Sunday 18 March 2012

diablo 3 power leveling - LKP

129756967280312500_83Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 7-chapter the first regulations on the management of ocean observing prediction in order to strengthen the management of ocean observing prediction, regulating ocean observing prediction activities, prevention and reduction of marine disasters, to economic construction and national defense construction and community development services, this Ordinance is enacted. Article in the People's Republic of China area and ChinaJurisdiction of the people's Republic of ocean observation and forecasting activities of the other waters, should comply with the regulations. Third ocean observing prediction is basic and public welfare undertakings.   The State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal ocean observing and prediction should be incorporated into the national economic and social development planning, requirements included in the financial budget. The fourth StateOcean observing prediction marine departments of the country.   Ocean area to send to the competent authorities under the State Council in accordance with the regulations and marine departments under the State Council permission, is responsible for the supervision and management of the sea areas under the jurisdiction of ocean observing prediction. Local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal marine authorities in charge of the districts adjacent to the waters of ocean observing prediction.Fifth State encourages and supports the marine observation study on forecasting of science and technology, promotion of advanced technology and equipment, train ocean observing prediction talents, promoting the improvement of operational ocean observing prediction.   Ocean observing prediction work units and individuals who have made outstanding contribution, recognition and reward. Second chapter of ocean observing network planning, construction andProtection of the sixth marine authorities under the State Council is responsible for the preparation of national ocean observing network planning.   Preparing national ocean observing network planning should seek the views of relevant departments under the State Council and the military authorities concerned, after the Department authorized by the State, or the State Council approved the implementation. Provincial, autonomous regional, and municipal people's Governments in coastal marine departments according to the national marine monitoring networkPlanning and the reality of the districts adjacent to the sea, preparation of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities of ocean observing network planning, in consultation with the relevant departments of the people's Governments at the comments, reported to people's Governments at approval, and marine departments under the State Council for the record.   Modified ocean observing network planning, should be in accordance with the original planning programs and ratification organs for approval. Article seventhPreparation of ocean observing network planning, should adhere to the principles of balance, highlight the focal points, reasonable layout, avoid duplication and safeguard national security.   Preparation of ocean observing network planning, coastal urban and densely populated areas, industrial parks, coastal area, where the major projects in disaster-prone areas and other important areas of the sea of the sea as a focus of planning. The eighth sectionOcean observing network planning including planning targets pose, ocean observatories, ocean observation network system (points) the overall layout and facilities construction, safeguard content.   Nineth ocean observing network construction must meet the ocean observing network planning, and in accordance with the national program organized the construction of fixed-asset investment projects. Ocean observatories (dot) of the building shall comply with theOn standards and technical requirements to ensure construction quality.   Tenth marine authorities under the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal marine Administration Department is responsible for the basic ocean observatories (dot) set up and adjust. Relevant competent authority by irrigation, meteorology, navigation, and other management needs to set up, adjust the Observatory (points) of ocean observations, should be priorSeek the views of relevant marine authorities.   Other units or individuals as a result of production, scientific research and other activities needed to establish and adjust the ocean observatories (dot), the provisions on a Department in charge of the sea should be in accordance with the State Council, reported on the approval of the competent Department of the sea. 11th Marine Observatory (point) and its facilities are protected by law, and any damage to the unit or individual may appropriate,Or moved without authorization.   12th marine authorities under the State Council, local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal marine authorities, should this level people's Government departments concerned, in accordance with administrative rights, and the relevant State standards to establish basic ocean observatories (dot) ocean observing environment protection scope, shall be published, protection domain boundaries and, if necessary, in the establishment signs. BanOcean observing the environment within the scope of protection for the following activities: (a) set the barrier, surrounding the reclamation, (ii) settings that affect ocean observation of electromagnetic radiation of high-frequency devices; and (iii) effect of mineral resource exploration and development of the marine observation, fishing, aquaculture, the dumping of wastes, blasting activities; and (iv) may have on ocean observing crisesOther activities that harm. 13th new, renovation, expansion projects, should be avoided on the marine Observatory (points) and the facilities, observation and cause harm to the environment; does not prevent, the construction unit shall be responsible in accordance with the original or if approved, adjusted the ocean observatories (dot) requirements of the competent authority, prior to the construction of additional anti-jamming facilities or newOcean observatories (dot) and other measures, the costs borne by the construction unit.   Chapter of the marine observation and data collection using Article 14th ocean observing activities should comply with national ocean observation technology standards, norms and regulations. Ocean observing activities unit of measurement management system and quality assurance system should be established to enhance ocean observing fundingAcquisition and transmission of quality control, guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of ocean observations.   15th ocean observation instrument used apparatus shall comply with the national standard, and ocean observation technology required. Ocean observation and measurement instruments verification according to the law should be qualified. Without verification, verification is not qualified or verification cycle over meterApparatus shall not be used for ocean observation.   