Thursday 8 March 2012

tor credits but has been extended to foreign countries - JRN

129748237300000000_39Light oil 00933 meeting. HK, Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer Chen Yiren said, in 2011, many accidents occurred in oil industry, result in a warehouse and terminal security review and revision, so storage project delayed production of the group aoc gold, Zhoushan phase I of the project is expected to be in early 2013 age of conan gold, enable tor credits, operation is expected to begin before mid-2013, DalianProject is expected in the second half of 2013 start operating. He also said that, the Group didn't give up developing upstream business, will be looking for acquisition of upstream operations in the world. If it finds a suitable oil-field project will take into account the joint venture development, solving technical problems such as insufficient. In addition, President and Chief Executive Officer, Xue Guanglin said gross margins from 8% down to 3% in the first half of this year in the first half of last year, mainlyTransition, main supply ports in the Mainland in the past, but has been extended to foreign countries, including Europe, and Singapore and other places, rising costs, lower profits, resulting in gross margin decreased.

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