Wednesday, Greece problem is still repeated; p downgrade 7 Portugal financial institutions ratings; maximum per cent lower than euro-zone industrial production in 2 years; OECD warns Germany economy faces significant risks; the European Commission that the 12 Member States of the European Union is suffering economic imbalances; European debt issues and economic problems in Europe could be far more serious than exposed.Coupled with the January railway industry growth in fixed asset investment in China dropped to historical lows-76%, rebar prices declined substantially, finally dropped below 4,250. On Thursday, while other commodities fell sharply, screw-in the vicinity of 4,170 shocks. On Friday, prices total below 4160-4170, basic can determine the decline continued. Meanwhile, stock prices andRaw material prices also fell to follow, is now running. Second, the important factors 1. International macro-bad last week, many factors affect the market, but not prominent. First, Greece second negotiation has been concluded before the loan is still affecting the market, increasing worries in the market; the second, national January CPI is well above market expectations the Central Bank governanceCarefully curated, and begin withdrawal of funds for the first time, fanaticism under poured cold water on the market; the third wot power leveling, domestic commodities January imports fell, the Community consumption of negative growth for the first time the market worried about the economic downturn and lower demand. Good news last week boosted the domestic commodity markets extremely limited: United Kingdom banks to expand lending QE scale, the first set a little more relaxing world of tanks power leveling, railway project financing completed, The Central investment strongly guaranteed funds, such as the construction of affordable housing. This week, the international macro-remains dominated by bad. Mainly Greece issues. Next week, European debt risks are further release. 2. Macro-cycle for the down cycle. From the perspective of industrial added value of law beginning in November 2009 decreased this round has 2 years 1 month, before falling cycleFor 2 years and 9 months, from a time point, industrial production continues to decrease probability. From the fall, this drop is 35. 42%, fell before is 73. 13%, from the point of view, industrial output still has to fall, and decreases. Macro-downward trend has not changed. 3. Cycle for the down cycle. From the Shanghai area threadSteel spot prices running law: May 2011 time for 8 months so far this fall, decrease cycle time is 2 years and 5 months before and 10 months, in terms of time, probability larger spot prices continue to fall, time may be equivalent to 10 months. From the fall, this decrease was 10. 57%, before the fall is 30�� And 84%. 59%, so from the point of view, spot prices into line should be 20-30%. 4. Combining macro-cycle and cycle industrial added value and screw-thread steel spot prices in Shanghai was not fully consistent with the process of falling and rising wot power leveling, including leadership, overlap and separate parts. Down prior to the combination of industrial productionValues overlap and screw-thread steel spot prices drop after a period of time, steel spot prices will fall alone for some time, and now still in the two overlap descent, so from this point of view, spot prices will continue to fall to complete a full on the way down, the individual may continue the process of decline of at least 3-4 months. 5. Steel prices and BDI index deviated from the desiredYou want to repair. In November 2010, the BDI index around deviation up to 2 months and the steel price, for up to 8 months after time both in the repair of this disconnect between November 2011, steel prices and BDI index again deviated from, BDI index hit a new low during the screw-thread steel futures prices climbing steadily, deviation has now reached about 2 months. IIAway from the repair quotes will appear. Both have been around for repair this week, BDI index rebounding after a record low, at the same time falling steel prices, now both have received some fixes, but it's not enough. 6. See technical price, drawing back of the screw-thread steel futures in 33% have suppressed; at the time, starting from last February futures pricesFall time for about 8 months, upward price now for about 3 months or so, basically conform to the one-second law of run time. Back drop in steel prices. Third, investment advice and is already below 4160-4170, the next target to 4100,4050,4000. Gold in medium-term Research Institute Jie Liu statement online: Gold line goAs set out above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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