For failure to meet the verification requirements of the marine observation and measurement instruments, through calibration to ensure traceability.   16th national system of establishing voluntary observing ships, platforms at sea. Needed to undertake voluntary observing ships and platforms of ocean observation equipment from the Administration Department is responsible for the acquisition, installation and maintenance; ships, platformsOwnership or use rights should be combined with, and assume the day-to-day management responsibilities.   Article 17th marine ocean observing activities of units should be in accordance with the State Council Department in charge of provisions, will get ocean observation data to the relevant departments in charge of the sea collection. Marine authorities under the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal marine authoritiesWhen properly stored, custody of ocean observations, and according to the needs of economic construction and social development on the marine observation data processing arrangement, the establishment of marine observations database, implementation of information sharing.   Marine observation and data collection, storage, preservation, sharing, and use should comply with provisions of State secrets laws and regulations. 18th state decisions andDisaster prevention and mitigation, national defense, public safety, public good needs using the ocean observing data, marine authorities under the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal oceans should be provided free to the competent authorities. 19th international organizations, foreign organization or individual in the People's Republic of China area and the People's Republic of China jurisdiction of other sea areas engaged in marine observationsIn accordance with the People's Republic of China implementation of the provisions of the regulations on administration of foreign-related marine scientific research. International organizations, foreign organization or individual in the People's Republic of China area and the People's Republic of China jurisdiction engaged in ocean observing activities in other waters, should abide by the People's Republic of China laws and regulations, shall not harm People's Republic of China's national security.20th no unit or individual may arbitrarily to international organizations, foreign organization or individual providing State secret oceans of observational data and results; required, marine should be reported to the State Council Department in charge of provincial, autonomous regional, and municipal people's Governments of the marine or coastal authorities approved before the relevant marine authorities in the approval, should seek the people's Governments at the relevant Ministry, Which dealt with military secrets, should also be agreed to the consent of the military authorities. The fourth chapter of the marine forecast 21st marine authorities under the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal Ocean belongs to the competent authorities of the forecasting institutions should be under the ocean observing data, analysis, forecasting, sea change trend and its influence on the situation, making timelyMarine forecasts and marine disaster alerting, marine forecasts.   Marine authorities under the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal Ocean belongs to the competent authorities of the forecasting institutions should conduct of marine forecasts and timely consultation marine disaster alerting, increasing marine forecast accuracy, timeliness and marine disaster alerting. 22nd marine forecasts and marine disasterDisaster alert by the Marine Department in charge of the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal Ocean belongs to the competent authorities of the forecasting institutions in accordance with the unified publishing responsibilities to the public.   Any unit or individual shall not be released to the public marine forecasts and marine disaster alerting. Article 23rd, coasts, local people's Governments at all levels and the departments concerned under the State Council of the coastal local people at or above the county level administrationGovernment departments concerned should be according to the marine forecast marine disaster alerting information provided by the Agency to take the necessary measures, and according to the defense needs of marine disasters, start the appropriate marine emergency plan for disaster, avoid or mitigate marine disaster. 24th coastal local people's Governments at or above the county level shall specify the local media such as radio, TV and newspapers should schedule or fixed periodSurface, kanbo ocean forecasting and the disaster alerts in a timely manner. Change marine forecast broadcast media such as radio, television, should be prior consultations with the relevant departments in charge of the marine line, but due to special needs, except for the radio and television administration and Management Department requires changing the advertised time. On the people's livelihood may have a significant impact on marine disaster alerting, should increase the timely sowing or spots.25th media such as radio, TV and newspapers kanbo marine forecasts and marine disaster alerting, you should use the Marine Department in charge of the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal Ocean belongs to the competent authorities of the forecast provides information, and marine forecasting agencies, regarding the name. 26th local people's Governments at or above the county level should be established along the coast and upGood marine disaster information release platform, according to the marine disaster prevention needs, coastal transport hub, public places in densely populated areas and marine disaster-prone areas, such as the establishment of marine disaster warning information received and broadcast facilities. 