Thursday 5 April 2012

tera power leveling issued to reporters a female staff member held a September 12 - KCF

129777329799531250_156Head of dynamic meditation Shenzhen branch-related media reports called "grievances" and said its business formal legal, the yangcheng evening news reporter found not---no qualification training, courses have Tan Cui "I claimed. Before you press news, I received the invitation, after searching on the Internet the company information, see the website of suspected illegal messages,Convinced that the Agency didn't take part in Sth have problems " Moments before, the yangcheng evening news the madness of "spiritual" after a series of reports out of the street, raising public opinion about, King of people reflected by the yangcheng evening news, QQ platform, references in this report to Hangzhou dynamic meditation training limited Shenzhen branch (hereinafter "dynamic meditation Shenzhen branch") has a problem.But it has been Crystal report in Shenzhen, dynamic meditation Shenzhen branch-related charge when in an interview with the newspaper called "grievances", said the company business formal legal training, withstood the test. Dynamic meditation training by Shenzhen evening news called Hangzhou headquarters in China's Liu Lu, head of the company, the interview also called "grievances" and that "we of course are psychology, not ' heart ', our companyHas not carried out any ' Tan Cui ' related courses. "While the consumer complaints, one side is firm cry out about one ' s grievances. ����What is the truth, the yangcheng evening news reporter to find out. ����Participate in the illegal organization? Web search shows that "dynamic meditation training limited Shenzhen branch of Hangzhou" website was, type header is "Chinese meditation network" or "CHC national high tech dynamic meditation Professional Committee". ����Leaving the site address, registered address is dynamic meditation of Shenzhen branch. Journalists in the "after school network" see a meditation camp enrollment of the 17th China entrepreneur advertising display, organisers were "CHCDynamic meditation Committee of national high-tech talent "contractors" dynamic meditation training company Shenzhen branch of Hangzhou ". ����"I retrieved it and English short title of the CHC is a collaborative organization of national high-tech industrialization, it was banned by the Government of an illegal organization," Wang told the yangcheng evening news reporter. According to the survey, 201117th National Ministry Bulletin No. 211 States that "national high-tech industrialization in collaboration" (English referred to as CHC) without registration, without authorization in the name of social groups for activities, illegal civil organization tera power leveling, the Suppression of "national high-tech industrialization of collaboration" and the illegal establishment of relevant institutions. CHC national high-tech talent Working CommitteeBanned list, notice also that illegal organization established by the other institutions should also be banned. Journalists noted that the site "education" sub section 27 is linked in "education experts", many with Osho and Osho founded in India using the international meditation centre community background. Dhiren, "he is a Tan Cui healing divisions, and other mentors in the international meditationCenter led the famous multiple University-intensive Tan Cui, lead for couples around the world love Tan Cui inner woman and body ". The religious culture in the world has published notes that Osho was "sex guru" lajienixi, is a cult. Taiwan University doctor of Sociology Chen jialun has pointed out that "Osho community is a very open community,Against any of the commandments, the only requirement is, participate in community activities be subject to HIV testing. "Reporters found that as of February this year, the company" diversity University ", one of the mentors of dynamic meditation training Ltd Hangzhou COCO remains one of the title" national high-tech dynamic meditation education professional Committee Director ".Scope of non-Crystal report training contents according to the Shenzhen, dynamic meditation Shenzhen officials during the interview, called "grievances", saying that since the beginning of 2009 the company main business focused on parent effectiveness training, mainly through a series of training for parents to enhance communication of the parent-child relationship. Dynamic meditation Shenzhen branch a staff Hing told sheepCity evening news reporter: "we are doing P.E.T parent effectiveness training courses, this course has several stages, before the class, there will be a course of spiritual growth, such as in the loving awareness. ����"She stressed that dynamic meditation Shenzhen branch mainly do P.E.T parent effectiveness training courses, no other training. So do? Dynamic staticShenzhen branch did what training? In November 2011, the reporters in the names of students to the dynamic meditation consulting Shenzhen branch curriculum, issued to reporters a female staff member held a September 12 tera gold, 2011, the course outline of the sword and the Lotus. The introduction said that the curriculum "consists of a few simple contact, meditation methods and techniquesSpecially-constituted "help" upgrade the quality of sex and gender relations "," quality for more meditation in everyday life ". The company's official website lists the "dynamic meditation pluralistic University course schedule for 2011", a total of about 30 courses, of which there are a wide variety of "body and soul" courses, such as the aura/second, and the pulse on the magic, the met zorbasBuddha, the family constellation professional training, through time and space---treasures, such as fear, the breathing instructor class. ����2012 year of the company planning to hold more than 20 of course, is "body and soul" courses, such as the mystery of rose. "Cult of the mystical rose is recognized, National Chiao Tung University of Shi Aoxiu invention", study all kinds of mysticism mental and physical skillsProfessional Cheng Songfeng told reporters. Journalists have dynamic meditation of Shenzhen branch Gets a copy of the promotional material, according to: "the Mystic rose is a three-week-long meditation therapy team, three hours a day. Participants in the first week is laughing without any reasons, sth Second week into the stage to cry tera gold, third week was quiet reflection and meditation. "The company cultureContents of the training courses is not no Tan Cui, held August 2012 official website sets out plan of the Tan Cuida fingerprints. ����2011 Tan Cui also subjects in the curricula of the company, opened December 19, 2011 the breathing instructor class (breathing Tan Cui). Survey, was established in 2006Dynamic meditation of Shenzhen branch of the 31st and not in the scope of the training content. Guangdong Cosmos law firm officer Zhu Yongping told yangcheng evening news reporter: "the provisions of the companies Act, companies should engage in business activities within the scope of registration, scope management is unlawful. ����"The course instructor apprentice Osho? Office, "the CHCNational high tech dynamic meditation Professional Committee "on the website of education experts, as well as dynamic meditation Shenzhen branch official website" diversity University "mind course instructors, many with Osho and Osho founded in India using the international meditation centre community background. Amrito (United Kingdom nationality), "he in India using the meditation community diversity University as a Director, for many years,He has been a member of the core management team "; Videh (Italy)," in India using the international meditation Center he was a mentor and runs his life completely new areas ". And the lead instructor of the course of the mystical rose VeetMano claim is "India using the international meditation centre renowned tutors", and "for many years in India using the international static mindsHearts lead the mystical rose, and the non-studying Zen, the regeneration of childhood, the health of gender relations, the classic Tan Cui, the emotional healing team. " Another name for the company according to course outline of the sword and the Lotus, course instructors Prashantam "was born in Portugal in 1976, after he met master decided to stay in India punaguoMeditation practice and work of the Centre ". Expert view: dynamic meditation is pernicious "to meet the modern people cannot quiet meditation-meditation, Osho invented a ' dynamic '-movement skills to achieve ' meditation '," Cheng Songfeng told yangcheng evening news reporter. ����Dynamic meditation Shenzhen branch official website shows many courses use a dynamic meditation. Cheng song BongDynamic meditation on the body is technically harmful, artificial hyperventilation, resulting in human respiratory alkalosis, then symptoms of respiratory alkalosis packaging into a mystical experience. A respiratory specialist Wang Jinsheng three hospitals in Guangdong told reporters that excessive breathing can cause respiratory alkalosis, phenomena such as severe dizziness, feeling abnormal, but not, Breathe slow you can resize. (Source: yangcheng evening news) () Others:

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