Wednesday 18 April 2012

tera gold but honesty and regulatory and market judgement of sth Financial commentatorPi Haizhou -

129784668174741250_274Huang Huang on alternative company-fairs were questioning people in the industry are not optimistic about Huang Huang has disclosed a few days ago on the prospectus, the IPO success "had" not yet, but the company has been "duck neck first unit" nickname. The marginal industry company has not yet "would", company growth and food security has been widely has been questioned. Alternative successive Sprint IPO of the company, it also caused widespread controversy in the market. Its growth and food security were massSuspect Huang Huang mainly on operating table and a cold dish of sauced products development, production and sales of the consumption of fast food. Company intends to visit Shenzhen Stock Exchange, plans to issue 30.98 million shares, raising $ 330.5962 million. Huang Huang on disclosure of prospectus shows that nearly three years of rapid growth driven by the operating results of the company in Jiangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, and other advantages, companies raising operation is the main passDifferent markets to digest, business prospects of major variables; raised massive expansion of the investment projects of the company direct store also remains to be seen tera gold, on Concorde Concorde single-store income has been reduced from $ per cent in 2009 to 2011 years $ 456,000. In addition to performance development worrying, food safety issues is also an insurmountable Jian. Since its inception, Huang Huang onExposes a number of food safety problems. In early 2004, on Huang Huang has been pollution due to raw material and finished products not complying with the provisions in the transport process disinfecting, storage conditions of sale shop is not up to causes such as "Nanchang aircraft incidents of food poisoning", which left hundreds of people hospitalized (Xinhua, July 5, 2004). After Huang Huang on 182 of Jiangxi provinceShop all closed down and rectification. Quality inspection Bureau, Dongguan, it was also disclosed in the first quarter of 2009, 2010 in 1 quarter of the sampling checks, Huang Huang was checked out on defective product, over due to Escherichia coli. Coincidentally, Shenzhen Bureau of quality and technical supervision has to disclose, in the sampling inspection in the quarter of 2011, Huang Huang is also checked out due to Escherichia coli exceeding the unqualifiedProduct. In the prospectus, however, the company did not mention the above problems. Not only that, on the 2009 Concorde Concorde also was due to polluted water and environmental protection departments out of Peach Blossom River area of Nanchang. People are not optimistic about the future of the industry is worth mentioning, since Yao Ji EM (market information) after the IPO listing, these alternative companies "market IPO" much-criticized market.By analogy, and found the listing of Fuling zhacai before (and information), contact your food (and information) (main nuts roasted seeds and nuts), twin food (prices, news) (main fan), Miss you (quotes tera gold, news) (sale date) is similar to companies such as sth In addition, beauty care business ranks SFC IPO audit lists aerial fitness, beauty salons and evenYong Qi lock Enterprise is said to plan listing, Fujian shaxian County also planned such as snacks, Beijing Oriental fashion driving school listed sth "alternative IPO" successive Sprint IPO move, no doubt into the a-share market landscape of striking the ball, and people are paying a lot of saliva, causing a lot of people on the threshold of new shares, profit model, growth, sustainability, and many other concerns,They hold on the growth of non-mainstream companies to question, do not think limited financial resources should be invested in this company with no imagination; but there are also some people think that, even if the main alternative or non-mainstream, as long as it is good company, why not listed? Also it was felt that, the key is not the main, but honesty and regulatory and market judgement of sth Financial commentatorPi Haizhou, Huang Huang started to be listed on a helpless, Yao in mind Poker is listed, how to stop the other companies? Ironically Yao in mind Poker IPO accident "would", these alternative companies your boss can't wait to stock market listings, catch a windfall. However, these companies tend to grow limited, low threshold of industry, growth with uncertainty, in the face of fierce cityCompetition, maybe a year or two companies will disappear from the market, the company's stock will be dropped without limits. Shareholders must beware of possible risks. Permits investments in Zhang Zhimin, non-mainstream after the company's IPO was listed on the edge, non-mainstream companies followed suit, into the current a-share IPO market a unique scenery. But resources are limited in the capital market,Which encourage the mainstream companies listed. In recent years, the rapidly changing face of company after listing, hanwang technology (information) tera power leveling, the haipurui (market information), continuous industry company is unbelievably good, who can still believe that selling Poker companies, selling hot pickled mustard tuber, sale of duck necks can interpret what miracle? Zhang Zhimin bluntly, which listed the main purpose of the company isMoney market capacity is limited because such companies, raising capital is unable to put out, as Yao Ji Poker listings raise $ 494 million, must have surplus for investment in the poker industry, regulators should enhance IPO Guide. Philosophy and spiritual investment General Manager Xu Zelin said edge listings such as long as the compliance with the listing standards, on a theory can be. The investment value of offeringAnd if the person purchasing, listing can be. However, the Commission must be strict auditing procedures, review of the performance of true and false. Xu Zelin said Huang Huang start IPO Outlook not optimistic about, first of all, food security is a very serious problem, the prospectus, the company did not mention the above problems. Second, can store expansion revenue over the same period,With uncertainty. Others:

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