Tuesday 3 April 2012

diablo 3 power leveling why China is to promote organ donation - FIO

129770919855781250_28Hong Beijing, March 24, according to report in the news aspect of, at present, about 1.5 million people who need organ transplants each year in China, but only 10,000 people a year to transplant tera power leveling, 150:1, the gap between supply and demand, reflected the challenges of organ transplantation in China at present, and organ donation shortage of sources, also directly stuck IDevelopment of organ transplantation. Human pilot in 16 provinces and municipalities to promote organ donation in recent days, said Deputy Health Minister Huang jiefu, to establish human organ donation system as soon as possible, so you want to kind of way to get donations?   And how to ensure the rational allocation of limited resources? Shenzhen Peng Xuanxiang, Coordinator of human organ donation in 8 yearsDonations coordination efforts, has successfully coordinated the donor in dozens of cases. But like him, full-time Coordinator has registered only 91. 91 full-time Coordinator and 504 part-time coordinators, this team in the two-year period contributed to 207 cases of organ donation transplantation surgery, saving the lives of patients with more than 540 employees is in danger. This is my home 2010 years since March began experimental work of human organ donation donation case. At present, pushes the pilot has been in 16 provinces and districts throughout the country.   However, according to Ministry of health statistics, currently has more than 1.5 million people a year in China need organ transplantation, Deputy Health Minister Huang jiefu said the huge organ shortfall of urgent need to promote the establishment of system of organ donation. Huang JieHusband: why China is to promote organ donation?   We are now almost near-starvation of more than 1 million patients each year, people urgently need organ transplants in a high level of service, which is why we want to promote organ donation truth. However, according Hao Linna, Director of the Chinese human organ donation Office introduction, to establish an informationLeading scientific standard, nationwide system of organ donation, there are many issues that need to be solved. Deputy Director of the Zhejiang Province Committee on human organ donation make: is the most difficult and matching problem is related to the legal and policy issues, is now a transplant law, from the point of view of the best of China's future should introduce a special law of human organs, so as toCan handle all aspects of relationships. Make the transplant law within the meaning of the publication in 2007, provides a legal basis for organ transplants in China, also marked the beginning of organ transplantation in China took to the track of the legal system. But when the Bill's focus is to monitor irregular migration, organ donation is not encouraged citizens, so the green channel of organ donation is notOpen, one of the bottlenecks of laws continue to be donated. Lack legal donation Gets the current bottleneck will change the original malformations, encouraging citizens to donate organs after his death has been included in the amendment to the human organ transplant Ordinance, Deputy Health Minister Huang jiefu said when interviewed by reporters during the two sessions, the amendment Ordinance has entered 2012 years of planning and is introduced during the year. Due to the lack of voluntary donations of citizens, most of the transplantation of organs from executed prisoners in China to donate.   Huang jiefu said, China will establish a system of organ donation as soon as possible, and 3-5 changed in the past mainly rely on death row for transplantation organ malformations. Huang jiefu: I say this 3-5, you should pay attention to meFA, I'm ten years rubs a sword, starting from 07 rubs a sword, I hope 3-5 time this system can be built.   After the completion of the quantity and quality of the system far exceeds the gains a human organs from executed prisoners, so the people to high quality of services, need we have an acquisition program of science, ethics of organ. Before the death,After the donation, and death not occurred because of donation; taking organs is not one of the reason or cause of death. This is the famous death of organ donation law, and based on the experience of other countries, of citizens after the death of organ donation should be a major source of future of organ transplantation in China. Huang jiefu said, now citizens at the national level of human organ donation system was established after his death swtor credits, But when to move from the current 16 pilot areas across the country.   Executive Vice President of the Red Cross Society of China Zhao Baige believes that two conditions must be met. Zhao pigeons: the first law priority, if there is no such law, Red Cross is doing illegal actions. Second is the system established, because such a duty must be bothParts for.   At the same time, I think we must have been steadily advancing, because this is a very large system, need a lot of talent to do a very important job. The organ donation process, any problem with a link diablo 3 power leveling, will affect the completion of donations. Zhao Baige said, open and transparent aid policies also help to make limited resources are reasonablyAssignment.   Zhao pigeons: the first publicly to show is in the form of social participation, stressed throughout the process of open, of course, is the result it will use a great deal of attention in public attention to two important issues, one on the organ allocation, and the second is the method of relief personnel and aid. Huang jiefu said that, at the national level is not set upCase, the distribution and sharing of organs donation platform has not already been established throughout the country. Currently try running the distribution and sharing of systems in the future, according to the recipient's health situation and waiting time, match, as well as a combination of factors, through a computer system for automatic matching, fair, just and open solution to the organ allocation. () Others:

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