Thursday 5 April 2012

tera power leveling " due to improved business total space - BFD

129777222369062500_99Phoenix Tech News Beijing time on March 31, according to Reuters, the world's largest online travel company Expedia submitted petitions to the European Union on Friday tera power leveling, accusing Google violates EU antitrust laws. In the past two years, has had more than 10 companies against Google presented to EU action. Abuse allegations against rivals such as Microsoft Google searchDominant position in the market, the EU antitrust authorities are currently on antitrust investigation of Google. Jacqueline * of the EU Antitrust Commissioner Almunia (Joaquin Almunia) said earlier this week, he will be Easter (April 8) is deciding whether to open a formal probe into allegations or withdraw on Google. Expedia says, he has mastered the GoogleMode and search practice violated EU antitrust regulations, and specific details of the consumer rights protection law. Expedia Senior Vice President for Government Affairs Brent * Thompson (Brent Thompson) said in a statement: "our complaint provided evidence, sufficient to prove that Google's actions will not only hurt the competition, but also those of the consumer"。 He also said, "Expedia thinks tera gold, the EU Committee should take strong measures, respect for the rebuilding of a fair and competitive consumer interest in online search marketing". Google said it had not received information related to complaints. Google spokesman Al * Fernie (Al Verney), said, "we haven't seen the complaint file, but since the investigation, We maintain continuous cooperation with the European Commission, trying to explain our business model to the European Union. "The spokesman also said," due to improved business total space, for any issues of concern to the European Commission, we will be happy to discuss ". At present tera gold, the EU has received 12 complaints against Google, the complaints come from Europe and Google storageIn competition of small companies, downgraded their website they claim that Google uses advantage and upgrade their services. United States antitrust agencies have against Google for antitrust investigation into the two-thirds global search market share. It is learnt that the EU privacy protection agencies are also to investigate Google Privacy Google implemented on March 1, the new deal. (Compile/Wakami) Others:

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