Tuesday 10 April 2012

tera gold currently all counties are approved once again - VSO

129774133171562500_200Strive to completion this year 100,000 protected; old renovation increased floor area of 4,000 Hong Kong dollars/square meter submitted last year in Beijing real estate regulation policy in General is good, fully realize the "stable reduction in" price control targets. Beijing will resolutely implement the central policies and arrangements, continues to perform a restriction policy, prices reasonable return, guarantee real estate market and healthRecreation and sports development. Calculation at the beginning of this year, according to new homebuyers in the 91.3% to demand, said investment and speculative demand fully suppressed, residential living basic properties of reflected.  So the restriction is a long-term process. --Municipal construction Commission Director Yang bin to 40,000 families affordable housing waiting list families this year, by publicly shaking rental distribution, placing to affordable housing。  Municipal construction Commission Director Yang bin yesterday guest management of urban services broadcasting "public dialogue top leaders" program, Beijing is also families with more than 130,000 households waiting for affordable housing, Beijing will strive to finish with two fully equipped rental placement above the waiting families. Two or three years to solve housing 130,000 households "efforts to build affordable housing in Beijing is very large, but how can weIt didn't shake on it?  "This is a lot of waiting families concerned about protection issues. In response, Yang bin said, up to now, city affordable housing record award total 270,000 families, have resolved 140,000 households, there are 130,000 households on the waiting list, of which 70,000 is limit waiting families, Beijing will strive to solve the 130,000 households within the next two or three yearsHandicapped room waiting families equipped with rental placement.  And from the construction of affordable housing in Beijing the total scale, fully able to meet the demand from waiting families. Yang bin said, with 40,000 sets of affordable housing in Beijing this year for publicly shaking tera power leveling, and 6,000 more than last year.  To date, 40,000 sets of affordable housing rental distribution placing tasks have been ordered to the County. Affordable housing to completion of year100,000 units according to earlier plans, Beijing will start construction this year 160,000 affordable housing, completion of 70,000 units. Yang bin said yesterday that, to date, in addition to the East side, West side and are not fully implemented in Shijingshan district specific items, the rest of the County had identified the location and affordable housing. Land for construction of affordable housing in the first quarter of this year to implement, will be intensified in the second quarter to go throughPreliminary formalities, mass start in the third quarter.  At the same time, planned 70,000 units of affordable housing goals for the completion of this year is expected to exceed, strive to completed 100,000 sets during the year. "And the completion of affordable housing projects, municipal equipment you want to synchronize Exchange and business support arranged, let people live in time, various support is complete.  "Yang bin said. Recent does not cancel order"Affordable housing in the future dominated by social housing, price control room will cancel? "Yang bin said," Twelve-Five, "Beijing arrangements during construction 1 million sets of rooms, 500,000 of whom are squatter settlements reconstruction placement, 500,000 more open, shaking, 300,000 of them public rental, leaving 200,000 sets are jingshifang, price of room these two types of sales protected room."Jingshifang, limit room also provides, may also apply. Judging from recent, limit to cancel there is no possibility.  "Yang bin said. In addition, the limit will broaden access conditions of issue, Yang bin said, according to the queuing system, would give priority to existing waiting placement for family problems, more than 70,000 families with many existing price control room waiting to solve will consider the question of expansion.In addition, Beijing will in the near future a pilot for property taxes, said Yang bin, under a State property tax pilot unified arrangements, currently not receiving any messages. -News districts and counties of foreigners to apply for public rental policy before the end of June jingshifang closed management has drawn up the draft standard for foreigners to apply for public rental is the focus of public concern. Yang bin yesterdaySays: "in fact, Haidian, yizhuang industrial park of ' talent social housing ' is open to graduate students, high-tech talent, all County residents to apply for public rental policy we have a time limit is given, introduced at the end of June at the latest. "Jingshifang closed management concerns, Yang bin said, jingshifang is to solve the housing problemsMust not use jingshifang access to assets, "jingshifang to operate in the affordable housing system. Standards-compliant, but income has