Sunday 8 April 2012

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In particular, the two sides decided to develop Sino-US relations of mutual respect, mutual benefit and win-win partnership, a direction for long-term development of Sino-US relations. At present, the international situation following theRenewal of profound and complex change, unstable factors of uncertainty in the world economy is still more. Maintaining the overall situation of the Sino-US cooperation in partnership-building, is related to China and the interests and well-being of the peoples of the two countries will also have a major impact on peace, stability and prosperity in the world. The Chinese side is willing to work together with the United States, always from a strategic high plane and a long-term point of view, strengthened dialogue, Exchange and cooperation, and respectTo each other's core interests and major concerns, properly handle the differences and sensitivities, Sino-US relations along the correct track for building partnerships, better benefit the people of the two countries and peoples. Hu Jintao on bilateral relations have been developing recommendations made 4 points. A general direction is to adhere to the partnership, persist in promoting the construction of partnerships. Second, interaction of all-round developmentBenefit and win-win cooperation, and strive to create a multi-level and wide-ranging, comprehensive and pragmatic cooperation, strengthening infrastructure cooperation and regional cooperation, promote economic and trade relations between the two countries to a new breadth and depth of development. Three is to ensure positive interaction between China and the Asia-Pacific, China respects the US presence in the Asia-Pacific region and the legitimate interests, welcomed the United States to play a constructive role in regional affairs, and hopes that the US side fullyTake into account Chinese interests concerned and to respect, and should strengthen the dialogue between the two sides, to achieve win-win cooperation. Four is to continue to inject power into Sino-US relations tera power leveling, and adopt a more flexible way to ensure high-level strategic communication of high quality in a timely manner. The Chinese side welcomes us to China this year to hold new round of Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue, cultural exchange of high level consultations, as well as strategic security dialogue,Development of Sino-US cooperation on a new consensus on new measures. On Sino-US economic and trade relations, Hu Jintao emphasized that the essence of Sino-US economic and trade cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win, trade friction is in the process of widening and deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation between, in the cooperation process as a means of cooperation should be solved step by step. United States relax export restrictions on high-tech products to China to expand exports to China and spur the United StatesEconomic growth is conducive to Sino-US trade balance, and hopes the United States will take practical steps. On the RMB exchange rate, Hu Jintao pointed out that since the 2005 reform of the RMB exchange rate mechanism, appreciation of the real exchange rate of RMB 30%. United States trade deficit and unemployment caused by structural problems, such as not the currency, even if the sharp appreciation in the Yuan could not solve the United States economyFacing problems. The Chinese side will continue to promote the reform of RMB exchange rate mechanism, a greater degree of market regulation of supply and demand, enhance the RMB exchange rate flexibility, remain basically stable at a reasonable and balanced level. Obama said, after I became President, with Hu Jintao President has held 11 meetings, which fully reflected the great attention to both sides to maintain good us-China relations�� In recent years, through a series of high-level contacts between the two sides and the US-China strategic and economic dialogue mechanism such as Frank and in-depth communication, enhancing mutual trust, deepen cooperation, and to effectively address their differences in a constructive manner and friction, positive results have been achieved, to the satisfaction of the United States. The United States looks forward to strengthened with China on important international and regional issues and bilateral dialogue, coordination, cooperation, mutual benefit and win-winThe partnership, which is critical for the United States and China, and the world. Last month, the US-China Joint commemoration of the 40 anniversary of President Nixon's visit to China. US side is willing to continue to work together with China, Sino-US relations over the next 40 years building a better. Obama said that not long ago, both the United States and issued the joint note on strengthening the US-China economic relationship, proof in the United StatesThrough contacts and dialogue can promote economic and trade cooperation between the two countries more. High-tech products to China from the United States is in the process of solving the US export restrictions, welcome Chinese enterprises to expand United States investment in areas such as infrastructure construction, and to take additional measures. North Korea announced it would launch a satellite, and the current Korean peninsula between the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on the situation. Listening to Obama's introductionThe United States position, Hu Jintao emphasized that the Chinese side expressed concern about developments and concerns, and called on all parties to focus on the overall situation in the long run, be calm and exercise restraint, through diplomatic channels, in order to properly address the problem in a peaceful manner, maintaining stability on the peninsula and in Northeast Asia, corresponding to the common interests of the parties. A long time, the Chinese side to realize the denuclearization of the peninsula and maintain peace and stability on the peninsula are notSlack efforts. Hopes that the United States continue to hold dialogue, to maintain the consensus reached, improve mutual relations. China is willing to maintain close communication and coordination with the relevant parties, play a constructive role to safeguard regional peace and stability. Both sides also Iran, and Syria, North-South Sudan exchanged views on such issues. Plan, Wang huning, Dai bingguo, to participate in the meeting. 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