Monday 9 April 2012

tera gold it would be better to recharge - LGZ

129773932913750000_71Recent scares some investors lost over time: industrial product price correction are, trend of investor's dilemma; just seems there's a-share market again six months near the line, early optimism of stock index futures investors has entered a period of hesitation, and some excellent prices for agricultural commodities and high prices but investors dare not take high steps. Faced with such complexMarket, investors that what policy? With this issue, journalists visited a number of outstanding futures futures daily investor. "Losses in the confused action, it would be better to recharge, waiting for the next opportunity. "Firm National Futures Championship, professional investors Ding Hongbo chose to rest. In his view, the market of industrial products at this stage it is difficult to get rid of oscillation, notSuitable for operation. For agricultural products, although he was optimistic about its trend of late, but some of the major agricultural product prices have been high, no apparent during callback, "therefore also need to wait for a better approach." Ding Hongbo told reporters, in ambiguous cases, "less long" should be the strategy of choice for sophisticated investors. Also select the rest of professional investors High Pawn. HeTold a press conference, when a month ago find themselves significantly more investment losses of income tera power leveling, he would have his vacation plans and is currently on leave. However, the oscillation for other investors means opportunities. National Futures firm last year champion Limpo at band operation, since stock index futures, he achieved outstanding results in the main manual. InHis view, stock index futures into oscillation interval after experienced a rebound in the early, this State will be maintained for a long period of time. "After entering the period of oscillation tera gold, market trading volume relatively reduced, but the deal will not reduce. "As a short line operators, investors Chou Huihui efforts in the oscillation in the city looking for trade opportunities. Due to the early rally had gains of agricultural products,He is relaxed and a lot of actions in the near future. "Oscillation-oscillation approach, I was round of action between the different varieties. "Because of the bearish on industrial products, agricultural products, he long in a select band of agricultural products, such as industrial products in commodity markets as a whole fell short when. Through the provision of funds among different varieties, Chou Huihui sought to gain more income. As a technicalSend Yan Guoxing, you put more focus on industrial products. In his view, agricultural prices are already at high levels, in the context of macroeconomic instability, continued to greater risk of long tera gold, short strong nor wise. "After the oscillation of industrial products, more chance of a big deal. "" Yesterday, just off the rubber shortsPosition. "While Yan Guoxing that the independence of the variety trend of the domestic futures market this year and more, the strong stronger and the weak weaker or into the main keynote, but he did not insist on keeping short of industrial products. "The oscillations in the city, did not appear profitable operations which may lead to unnecessary losses. "He said, and will continue to wait for the commodities futures trading opportunities, but also some fineGo on the stock index futures. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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