increased, no longer met, jingshifang repurchase by the Government to protect other people with housing difficulties. "He said, jingshifang currently closed to traffic management policy has drawn up the draft, introduced at an early date. "Certainly is a new House and new methods, old houses and oldLaw, definition of new houses and old time and buy-back price, policy is clear. "Old old building renovation and community reconstruction area counties" price "for about 4,000 yuan/square meter; 882 simple Tower 206 modified this year in Beijing's old district comprehensive improvement work carried out this year, eligible old buildings in anti-Seismic reinforcement can also increase in household use. Visit yesterday, municipal construction Commission Director Yang bin management of urban services broadcasting "public dialogue top leaders" programme, additional area is determined jointly by the building tenants.  Cost of around 4,000 yuan per square meter costs of modification is to increase the area of construction and installation cost, charge is the unification of the County. JaneList building renovation will be announced as soon as 882 simple modification of building demolition, building is old and an important element of the comprehensive improvement of the community. Yang bin said yesterday, 882, simple mapping survey of the city after the property is to determine the summary of all existing buildings in Beijing.  Early start this year, 206 simple building demolition work. Public, to remove the name of a simple property should beSingle out let tenants know. Yang bin said: "882 simple buildings had investigation identified one, currently all counties are approved once again, some simple building also need to be detected and identified. 206 simple buildings in which area? In what location? Determination will be published soon after. "He said, 882, simple building is different, so policies andMeasures are not the same, method of taking a strategy on the first floor.  Each building measures such as the redevelopment or relocation taking place, as the case may be. Increase the comprehensive improvement of area residents discuss old community, seismic reinforcement of some old buildings need to be, if the planning conditions allow, the renovation of old building can, increase householdBut, adds 8 to 15 square meters per household. Yang bin said yesterday, increasing the area of the household, increasing some residents in accordance with the standard pay of around 4,000 yuan per square meter.  This standard is the unification of the County, regardless of their lot. Public, if a building, some tenants willing to increase the area, some residents are willing to reform, but do not want toAdditional area do? In response, Yang bin said, is increasing the area, according to the common will of the tenants of this building, by mutual consultation. "From the current pilot, many residents who want to increase the size and even hopes to increase the area to improve living conditions.  "-Explanation why is $ 4,000/sq m? Municipal construction CommitteeDepartment head, old building renovation increasing the area part of the cost of charging people about 4,000 yuan per square meter, just a modification to increase the area of construction and installation cost of cost, including modification of material costs, labor costs and facilities costs. Industry experts told reporters that Beijing new building construction and installation cost for more than 3,000 yuan per square meter, and the oldBuilding technology than build a new house the rehabilitation process is more complex, construction and installation costs higher. Increase in the transformation of the area, is credited to the title deed. It is understood that most of these old buildings is located in good area, many prices as high as tens of thousands of Yuan per square meter, the residents of old buildings renovation increasing the area, paid only construction and installation costNot only can improve their living conditions tera gold, but also you can get a lot of housing assets.  Since the renovation of the old building reconstruction of costs will be higher than the cost, why not remove it to be transformed? On this, the official said, cost of demolition and reconstruction method of calculation must not just be simple considering dismantling costs and renewal costs, is not a simple construction and installation costs, andIt is necessary to fully take into account the absorptive energy consumption, waste, resource recycling and owners ' costs, social costs and other additional costs. Demolition of buildings, to produce a large amount of construction waste, construction waste landfill approach needs adopted absorptive, taking up a large amount of land. Housing construction requires a large amount of sand, stone, steel tera gold, cement and other construction materials, demolition and reconstruction was blindly wasting resources。 "So I hope that formed a consensus in the community, is to extend the life of existing buildings, this is the maximum energy saving. "The official said. Others:

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