27th marine authorities under the State Council and provincial, autonomous regional, and municipal people's Governments in coastal marine authorities should be based on the analysis of marine disasters CommissionGauge the results, the level determined by the departments concerned of the people's views of marine disasters focused on defense, after the approval of the people's Governments at the announcement. In marine disasters focused on defense setting up industrial parks in the region, a major construction project, should be in the feasibility phase of the project, marine disaster risk assessment, forecasting and assessing the impacts of marine disasters such as tsunamis, storm surge.28th marine authorities under the State Council is responsible for the Organization of sea-level change and forecast of major ocean affecting climate change and assessment, prediction and assessment results and timely. Coastal provincial, autonomous regional, and municipal people's Government departments according to the marine disaster prevention needs of the sea, the tide level for Coast Guard approved and reported to people's Governments at theAnnounced later. Fifth chapter liability 29th marine authorities under the State Council and its area agencies, departments in charge of local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal marine, not an administrative license according to law or apply for approved documents, finding violations or received reports of violations are not investigated, or not in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance of any other dutyBehavior, supervisors and other personnel directly responsible for disciplinary action, according to the law; supervisors and other personnel directly responsible for constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law. 30th State Marine Department in charge of sea area and its local offices, departments in charge of local people's Governments at or above the county level in coastal marine is a member of ocean forecasting bodies hidden,False or due to negligence led to significant omissions, misstatements, later reported to the marine disaster alerting, by its superior organ or supervisory organs shall be ordered to correct the serious, supervisors and other personnel directly responsible for disciplinary action, according to the law; supervisors and other personnel directly responsible for constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law. The 31stWithout the approval of the establishment or adjustment of the marine Observatory (), from the relevant marine authorities ordered to stop violations, confiscation of equipment used for illegal activity and illegal access to the ocean observing data, and a fine of $ 20,000 and 100,000 yuan following accord with ocean observing network planning, time to re-submit the relevant procedure; do not meet the ocean observing network planning, and ordered to dismantle the; If not removed, according to law enforcement dismantle, the costs borne by the offender. 32nd breach of a provision of this Ordinance, of any of the following acts, from the relevant marine authorities ordered to stop violations, deadline for restitution or other remedies, at more than $ 20,000 fine below 200,000 yuan; those who do not reinstate or does not take additional supplementSaving measures, legally enforceable; resulting in loss of, legally undertake the compensation responsibility constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated according to the law: (a) to seize, damage or unauthorized mobile ocean observatories (point) and its facilities, (ii) ocean observing against ocean observing activities within the scope of protection of the environment. 33rd breach of a provision of this Ordinance,One of the following acts, the competent department concerned shall order to correct the mistake within given warning; overdue correction, fines of more than $ 10,000 $ 50,000 the following: (a) does not comply with the national standards for ocean observation technology diablo 3 power leveling, specification or regulation, (ii) does not comply with the national requirements of the product standard, specification or ocean observation technology of ocean observing instrumentsAnd (c) used without calibration, verification is not qualified or over ocean observing the verification period of measuring instruments.   Violation of the second paragraph of this article, the third requirement, ordered the replacement marine observation equipment, marine observation and measurement instruments. 34th units engaged in ocean observing activities not in accordance with the provisions of article collection ocean observing data,Responsible for receiving ocean observations the competent departments ordered collection; if not concurrent, ordered to stop ocean observing activities, more than NT $ 20,000 fine below 100,000 yuan. 35th units or individuals without permission, to international organizations, foreign organization or individual providing State secret oceans of observational data or results, by the seaAuthorities ordered to stop illegal; illegal obtained, confiscation illegal obtained constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law. 36th violates the regulations to release marine forecast or marine disaster alerting, marine ordered to stop violations to the competent authorities concerned, shall issue a warning, and a $ 20,000 fine below 100,000 yuan above constitutes a breach of law and orderManagement behavior, according to law on public security administration punishment constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law. 37th radio, television, newspapers and other media in any of the following acts, the competent department concerned shall order corrected, given a warning is serious tera power leveling, supervisors and other personnel directly responsible for disciplinary action, according to the law: (a) is not in accordance withAccording to the provisions of this Ordinance kanbo marine forecast, marine disaster alerting, (ii) does not increase the timely sowing or spots on the people's livelihood may have a significant impact on marine disaster alerting, (iii) kanbo marine forecast, marine disaster alerting, not using marine marine forecast of which agencies provide information to the competent authorities. The sixth chapter the 38thIn these regulations the following expressions mean: (a) ocean observing, refers to the master, for the purpose of describing the State of the ocean, tides, waves, currents, salinity, sea temperature, sea ice, observation and measurement of the tsunami wave activity and related data collection, transfer, analysis, and evaluation of activities. (Ii) marine forecasts, refers to the tides, salinity, sea surface temperature, seaWaves, currents, sea ice, tsunami, storm surge, sea level change and coastal erosion, salinity intrusion of the State of the oceans and ocean phenomena such as forecasts and information dissemination activities.   (Iii) marine station (), is a means to get the ocean observing data, set up in the seas, Islands and coastal ocean observing sites. (D) marine observing facilities, refers to the Ocean Observatory(Dot) used the Observatory room house, radar station, observation platform, observation wells, observation ships, buoys, signs, submarine, sea bed base, observation instruments and equipment, and ancillary equipment such as communication lines. (V) ocean observing the environment tera gold, means to ensure normal ocean observing activities, ocean observatories (points) as the Center, to obtain continuous, accurate and representative of the marineObserving the minimum data necessary for the target solid space.   39th ocean observing prediction of Chinese people's Liberation Army, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Central Military Commission.   Marine environmental monitoring and the monitoring of information published, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and the national regulations. 40th article of the Ordinance shall take effect on June 1, 2012。 (End text) (Editor: Enami)

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