Wednesday 18 April 2012

tera gold since late March - IEH

129784668242085000_447Low-key debut of the rare earth industry association, China faces two major challenges Editor's Note: starting from two years ago, China rare earth of a leap from obscurity to become the focus of national and international, its popularity has continued to the present, and is about to enter its climax stage. At present, domestic, faces a thicket of interest China's rare earth industry consolidation; external, China rare earth trade proceedings facing the United States, Europe and Japan. In this context, on April 8, was called for a 10-year-oldIndustry Association was born. However, the great concern contrasts with the industry, are abnormal low profile of the industry association. Is understandable, as a trade association of the just born, it faced two major challenges of pressure is not small. Multiple problems facing China's rare earth industry association helps "lubrication" rare earth industry well-known scholars to the securities Journal says:"For issues such as national trade conflicts, as the industry association possibilities facing large, after all this will reduce friction between country and country, to the buffering effect" along with the April 8, 2012, the industry association was established, rare earth industry in China is also warmer, according to rivers Advisory statistics, prices of rare earth in late March to early April this timeA significant rise, this rise primarily reflected in the market offer neodymium-praseodymium oxide, from 360,000 yuan/ton up to 430,000 yuan/ton, quote from 490,000 yuan/ton of neodymium-praseodymium metal rose to 540,000 yuan/ton. From the rare earth industry in China listed companies, although prices experienced a huge decline in the second half of last year, but the price is still higher than in previous years, making rare earthEnterprise didn't have decline as industry analysts expect serious, rare IPO last year, but a very fruitful. According to WIND data show that as of April 7, in concept of rare-earth permanent magnetic plates total of 12 listed companies published in the 2011 annual report, these 12 companies total 6.201 billion yuan in net profit last year, compared with a net profit of 2$ 688 million grew by more than 1 time. For recent price recovery, industry analysts to the securities Journal said, the industry association for the industry, is good, from the fundamentals, because of the recent bullish sentiment more strongly of manufacturers, traders, began a new round of library, led a rebound in prices. From the share price performance of last weekGains of the five stocks in the sector are not high, but rose is more than the number of stocks fell on Thursday, growth of rare earth permanent magnet plates 4.7%, approximation of baotou steel rare earth once daily limit, eventually rose to 9.56% per cent, rising nonferrous metals rose 7%. 8th unified North and South markets into the main problems, experienced after years of planning, preparation, Chinese society of rare earths-Set up, filled by academician, Gan, Yong of China rare earth industry associations first President, Ma Rongzhang became the first Secretary General. In preparation of the Chinese industry association in the years, at various places in China have set up local industry associations, its function is to manage the local re market. But from a national point of view, China rare earth operations have been carried out by national development and Reform Commission and the MinistryTwo ministries in charge and followed in rare earth industry in China, only national industry body is dominated by academic discussions of the Chinese society of rare earths. Due to the above pattern, rare earth industry in China for many years did not lead agencies tera gold, and local industry associations in these years of continuous development, developed by rare earth industry of Ganzhou Association and Association of Inner Mongolia rare earth industry of North-South-Conquer situation, the two associations have also absorbed a lot of rare earth enterprise on the ground, including Ganzhou rare earth mining limited and baotou steel rare earth China rare earth holdings. Rivers consulting sales manager Du Shuaibing has said, because the domestic market is not uniform tera gold, leading to chaos in the rare earth industry, since late March, more rare earth prices againA new round of sharp rise in PR-ND, for example, baotou steel rare earth quote of $ 54/kg, while the market price has up to more than 60 Yuan/kg. After the founding of the Chinese industry association, will be China's first guided by the Government's national industry body, because its functions absorbed large rare earth companies all over the country, might be able to unify China rare earth lineNorth-South pattern of differentiation. Preparations of Chinese industry association leaders, former Ministry Secretary Deputy Inspector Wang caifeng, materials have openly said that the specific responsibilities of the Association is to assist Governments, in rare-earth mining, production, external cooperation played an Assistant role. She hoped that society would like like the China iron and steel Association, leading the healthy development of the industry. It is learnt that the baotou steel rare earth, more than large domesticRare earth companies will join, to the Association into a strong power, but after the situation of rare earth industry in China has already formed the North-South confrontation and wanted to really change the current pattern of overnight. Integration of rare earth industry in the North and "burden" If you want to change the North and South rare