Wednesday 4 April 2012

tera gold now after the restructuring also renewed vitality. - NHU

129773160884843750_38A century of Hollywood trade journal of the Arts will be sold The artist still. NetEase entertainment on March 26 has a history of famous Hollywood trade journal of the Arts (Variety) will be sold, its owner Reed Elsevier Group on Friday announced the news of the arts website. Reed Group CEO make·kaierxi (Mark KelsEY) said in a statement, sale of the arts as the company previously sold in the United States release print newspaper tera gold, is based on rational considerations. Reed Group had previously sold in 2009 and 2010 tera gold, respectively the TV journal, owned by the news channel (Multichannel News) and the book publishing industry journal publishers weekly(Publisher’s Weekly)。 Make·kaierxi said the Reed Group will primarily focus on business data services in the future. Journal of the arts, was born in 1905, was a leading Hollywood professional journals, reports Hollywood trends and industry trends and is good at. However, in recent years, as the Internet become more prosperousAnd the Arts has also suffered. In order to be able to keep up with the pace of the times, October 2006 opened the Arts Web site, 2010 began trying to charge its website. But of the arts on the Internet also is the Deadline and the rising star of The Wrap and it's arch-rival Hollywood Bulletin (The Hollywood rEporter) double pincer attack, declining influence. The arts have also made positive efforts, last year they tried to sell the data tool FlixTracker to compete with Amazon owned movie database IMDb site, but the main source of income of the arts is still advertising. The Chief Executive of the arts nier·sidiersi(Neil Stiles) on Friday said in a memo sent to employees: "I believe in change after the new owners, we will be able to continue to create new achievements. "The remark is true, the arts are selling does not mean that the journal will disappear, the Hollywood newsletter 2010 have been sold tera power leveling, now after the restructuring also renewed vitality. (Article(Click to see the article film and video of the black Fox, the go and see) source: Moviesoon author: Nemo) Others:

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