Sunday 18 March 2012

diablo 3 gold clearer screens - TNM

129756862760000000_33Xinhuanet,, March 7 (reporters Pierre Morel and Li Mi)-United States third-generation iPad Apple released 7th, clearer screens, more powerful chips and support high-speed wireless network connection, is a major selling point of the new tablet. Apple Executive said at a press conference held in San Francisco on that day, the next generation iPad retina displayResolution up to 3.1 million pixels, as the previous generation iPad2 screen 4 times.  The high-resolution screen makes Web pages, photos and videos look clear and real. This new product looks similar to the iPad2 tera gold, but its new A5X A5 graphics processing power than the previous generation products equipped with the chip chips up 1 time. New iPad5 million pixel camera with HD camera and support speech input features. Part of the next-generation iPad model will support LTE standard the fourth generation mobile communication (4G) technology.  This means that the tablet will greatly speed up Web page loading speed, users send and receive e-mail messages with large attachments, and so will be more comfortable. Apple said,From now on you can book new iPad, products will begin on March 16, took the lead in the United States, and Australia, and Canada tera gold, and France, China, Hong Kong and Singapore more than 10 countries and regions, such as the first listing. New generation and Apple iPad pricing in the past when the tablet was introduced the same entry level Wi-Fi products in the United States market is priced at US $ 499, withTime and 4G support Wi-Fi wireless Internet access products starting at $ 629.  Apple also announced that while the introduction of new products, previous generation iPad2 will continue to sell, but the cost would be significantly reduced. Main performance of Apple's new iPad and media forecasts of the basic line diablo 3 gold, but not as many as speculated in the reportDedicated to new product naming, and just call it the "new iPad". Analysts generally believe that Apple new product to launch more powerful at the same time take on the old product price policies, will help it to consolidate the dominance of the Tablet market.

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