Sunday 27 November 2011

the so-called "mesh separation". As the backbone of a natural monopoly

129667837348271642_106"Things on broadband competition, the earliest next week will have an initial read on it. "On November 24, informed sources told reporters.   Other rumors in the industry, Telecom China Unicom's practices likely to infuriate the development and Reform Commission, leading antitrust probe will not reconciliation but rather "heavier punishment". Under the current message disclosure,Development and Reform Commission for telecommunications, Unicom was launched in April of this year's antitrust investigation, due to some reporting directly to the investigation.   Every indication, the so-called reporting materials or one of the key material from the Academy of social sciences information research center research report on Internet access area. According to the Gao Hongbing told reporters involved in the investigation report, broadband antitrust regulationAfter a research report compiled, submitted to government agencies at all levels have, of course, include the development and Reform Commission, the Ministry "because research results reported to the relevant Department is a very normal thing". Eventually, the development and Reform Commission has opened an inquiry into. But the promotion of development and Reform Commission antitrust investigation seems wasn't working very well. Let things get really fermentation is interviewed by CCTV to direct development and Reform CommissionExposure of the whole event.   Subsequently, the public voices of antitrust mob's excitement, various stakeholders have launched a war of public opinion through the media. "Speculation like this, is by no means that would lead to a unilateral force. "The sources said," not because to a large extent the views of consumers. "Based on past experience," in order to eliminateFee interest "often end up becoming an excuse for all major interest groups struggle.   Just like Telecom own inspection "flow through" is the banner of "eliminate pornography". Regardless of whether it was "Office establishment", which raises the issue of broadband competition, with the development of events, an increasing number of stakeholders have begun intervention, everybody wants to get things to the bestIn their own end.   Also have a vested interest who fear that as soon as the beginning of anti-monopoly, will continue to extend to other industries? National development and Reform Commission, the Director of the Institute of macroeconomic restructuring Shi Wei pointed out that "from the reform of national level considerations, broadband telecom industry there is a monopoly in the field diablo 3 power leveling, but is not a critical issue. Core of the future reform is whether changes in petroleum and petrochemicalAnd the administrative monopoly of power, such as single issues. "Many too many competing interests behind the game some carriers ' executives privately very envious of other industry" all rise, go home Jolly, counting money "harmonious picture. And in the communications industry, price wars are the most basic means of competition, there's also a school for new students every year "campusWar Medal ".   In order to rob the customer even has events such as block-shear fiber optic cable, room. This background explains why broadband monopolies can be investigated and exposed, because too many competing interests behind. China Telecom and China Unicom (600,050), between the telecoms, China Unicom and China Mobile, the entire communication between industry and the radio and TV, in fact, there are complexComplex competitive relationship. Between telecom and Unicom, for example. After the 2008 Telecom restructuring, of these two carriers in the closest, is a good 3G licence, in fixed network connection had its own resources, in terms of both mobile Web is the Challenger.   So the means of competition between them closest. Of course, the two carriers in the face ofWhen moving, you will spontaneously turn their spearhead to the latter. Move of the advantage of being more than 600 million mobile phone users.   Weaknesses of the fixed network was moved, because of the presence of asymmetric regulation, moves not directly their own broadband services, but must be carried out by CRC. Zhiqian, China Mobile was launched in the cities had "seriously calls, to send broadband"Activities, the customer just to recharge Mobile Business Hall $ 600 phone calls, and pledged $ 70 minimum monthly consumption, will be able to use CRC 2M free broadband for a year, and avoid the account opening fee.   At that time China Telecom 2M broadband monthly subscription prices are generally more than $ 100. This telecommunications will undoubtedly be enormous impact. "Package bundles before is telecommunications, UnicomColor, and now you move also do bundle, and it was bought by CTT from others bandwidth, they quit.   "Operator Insider analysis to reporters, this is the 2010 Telecom inventory" flow through "reason," surface is the CRC, in fact diablo 3 power leveling, is to limit moves ". In telecommunications, mobile, China Unicom communications industry as a whole when faced with radio and televisionWait, contradiction seems to be transformed. Submitting multi-year "triple play" has been promoting hard core is difficult to coordinate between the interests of broadcasting and telecommunications industry. "Radio and TV have been hoping that seize the initiative, was radio and TV card has such as IPTV Business Telecom a necks. "The foregoing carriers say open to radio and TV on the radio and television would require telecommunications business.In fact, broadband resources of the Department of radio and television's most wanted, including more bandwidth, as well as Internet international exports. United Kingdom experience similar programme Shu Huaying has put forward a few years ago, the so-called "mesh" separating back to-band question itself, Professor of Beijing University of posts and telecommunications Shu Huaying believes that development and Reform Commission investigation the broadband monopolyPhenomenon does exist, "but the cause of the monopoly is not in the enterprise, but that the Government". Shu Huaying believes that this is six ministries headed by development and Reform Commission after several Telecom restructuring the legacy of the problem. In his view, broadband strategy should be promoted to a national strategy for infrastructure construction level, need a good system and mechanism to protect broadbandExhibition. United Kingdom Telecommunications Group Chief Executive Ian Livingston said in an interview with journalists on November 21, Chinese carriers are United Kingdom telecommunications partner, so he questions not comments about China's market. But in the United Kingdom market, United Kingdom telecommunications adopted Openreach has open access to other networksParty. According to Ian introduction, Openreach was founded in 2005, is the United Kingdom telecommunications access split out the establishment of the subsidiary.   Its role is to provide any relevant ISPs to provide access in equal conditions. "There are currently more than 300 multiple service providers gain access to our network, and their conditions of access and weInternal access is consistent.   "Ian says, there are also 40 service providers through Openreach network launched its own fiber-optic services. In addition, the United Kingdom telecommunications broadband tariff may in all Western countries is the lowest. "This may not be good news for shareholders. "Ian said in the past decade, United Kingdom bandRate has increased by 100 times times, but the price of broadband has halved over the past ten years. In fact, Shu Huaying similar programmes have made a few years ago, the so-called "mesh separation". As the backbone of a natural monopoly, can be independent from underlying network, as a quasi-public nature of the service, not for profit-making purposes. On top of the underlying network, and theState-owned and private, and so on are provided by the participating party to business.   However Shu Huaying also believes that the do level is a bit difficult in the near future, "but what you can do is open access, allow multiple capital into". Admission for film and television, mobile mystery according to this thinking, antitrust investigation of final beneficiaries may be radio and TV and mobileNational development and Reform Commission antitrust and price supervision and inspection, Deputy Secretary for CCTV interview Qing Li pointed out: If the facts of the alleged monopoly of telecommunications, Unicom was established, the two companies will be sentenced to "fine of 1% per cent of the turnover of the previous year". But it seems to Shu Huaying, "If the anti-monopoly is just fine, it is purely for show. "Because if the underlying mechanism is not changed,Even if the income of all Telecom Unicom penalty is also not conducive to wide-band patterns of change. According to this thinking, antitrust investigation of final beneficiaries may be radio and TV and mobile.   Because if you want to introduce competition, are the two most want to join. Such as radio and television operators in the field of broadband won't have been a breakthrough, but does not have its own core networkRadio, developing broadband users need to pay the bandwidth costs and export traffic costs of telecommunications, Unicom, it is estimated that costs accounted for 40% of the revenue. However, network costs of rolling out costly, such as building of telecommunications, Unicom, in addition to the backbone network of the year, every year there is a huge investment in broadband network construction. A case study in 2011, China TelecomOverall capital spending of 50 billion yuan, of which investment in broadband and Internet 71%, amounting to $ 35 billion.   Unicom's capital expenditures at $ 73.8 billion, including broadband and data is expected to spend $ 18.75 billion yuan, accounting for more than 25%. If broadcasting own and built a core backbone network, will involve repeated investment waste problem? Moves have also beenHope to directly operate fixed-line broadband service.   The industry believes, known as No. 686, "Ministry of industry and information on further regulating the telecommunications market order notification document" will expire at the end, and moving around on the prohibition of constraint subject directly engaged in the broadband business of listed companies will also fail. "CRC and other operators of broadband competition isCan be on small scale, if you move the listed companies themselves, that brings competition will be more close. "Operators have pointed out that, but there is also a problem for the move, that is, CRC and how mobile fixed network business division and coordination.

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