Thursday 22 March 2012

diablo 3 gold economy in decline - LCP

129756477900468750_298 <a href="">diablo 3 gold</a>On March 5, the National Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee Chairman Wang Jianlin, Wanda group to be interviewed. He reminded the real estate in China in the future there will be no more days as it was before. Reporter Dong Li photo taken because the proposal "proposed recovery suite a 70 percent discount rate", Standing Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC, Dalian Wanda [US News] group Chairman Wang Jianlin raised at the two sessions this year onAttention. The hot sound of the proposal has not calmed down, he and another Member of the National Committee, yili Group Chairman Wang Wenbiao resources jointly submitted the "exemption of micro-enterprises" of the proposal. On March 5, an interview with this newspaper, for his proposals set out, with his "25 years of experience" on the views of the real estate industry. He expects the regulation this yearQianjinhousong, real estate will have a good day in the second half, but never returned to the 2009 year. Property has good day in the second half the Beijing News: by releasing information on two sessions, real estate regulatory policy do you think the next step will be how to go? central call slogan this year was "never waver in upholding real estate regulation, price reasonable return". Used to be "Real estate regulation, tame prices rose too quickly ". The two sentences without substantive change, also means that the real estate market continues to be tight this year. Overall my judgment is qianjinhousong, sorry to hear that some in the first half, more in the second half. 25 of experience so that I can have an experience, real estate adjustment and to no more than 3 years diablo 3 gold, this is the law and economic developmentTo control more than three years, will impact on the real economy and associated industries. This regulation from the beginning in 2010, to the third year of 2012 is, so I would expect real estate regulation according to the law, this year is qianjinhousong. GDP growth target down to the 7.5% also illustrates this point. Economic trend slowing down The outcome is a foregone conclusion, this year the externalPotential changes, Europe, the United States currently are not optimistic, affected in external demand, domestic consumption and lack of motivation. In the 34th, economic growth fell below 8%, means that the good times will come real estate, then at least they no longer "play you". The Beijing News: "do not play" means the purchase limit will further relax? Wang Jianlin: think againBy 2009, will never be able to. So I think that real estate would like to loose is not likely, probably by 2013 tera gold, trends of real estate policy is the search for stability. Restriction policies may at that time was not immediately quit, but limited credit policy may be easing, there is demand for real estate loans, or brand better business loan demand will moderateSupports. Trimmer will become more and more many Beijing News: recent news that frequently, and fine-tune policies in some places, that will challenge the central regulation of effect? Wang Jianlin: I feel that local governments fine-tune policy this case will be more and more of the property market, this was inevitable. In General, real estate revenues were 30% of the total local budget revenues, high places or even 40% toOn. Adjusting the economic structure is a long-term task, you need at least 8-10 years to complete. But for now, expect this one to two years of structural adjustment, in land of financial dependence on the path, I find it very difficult. In the case of sudden policy tightening, local governments have no way to balance cash flows, and now to stop debt platform, economy in decline, Equal to meet three challenges, many local governments have a more difficult, so the Central Government test, fine-tuning, the situation will become more and more obvious in the future. The Beijing News: this year's GDP growth target is the 7.5% mentioned in the Government work report, slowing economic growth, adjusting economic structures, which give off signals for the real estate industry's future development?Wang Jianlin: country first growth fell to 7.5%, this was never before, previously the lowest is 8%. 7.5% is a gradual slowing of growth is expected to increase to everyone structure. Since recent years, central policy release signal is to gradually reduce the real estate on the pillar of the national economy, although is a pillar industry, real estate is notReal economy. I advocate limiting national economy reliant on real estate because real estate is a very big blow to real economy. According to the current realities of China's national conditions, it now accounts for more than the land in many places is the only way of finance and taxation. In this case it should be moderately, slowly out of a bubble, must not cut, bewareJapan's old ways. I believe that the Central Intelligence. Also revealed, real estate in China in the future, it is important to recognize that there will be no more days as it was before. Others:

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