Monday 12 March 2012

world of tanks power leveling when - JPL

129756477768906250_34Du Ping: Israel forced United States stance the Obama dilemma ginger sound field: we continue with the current opening, Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu is at the moment United States visit, after and met President Barack Obama, he was an Israel lobby group of speech, is the Iran problem, we first listen to his presentation. Netanyahu (with colorPrime Minister): we will wait for the diplomacy is there any achievements, we would also observe the sanctions have any effect, but we don't want to wait too long. As Israel Prime Minister, I will never let our people's livelihood was under the shadow of extinction. Jiang Sheng Yang: well, up Netanyahu, Israel who no longer seems to attack Iran is broke out tomorrow, du you do notAgreed to such a statement, United States and Israel on Iran's position above is not exactly the same, because we are now seeing is that Israel says "I'll fight", Obama said, "wait, wait, we first try sanctions", in time it seems to be less, but in position above is not consistent, is there play a Duet between the two sides. United StatesIran policy who is behind the development of Du Ping: position is fully consistent, this is not a is double Reed, in the past, but this time Iran on the issue, doesn't seem like play a Duet. Because now the Obama administration is more painful, difficult, due to the election, general election, so when you're in this regard, Netanyahu is very clever, the President, the President of StarDays, to Washington on Monday, his own, and then Foreign Minister and then, continue on United States public opinion. Particularly on United States Pro-Israel group swing, and then everyone will work together to put pressure on the White House, Obama agree or support Israel on Iran to force, the strategy is very clear. Why Obama's embarrassing? On one hand, the electionAbout to start, once war broke out, which way to go, is not conducive to his presidential election, he added, that he had no way to judge. The second is that you cannot fail to support Israel, you can not say Israel force, otherwise hope near the presidential election is not. For many years in the past United States President when electionsWait, if any one candidate said not to support Israel, that not to be the President, you do not when the President, is talking to Israel's forces, including lobbying groups, including the Congress and the people, there is now the Republican party is also looking at how Obama's position. Always hope to catch an opportunity to attack what you say you, so pro-IsraelGroups unite on the Republican side, it is a very difficult thing for Obama. But his stance slightly changed yesterday world of tanks power leveling, and was for some time in the past, diplomacy, economic sanctions or to give them a chance, at the same time he admitted that we support Israel in order to preserve their own sovereignty in self-defence, Israel Netanyahu to take homeAnswer to the public, but he is not satisfied with. We have just heard this speech, was several hours after he met with Obama wot power leveling, the United States Israel Public Affairs Committee issued a speech, very dissatisfied, he said well, diplomacy has failed world of tanks power leveling, sanctions have failed, we cannot wait, this meant, on Obama's stance is not satisfactory.So what about the future? Obama's policies will be Israel led by the nose, I think this possibility is very big, and he from his consideration of the Interior, in particular consideration of the presidential election, he will have to to Israel this tilt, to support Israel domestic forces, including his lobbying group, the tilt. If Israel really aloneIf United States due will, by default, will quietly support even, this is possible. Jiang Sheng Yang: don't forget, Obama top with a Halo, is the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, a war at this time, he has to be a consideration, but you think the spate of Israel so much senior to visit United States, do you think Obama is not topLive from Israel such a spirit of "bombing", because according to your theory, he seems to not appear to be. Du Ping: I believe that he is not, especially in the United States foreign policy, related to foreign policy in the Middle East will take into account, but also to take care to Israel or Israel's insistence if Netanyahu insists on,United States now stand still was not satisfied with Obama's pressure not only from Israel, will come from the Republican party, will come from the voters, would come from the Congress, when such pressure gave him down, then you have to elections, in diplomacy to win more support you, what about you? Jiang Sheng-Yang: the United States not only of Israel, but onlyA campaign, you also have to take into account the Iraq war, although the withdrawal, but no exit, Afghanistan war is not over, United States economy, not, European debt crisis again, and so on and so on, Libya just after playing a back seat. At this time, and then dive, while the United States fully attacking Iran's strength, but it is necessary to jump into anotherWar? Du Ping: it can not directly involved. Jiang Sheng Yang: like Libya that look like? Du Ping: Yes, like Libya or like Israel, it is a precedent, Israel has always believed that if you want to put United States dragged into it, it would say things are urgent, we can no longer wait, if not, it's too late, you will never be late. 1981On this matter, Iraq when Iraq has nuclear weapons, said the nuclear weapon has been formed, soon to be deployed, if we don't fight it will be too late, so went in the end, after playing until after the 9*11 event, check his nuclear weapons, did not reach that level, it was exaggerated deliberately exaggerated. This time on Iran does boastMuch? United States President Barack Obama has told, based on their intelligence gathering, suggesting that Israel might make such a plan, but haven't reached the extent that manufactured weapons, but Israel does not agree, he says it cannot wait any longer. Based on past precedent 1891 year, United States may acquiesce Israel, and said that in the diplomatic, economic or militaryShang, to Israel in a slightly different way of support. Jiang Sheng Yang: either the acquiescence or the Israel to bypass the United States to Iran, you think it will go to war, when, and what would be the result? Du Ping: under United States domestic situations now, Israel judge very clearly that if the President says you are not able to oppose Israel, that is this year, you areBefore the elections, ahead of you object to, then President you selected it. By October, Israel, Obama had to agree, by necessity had to agree, and that's it. Jiang Sheng Yang: thank you, Mr du comment analysis, thank you also to watch today, we will be the opening of the current events.

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