Saturday 10 March 2012

wot power leveling from the Government's responsibility - WOM

129756500994062500_45 <a href="">world of tanks power leveling</a>The 1th page/2013 demographic dividend disappeared in China before and after the 2nd page: 构词成分。 Nan Zhang: "demographic dividend" attenuation of economies in transition need to speed-up the Chinese Academy of social sciences, Director of the Institute of population and labor economics CAI Fang (information) why are jobs hard to come so quickly we need to turn in the Chinese economy was experiencing, to recognizeKnow why the transition from employment to recruitment difficulties of so quickly. Since the beginning of reform and opening up for a long time, primarily through configuration ordinary laborers for employment in the labour market, especially migrant workers ' wages no substantive improvement. This is because until 2004, is typical of the second stage of economic development in China, with unlimited supply of labor force characteristics, a large number of rural surplus laborPower and the existence of redundant staff in the enterprise, reduce unskilled labor wages increase. Marked by a shortage of labor shortages appear first in 2004, which has never stopped, and ordinary laborers salaries continue to rise.   Therefore, in accordance with the definition of dual economic theory, we treat the 2004 as was Lewis turning point in coming years. IfFruit said the turning point of the logo and some fuzzy, for if it has arrived also worthy of debate, we see another turning point in can be quite sure, that 15-64 working-age population stopped growing, turning point in the dependency ratio of population stopped declining. Due to the decline in working age population continues to grow and the dependency ratio has created a demographic dividend, the turning pointThe disappearance of the demographic dividend, also known as a turning point in the demographic dividend. According to the latest forecasts, China 15-64 working-age population growth rate has fallen, is expected to peak in 2013, when close to 1 billion the total working-age population. Since then, the absolute number of workers is no longer increasing. Also, before reaching the peak, growth of the working-age populationHas been decreasing.   Therefore, in any case we cannot say that labor is still unlimited supplies. Recruitment difficulties are so rapidly in China, was due to a short interval of time between the two turning points. According to studies and statistics, Japan in 1960, before and after the Lewis turning point is reached, reached the turning point in the demographic dividend after 1990, during which 30Operation adjustment. After the 1990 Japan economic stagnation, but in the end this adjustment period Japan as high income countries. Korea in 1972 after before and after the Lewis turning point, so far have not yet reached the turning point in the demographic dividend and is expected to be in 2013 together with China before and after entering the development phase of the disappearing demographic dividend. In other words, Korea two goFold point interval of up to more than 40 years. In accordance with the same criteria to judge, if you agree that China in 2004 after the Lewis turning point, as 2013, working-age population is no longer increasing, declining dependency ratio of population to stop, so as to usher in a turning point in the demographic dividend, the mean time between two turning points is at best only 9 years. Visible, the two turnArrival point interval is short and makes labor shortage occurs, within a short period of time developed into a serious labor shortage or recruitment difficult phenomenon.   This turn of Chinese characteristics, but also to the imprint of the special nature of the labour market. Transition to the labour market: dual characteristics of Chinese labor market is shifting from the corresponding to the dual economic pattern of neo-classical economicsThat corresponds to the pattern, labour market performance of dual economic characteristics and show some of the characteristics of neo-classical models. Therefore, understanding under dual economic nature on the basis of the labour market, are also need to grasp the new classical model of labor market characteristics, some of the features still exist because the last stage, which to a certain extent, is also referred to in the objectives.We can try to learn from these two kinds of analysis framework to understand the current issues. Our first model of neoclassical labor market comparisons with Lewis labour market type (see table).   By contrast, we can understand that our labour market characteristics are neither purely dualistic economic structure, is not typical of the neo-classical models. We start by looking at wage summaryFixed problem. Lewis pattern description under dual economic structure, is an infinite supply of labor force, low agricultural marginal productivity of labor in the extreme. Farming income is far lower than non-agricultural wages, wages of migrant labour, and restricting the number of long-term labour supply is not improving. Due to institutional factors such as household registration system so that migrant workers ' wages does not workDecision marginal productivity. In neoclassical mode, in theory, workers ' wages are based on the marginal productivity of labor determined by market mechanisms and labour market systems. As the rural surplus labor force reduction and labour shortages prevalent, capital replacement occurs in all types of industries and industry labor trends, labour productivity improved significantly. And the accompanying agriculture and non-agricultural productsSince 2004, workers wages continued to increase. And then there is out of the labour market situation. In Lewis ' mode, both because of the unlimited supply of labor force characteristics, also because of the existence of labor force shifting and zone transfer system disorder, labor supply and demand will not be through the regulation of wages and to clearing, so long there is a dual economy withRefactor, oversupply of labour is the norm.   