Friday 6 April 2012

tera gold corporate incomeTax - UEW

129771798611968560_23Yang Hongxu prices reasonable return, became a universal arithmetic or quiz questions. The country "two sessions" in answering a reporter's question at the end, Premier Wen Jiabao said, "what is the price reasonable return? I thought rational prices tera power leveling, should be made commensurate prices and income of the residents, prices match the inputs and a reasonable profit, current prices are notBack to fair value. "However, the Prime Minister did not give the specific standard of reasonable prices. So, there are good online work out a number of large cities, "Prime Minister price" – and even the first-tier cities are less than 5,000 yuan/square meter. For the first-tier cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai's residential average price of around 21,000 yuan/square meter, needed almost 80%,To compliance. Not to say by 80%, by 40% will crash.  This algorithm is not a myth. House prices return to a reasonable standard, to house price income ratios. House prices than in developed countries, usually between 3-6 times. Confined to situations and different stages of development of the property market, at 6-10 between times, can be considered reasonable. According to the author's research, National 6-7 times on the whole reasonable, two or three lines of the first-tier cities and some of the developed cities, keeping 8-10 times that is reasonable. In 2011, the national house price-income ratio of 7.5 times times, slightly high, part of the city of more than 14 times one or two lines, clear high. However, the return of income than House prices, cannot be done overnight, as long as prices increase less than revenue growth,After a few years the majority of cities in the country can be returned to the reasonable range. How to keep prices stable, avoid sharp rise similar to the 2007 and 2009?  From the prices constitute, including land, taxation, corporate profits. For this, I have three suggestions. First, the control premium. Expensive flour, bread is naturally difficult to cheap. Land prices areOne of the main components of the price, more cities, more good location, the higher the proportion of the premium in price, premium luxury items by more than about 50%. May wish to calculations about the 2011 national contract price is $ 2,786 per square meter of land, according to the floor area ratio of 1.6, the floor price to $ 1857/m, House of the year and average sales prices for 5381 Yuan/sq m, or about land prices part of 35%. Not only a high proportion, and rose. Since 2004 after land auction, national managing rapid rise in land prices, rose significantly over prices. For example, 2011 national house prices than the 2010 growth, and the land sold for average prices increased by 11.3%, Which is almost 1 time in the former times. Local government in terms of land, can sell for high prices, by no means low sales. Boom period in previous years, around to Pin Wang now, than bread flour is expensive, built the House price is not high? Land and introduced multiple suppression in recent two years premium, curbing the King's policy, but the results are unsatisfactory. Reduce local dependence on the land, it is a longEngineering, worry is useless. Secondly, reducing the tax burden. Heavier tax burden in China real estate industry is an indisputable fact. Real estate taxes involved more fully belonging to the real estate taxes, there are five of them: real estate tax, deed tax, land appreciation tax, and township land use tax, farmland occupation tax, are local taxes, and also contains real estate taxes as well as sales tax, corporate incomeTax, personal income tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, stamp duty, etc. There are five classes of data are available direct, has increased by $ 120.8 billion in 2004 to $ 822.3 billion in 2011, an increase of nearly 6 times. In 2011, the five categories of real estate tax share of the local tax revenue for 20.6%, 2004 12.6%. In addition, the current real estateTax major in the development sector, followed by trading links, both very easy to push up prices, like a lot of second-hand House East when selling, taxes are passed on to live.  Tax only land use tax in cities and towns and holding a link have yet to levy property taxes to personal housing, relatively light taxes. The third, compressed violations and illegal profits of enterprises. Real estate is a recognized high-profit industry, developersPart of the profits from the legitimate business, part of the profits from the various violations violations. For example, a dozen years in the past, developers have justified, mainly from land value. Over the years, the over-abundance of the land policy of the countries, for standardizing the management of land and, in particular acts of combat and clean up idle land. In accordance with the regulations, development of enterprises, aDoes not develop during the year of payment of a fine, development would be free by the Government for two years to recover. But this policy had never been effectively implemented. Strengthening law enforcement, is fundamental.  At the same time tera gold, preventing and prosecuting officials of the rent-seeking power, changing nature of land, higher volume rate is adverse interests, meet officials and developer greed of the usual tricks. Path to the stable House pricesMany, such as strengthening the housing security, contain the real behavior, foster housing rental market, rapidly improving residents ' income, controlling the money supply, the expansion of private investment channels. Only a multi-pronged, to ultimately achieve the goal of controlling prices. However, even if the above measures are in place, and do not let prices tame sheep tera gold, look at the recent decades Hong Kong, China and the United StatesHouse price trends will understand.  House, after all, with a certain amount of capital property. (Writer, Vice President of the Shanghai Academy of real estate) Others:

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