Sunday 4 March 2012

rift platinum showed a rare investment value - JMS

129742938778906250_54The 1th page: Guo Shuqing "worth shouting out" why no cheers 2nd page: 3rd page of the Chairman of the SFC are not for stock-pickers: Tan Haojun: do you wish to buy blue chips showed a rare investment value the 4th page: Zhou Junsheng: Chairman of the SFC in due course "marketing staff" did the 5th page: through the President Guo Lin Shuhao outbreak of shouting outSince it was assumed the post of the Chairman of the SFC star wars the gold republic credits, Mr Guo continued to market the "shouting out". On February 15, when he attended the inaugural meeting of the Association of listed companies in China, again "shouting out," saying that "blue chips such as CSI 300 static less than 13 times times forward earnings, dynamic price-earnings ratio is 11.2 times times, showed a rare investment value, average annual return on investment rate can be up to about 8%"。 Guo Shuqing "worth shouting out" guided clear, but is surprised a lot of people expected, the market did not respond to this.   "Shouting out" after the first day, CSI 300 index even fell to 13.54, or 0.53%.   Why is "worth shouting out" didn't win the market echoed? Guo Shuqing "shouting out" so that the GeneralSmall investors confused. In December last year, when the index is near 2,333 points, he has said "low income people and live on pensions is not appropriate for people to participate in equity investment". Lapse of more than two months, when the Shanghai composite index is still trading line 2300.1, Guo Shuqing said blue-chip stocks "showed unusual investment value". This left investors confused and not knowingRoad is to leave the stock market age of conan gold, is buying blue-chip stocks. Of course, the "shouting out" didn't get positive response from the market, the key blue-chip stocks "rare investment value" were not true. Guo Shuqing, the blue-chip average investment yield can reach about 8%, but that is not actually set up. According to blue-chip stocks less than 13 times price-earnings ratioLevel, to make the average income rate of 8%, equal to the requirements of these blue-chip company-annual net profit eaten up, this is obviously impossible. In fact rift platinum, dividend ratio of each of these blue-chip companies even one-third does not meet the, at that rate, the blue-chip average annual yields of up to 2.7%. Therefore, from the point of view of absolute investment, the blue-chip average backTit than bank deposit interest rates high. A very important point is that he "values shouting out" at the same time, still did not forget to finance "shouting out", said science and technology innovation in connection with capital market is far from ideal, agri-food less closely associated with the capital markets, "no doubt we listed companies also need more green business, inNeed more study of design enterprises, also needs to be more consumer services enterprises. "On the one hand said that blue-chip investment value of a rare, on the one hand and thought the financing, which cannot fail to reassure investors worried that he 's" worth shouting out "was actually for the IPO service. Therefore, investors on Guo Shuqing "worth shouting out" natural attitude of wait-and-see and even suspected.Shouting out the Chairman of the SFC Chairman Guo was not used for stock-pickers Tan Haojun: do you wish to buy blue chips showed a rare investment value Zhou Junsheng: Chairman of the SFC in due course "marketing" it through the President Guo Lin Shuhao outbreak of shouting out

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