Saturday 10 March 2012

world of tanks power leveling the annual of the Continental Congress - UTO

129756477784843750_75March 5, opening of the 11th session of the fifth national people's Congress meeting in the great Hall of, listen to Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council as the Government work report, report of the review of the annual report and budget. Cheng Jiapeng photo zhongxinwang new reporter, March 7 in Taiwan 6th the Commercial Times editorial said, Wen Jiabao reported GDP growth this yearIs 7.5%, and strengthen its efforts to improve the economic quality. So, can be described as the Mainland economy this year "transition year", and such a change of purpose, is to "start again". Form analysis of stock market terminology, can be said to be "the first squat and then jump." Article excerpts are as follows: the annual of the Continental Congress, the Committee of the "two sessions" are being held in Beijing. 5th General Assembly of the peopleOn the opening ceremony, Premier Wen Jiabao issued a "Government work report", which is "two sessions," the most important files. From Taiwan to look at the contents of this file and found that it contains a strong "transition when we should" would imply that, in particular, on the economic front. Such policy thinking, of course, on the future direction of the interaction between the two sides, significant effects. This "Government work reportCome to "major, is the continent next year in the political, economic, social, and cultural policy objectives. Taiwan people are most concerned about the contents of course the Mainland's overall economic and market developments, both sides of the Mainland community are doing to maintain stability, "peaceful development" situation will be how to strengthen and deepen world of tanks power leveling, and so on. On the economy and markets, the most important indicator was Wen JiaBao reported GDP growth target this year, from a low setting to 7.5%, compared with 8% in recent years, may be just a little 0.5% world of tanks power leveling, hand, and policy thinking on a "qualitative change". This fully shows that against the current state of international economic turmoil, will adopt a pragmatic attitude. In this case, the Mainland is bound to no longer bases "rushed the number", but will insteadStrengthen its efforts to improve the quality of economic, for the next phase of economic development Foundation. So, can be described as the Mainland economy this year "transition year", and such a change of purpose, is to "start again". Form analysis of stock market terminology, can be said to be "the first squat and then jump." Worthy of Taiwan note is this year of economic growth in the Mainland "squatting" wot power leveling, does not mean that market activityWould quiet down. Conversely, because of the need to improve economic quality, policy of the mainland domestic market will be more. Once the domestic market is strong, the results to display the transformation and upgrading of the Mainland economy. Than artificially to increase GDP growth figures more meaningful. This year, cross-strait economic and trade activities will be subject to the mainland domestic market forces a greater attraction and distraction osteogenesisDynamic. Taiwan manufacturers or Taiwan businessmen in mainland China, would further deep domestic market on the Mainland. However, strive to raise the quality of the economy on the Mainland under the policy direction of, their internal manufacturer's product quality improve accordingly, while Taiwan products lead to more intense competition. This is Taiwan enterprises must be pragmatic to face the situation. In addition, Taiwan the mainland domestic market, but alsoFace the problem of costs continued to rise. Because on mainland policies tend to strengthen care for people's livelihood, it will make wage inflation trend can not stop, or even gain also increases in some areas. Taiwan manufacturers must naturally take precautions. Fortunately, has signed a framework agreement for economic cooperation between the two sides across the Strait (ECFA), related vendors owned "policies of support." In this respectAnd sections on both sides of this report makes it clear that Wen Jiabao: "deepening economic and financial cooperation, promote cross-strait economic cooperation framework (framework) agreement follow-up talks to make further progress". As we all know, Mr Wen said "subsequent agreement", mainly after the signing of ECFA, two sides of the Strait are currently connecting your check "trade in goods agreement", "agreement on trade in services", "seaCustoms cooperation agreements "," investment protection agreement ". This series of agreements related to Taiwan manufacturers based on the Mainland and expand domestic demand market, with a lot of help, also is Taiwan seek to complete your check and signed this year. Wen Jiabao, in this report, also on the "progress" has been looking forward to. So, this year is expected to be "ECFAExpansion and strengthening of the year ". Taiwan industrial and commercial sector, should be a good message.

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