Monday 21 November 2011

8th Beijing time

129626106847812500_1214Capello: Rooney play no problem fighting for victory Yasuhei is big mistake NetEase sports reported October 7: this Friday (7th) 21 points (8th Beijing time), England as a guest will challenge Montenegro Podgorica. This battle only unbeaten, three lions lock group header name and thus win European Cup finals qualification. Coach Fabio Capello said he will arrange for Wayne Rooney starting, Manchester United striker is not under the influence of father was arrested."Further reading Rooney significant others suspected of involvement in soccer gambling scams father Uncle arrested in prison" father suspected of fraud was arrested not prevent Wayne Rooney still participate in the European preliminaries of the daily mirror: Fabio Capello believes Wayne Rooney play will not be affected England Europe preliminaries two days ago, suddenly outgoing message of Rooney's father and uncle were arrested by the police, two people suspected of involvement in soccer gambling scam. The matter of ShandongIt goes without saying that the impact of England arrived in Podgorica after the match, Capello looking for Wayne Rooney had talked in private, the latter assured him that his emotions on Court to play will not be affected. News Conference before the match, Capello answered their biggest doubts in mind, "I just 5 minutes ago he talked, I found him very relaxed, very calm diablo 3 power leveling, his entries there is no problem, the vastOn ones with. He told me that he's OK, he'll soon find a way to solve the problem, he's very good now, absolutely no problem, he is very relaxed, very calm. "Present at the press conference of Terry back Rooney," I know coach talked to him, he is very good. Wien is one of the best players in the world, he will deal with this stuffHe will come up with good performance. He is very good diablo 3 power leveling, attention has focused on the game. We all know of Wien, know his personality, he sure, no problem. "Despite progress, but Capello require the whole team, with a winning mentality to play," to me this is an important game, really very important, this is our last qualifier. I with players talk aboutI told them that they need to fight for victory. They have to play away from home with the same mentality, not trying to break even. Think about a draw may be the biggest mistake, thinking a draw you will waste time, just want to control the ball pass the time. You need to score and to actively attack, rather than just looking to defend. ��

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