earth relatively independent of the situation, only a consolidation of control means North and South rare earth industry in China. March 12nd Ministry of Miao Wei said Foreign Minister, for the protection of rare earth resources in China and its sustainable use, national rare earth enterprise integration for two to three large, but "consolidation does not necessarily broken down by province". In the 90 's of the last century, was awarded under the lead of China rare earth North and South also like to set up two groups, subsequently nothing came. For many years thereafter,Rare-earth industry of chaos, has been criticized. Ganzhou Lai Zhaotian of the rare Association has said publicly: "integration policy on the specific measures are not perfect, at the grass-roots management on regulatory enforcement. "Ion of heavy rare-earth region in the South, right of big corporations are fierce competition for consolidation. This allows integration in the South, has not been significant progress. North has been mainly to baotou steel rare earth�� According to the 2011 schedule, 35 within integration area in Inner Mongolia rare earth companies, of which 23 in baotou, consolidation of the leader is baotou steel rare earth. But the plan has been shelved. In 2012, led by the local re integration is continuing apace. The end of February 2012, to SASAC in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Guangsheng asset management limited is a castingRising of Chinese main rare earth group; and this year's "two sessions" during the Fujian Xiamen tungsten industry leading integration also outgoing message of rare earth industry in Fujian. Ganzhou head of rare earth mining companies have openly disclosed, "where on rare earth enterprises property right of enterprise group is an independent tera power leveling, financial, personnel and management are responsible for local rare earth enterprise groups is essentially just aA listed company, acts as the roles of management and trading companies, does not have the actual production capacity and unified management of power, but not ". "The purpose of the establishment of a national industry association specification itself is on rare earth industry, trade association is a major step forward in order to protect China's rare earth. "Experts in the industry, in the case of the above who declined to be named, told reporters.While scholars and analysts all have confidence in the prospect of rare earth society, but judging from current situation of rare earth in China, in addition to strengthen industry self-regulation, industry become more concerned about public opinion and the management does not relieve pressure on rare earth industry in China, under the maintenance problems of environmental protection in China, and how to maintain market share, and increase our priceLanguage rights, in rare earth in the background of the integration of North and South, optimizing the structure, resources and reduce waste, will become the industry associations should assume "burden". Foreign aggression is another function in the Association was informed that the Chinese industry association formally established on April 8 after news reporter has contacted relevant industry analysts for the first time. These people say: "In the development of rare earth industry in exposing many abuses in the industry. Countries have taken a number of measures over the years, with little success, and, such as illicit digging, gouging of rare earth in 2010, when prices soared when particularly serious. "At the same time, he said:" exist within the industry, starting from the last century 80 's, now not only failed to be resolvedThe serious. These will be rare-earth after the establishment of the Association has to face the problem. "" The face of these problems is mainly for the domestic, industry associations to assume there is pressure from abroad. How to play to the advantages of China's rare earth power, master pricing power, this is the Association to be one of the major problems faced. "Industry analysts have not named to the press tableAs shown in. Industry speculation, not seen for many years, "" Chinese society of rare earths, the "speedy" was set up in order to respond to the United States, Europe and other countries to the WTO of China's rare earth export restrictions issue. In fact as early as in 2009, trade disputes have budding of rare earth in China, at that time, European Union, United States and Mexico will export a variety of raw materialsWill export restrictions on WTO, although at that time was not covered by legal restrictions on exports of raw materials of rare earth, but the industry generally believe that raw material is only charged at that time ask, to turn towards China in rare earth. But for China's rare earth export control issues, the community has maintained a large number of different points of view, have companies in the industry said: "with theRare earth enterprise production abroad, even if production remains the same in China, shares continued to fall, probably 5 years later, rare earth in China may be reduced from 95% to 60% per cent of world, or even lower. "The above dispute, after the establishment of the Chinese society of rare earths, mainly by came forward to give a view of the Association, and likely to come forward to trade disputes in the future regulation, Renowned scholar of rare earths in China Securities Journal said: "for issues such as national trade conflicts, as the industry association possibilities facing large, after all this will reduce friction between country and country, a buffering effect. �� Others:

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