While in the neo-classic mode, at least in theory or in trend, labour markets through supply and demand of labour mobility and wage moderation to settle differences. Until late in the 1990 of the 20th century, prior to the reform of State enterprises downsize staffs and improve efficiency, the labor supply and demand relationship for rural labour surplus and city of redundant staff, there is noManifested as a rise in unemployment, economic fluctuations have not reflected in unemployment rates change. In the case of reform of 1997 by breaking the iron rice bowl, city of massive unemployment and layoffs. It is estimated that in 2000 survey of unemployment as much as 7.6%. As the Government implement active employment policies, especially the improvement of labour market development, employmentPotential gradually improved after 2002 the registered unemployment rate in a highly stable state. In turn, employment issues, dualistic economic structure's biggest problem is that there are a large number of labor but the lack of jobs, so for quite a long period in the past, all of our employment policy is based on the premise of the labour supply and development, aims to create the largest possible number ofJobs in order to expand employment; in neoclassical mode, the employment problem is mainly concentrated in cyclical unemployment is a structural problem of unemployment, frictional unemployment, these problems by macro-economic policy more than the Government's policy to address the labour market. Finally, from the Government's responsibility, under the dual economy's main task is to expand employment and eliminate laborBarriers to employment; however, the neo-classical period, macroeconomic policy objectives are more specific for direct response, macroeconomic policy and labour market policy to address cyclical unemployment and natural unemployment. Recruitment solution to the problem of Government after recognizing the specificity of labour market transformation in China and policy recommendations on how Governments should respond to the call of theFor out of the.   In General, we should seize the job hard behind the new characteristics of the labour market, to change the traditional policy, elimination of curing and biased understanding and preventing missteps. First of all, under a total tight situation in the labour market, structural and frictional employment can no longer be taken lightly. With the readjustment of the industrial structure accelerate, new employment opportunitiesFault was created at the same time, some traditional jobs also inevitably disappear. If you need skills of workers cannot adapt to the new requirements of the Job transfer, are facing structural unemployment risk. Due to the development of labor market in China is still at a low level, human resource allocation mechanism is not perfect, in the process of structural change in industry, workers cannot be done without friction and Job transfer. Therefore,Frictional unemployment often exist. New growth of worker groups, including graduates, although with higher levels of education, but its human capital and the demand for skills in the labour market there is a matching process. As regards the employment of disadvantaged groups in cities and towns that lack the skills, converge with the demands of the labour market will encounter more friction. Therefore, the two workersGroups most vulnerable to these two types of unemployment problems. This is the most appropriate areas of government functions in favour of employment, on the labour market functions and capabilities set forth stricter requirements of government public service. Entrepreneurial Job transfer that urges Government to specifically provide employment and job training, standardizing and improving the function of the human resources market, workers both in terms of ability and market allocation efficiency reduces the natural rate of unemployment。 Secondly, in the case of labour force characteristics of infinite supply faded, to pay more attention to the recurrent occurrence of cyclical unemployment. Under the conditions of the market in the allocation of resources and the direction of economic activity, the inevitable cyclical fluctuations of macroeconomic, and macro-economic cycles that correspond to the equally inevitable cyclical unemployment. At the current stage of development in China, migrantTransfer of rural labor force, because there is no access to urban accounts, job instability, often suffer greater impact of cyclical unemployment.   For example, the international impact of the financial crisis on the real economy and employment in China, resulting in millions of migrant workers returning home in 2009, ahead of the Spring Festival, is the expression of this cyclical unemployment. From the perspective of General experience and China's particularity, this typeUnemployment there is two ways. First, with the help of macro-economic policy instruments, monetary and fiscal policy to play its macro-economic regulation, smoothing economic cycles. To this end, the macroeconomic policy to give priority to employment, based on employment status of establishing policy direction and intensity and reduce cyclical unemployment risk. Second, through reforms eliminate the segmentation of the labour market on cyclical unemploymentZoom effect.   To speed up the process of the supply of basic public services according to the territorial principle of equal, the integration of migrant workers into urban public services such as unemployment insurance, employment support, reduce the employment impact of vulnerability they face. Finally, in the case of shortage of unskilled labour and wages rose rapidly, to prevent the formation of human capital training from negative incentive. Speed up the changes in the economyDevelopment requires economic growth driving force towards greater reliance on productivity increase, power steering depending on consumer demand for economic growth, the proportion of the tertiary industry in the industrial structure has improved significantly. These changes are mainly industrial structure upgrading and optimization of performance, requires further enhance product quality and service quality, ability to withstand risks further enhanced wot power leveling,The quality of labor put forward higher requirements. According to the current corresponding industrial workers of estimation of level of education, if the worker is shifting from labour-intensive employment of secondary industry capital-intensive employment of secondary industries, required education levels increased by 1.3 years turned to technology intensive employment of tertiary industry, required education levels increased by 4.2 years wot power leveling, even when he just turned to the tertiary industry of laborEmployment-intensive, also called for by the higher level of education 0.5 years.

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