Sunday 18 March 2012

tera power leveling 160% more than previously. But unfortunately is - XCH

129756711738906250_1190Stills of the artist to win an Oscar for a film's box office help is clear, sweeping the Oscars and won the best documentary film of the artist have tasted the sweet spot of the unbeaten. But not all award winning films in cinema of rising. Online on-demand development in the Internet age, the Oscar-winning movie provides a broaderCommunication channels, even theater performance is not satisfactory, the network will also provide a path, such as Hugo, have good performance in this area. A few days ago, the foreign media on these phenomena and trends analysis. It is reported that four days after the end of the Oscars, winning best picture, Best Director, best actor award of the artist, their box office growth compared to the previous week14%, show theaters added 158, box office revenues of us $ 4.3 million. Then diablo 3 gold, last weekend, the film opened theaters greatly increased to 1756, to 3.6 million in box office revenue among the entered the North American box office top tenth. Although this appears to be within expected, but because the film was released since the end of November a small range,The total score of 37 million is only a very limited. From now on, the artist will begin large-scale theaters, the movie proceeds from CD sales and the next one to two weeks in cinemas and eventually is expected to reach 45 million to 50 million in total box office. Documentary of the unbeaten, Academy Award for best documentary for the film has a huge help.Last weekend the film grossed to increase the 337%, despite the increase of 7 only release of a movie theater tera power leveling, a total of only 12. In addition, for best foreign language film in Iran movie of the parting was also outstanding, from March 2, the movie grossed over 1 million, 160% more than previously. But unfortunately is, Martin-Martin Scorsese's 3D fantasyAlthough the Hugo also won five Academy Awards, not gratifying gains at the box office. Meryl Streep-Meryl Streep won best actress for the iron maiden have also been snubbed, box office drop instead of rose. A week before the Oscars, the Hugo, the box office has also added 14.5%, but was dropped after the Oscar 19.4%, fall at the weekend 14%. The Hugo tera gold, the onlyVigor is a DVD and audio-video products sales, this already is an iTunes download list first names, and the Amazon sales list of the top five. In view of the Hugo in the network marketing success, and this year to Netflix online video on demand sites like hot, perhaps another Oscar-winning film than is also expected in network cinemasMore substantial revenue. Next, online copyright of the artists are also sold by the Varnstam company to the Netflix website, several other award-winning films will follow this. With the rise of online on demand, provide more opportunities for watching for more fans. For example, who does not care much for best documentary award, now can find sources on the Internet. Perhaps on theParting of the undefeated people who are interested in this kind of movie, but does not wish to visit theaters, online ordering is facilitated for them. (Editor: Wang Yanhua)

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