Saturday 7 April 2012

tera gold straight flush - FBK

129773869001875000_29Fund purchase rate is expected to fall to 1 per thousand mobile phone free March 27, 2012 Shenzhen commercial newspaper comment on Shenzhen commercial newspaper reporter Jeremy Bentham Wang recently, regulators have issued in respect of Fund fees and issues guidance, hope Foundation to purchase rates close to the international medium of waterFlat tera power leveling, from the current 6 per thousand to 1 per thousand. It is learnt that, in order to enable sufficient competition in the market, regulators will introduce more third party payment authority. Second batch of third-party sale of the Fund's licence is expected to be the fastest and third party payment license issued in April. Fund's third-party sales agency has currently has 19 complete online reporting, good buy, Zhong Lu, Noah and Oriental wealth (300059, market, news, main sale) 4 has got one of the first licence in late February. The second batch of sales licence will be issued soon, straight flush (300,033 shares tera gold, market, news, main trading) and several meters the two companies have already passed the on-site inspection of the SFC, the earliest in April got a licence to market. In addition, Alipay, caifutongSeveral third party payment companies soon to get a licence, become the first batch of electronic, remittance World Cup, followed by and the third after the second batch of EZ pod third party payment enterprises. Now based in China for high Fund fees quite a lot. At present, China Fund established by the rules for the purchase of 1.5% rates, 1.5% management and 0.25% supportTube. After 2006, the fund company generally uses a 2% subscription and purchase fees; capital preservation fund redemption fees are high, typically between the 1.8% per cent. In the current release of the product, except for QDII fund management charge fees per cent or 0.3% or 1.8%, managed in addition to equity funds generally selectedChoose 1.5% for the management charge. After the introduction of third party payment authority, third party payment out of the funds of the company purchase rates for 10.6%. According to international practice, open-end funds do not charge fees, only a nominal charge a modest service fees and management fees, fund company mainly rely on the increase in the net value of the Fund to make money. And banks heading to where most of the cost, in addition toMost of them outside the purchase, subscription fee, redemption fee to the Bank, fund companies trailing commissions to be paid to the Bank, now of 50% per cent management fee is submitted to the Bank. As the number and scale of growth fund distributors, banking distribution channel increasingly crowded banks therefore took the opportunity to raise prices. Fund companies to achieve sales goals, had to be passive or active let, bargainingMore and more weakened. Bank sales areas occupy a monopoly position of the Fund, fund companies vulnerable. Securities regulatory Department, Hong Lei, Deputy Director of the Fund, said recently, the SFC hopes the introduction of full competition, Fund sales front-end fees reduced as far as possible, can be reduced from the current level of 0.6% 0.1%, or even lower, encouraged the fund companies and sales agencies charge back fees, Trailing commissions fees and value-added services. Insiders point out that, compared with foreign countries, local fund sales channels with a single online sales space is very large. Funds of third party payment occurred, challenges of the Bank sell the Fund. Third party payment companies look forward to competing with low fees and Bank. According to a company's e-Commerce Department of the Fund, said its companies and third partiesPaying the company's cooperation, purchase rates are 0.6%, all redemption fees completely Fund, there is no trailing commissions. However, industry sources said, third-party marketing companies in sales, marketing, customer resources a lot less, certainly not parallels with the Bank. Purchase rate in 40 percent of cases tera power leveling, third party payment companies in the short term is difficult toSee profit. Others:

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