Tuesday 29 November 2011

slowing the pace of economic recovery in the world

129667840407490392_4Chinese Assistant Minister of Commerce Yu Jianhua, 25th in Vienna said that China through tax cuts and other measures to further support the economic development of LDCs. Yu Jianhua of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization addressed the Ministerial Conference on the least developed countries, said that at present, the international financial crisis is far from being eliminated, slowing the pace of economic recovery in the world, some of the country's sovereign debt problems, Financial markets, inflationary pressures are greater in emerging market countries, coupled with frequent extreme weather and natural disasters, all to LDCs ' efforts to developing the national economy has a very negative impact. In this case, the international community must unite together and to provide more support to the least developed countries. He said that South-South cooperation is developing between each otherHelp, seek common development of forms of cooperation is to promote economic development and social progress of the least developed countries important way. A long time, the Chinese Government within the framework of South-South cooperation, by providing financial and technical assistance, debt relief, for the least developed countries, such as training of personnel and the expansion of imports from these countries means actively help economic development in these countries. Since 2008 years, China has been the largest export market in the least developed countries. Yu Jianhua said, United Nations Industrial Development Organization in Istanbul, the implementation of the programme of action, assist the LDCs to implement economic structural adjustment and sustainable development plays a unique role. The Chinese Government will continue to support UNIDO's work, from trade, investment, technology transfer, energy,South-South cooperation and encourage the participation of the private sector in areas such as, all helping the least developed countries on economic development. Yu Jianhua said: in implementing the support of the programme of action for the least developed countries ' economic development of the Istanbul, China will focus on the following six steps: one, even as Chinese President Hu Jintao earlier this month by the Group of 20 leaders at the sixth Summit announced, For the least developed countries that have diplomatic ties 97% the taxable items granting zero tariff treatment, and second, will tilt further external assistance to the least developed countries; and third diablo 3 gold, more hospitals, schools in the least developed countries, domestic water, livelihood projects such as clean energy cooperation, and to strengthen cooperation with LDCs in the area of agriculture diablo 3 power leveling, including increased food aid, sendingAgricultural experts and technicians, such as five, intensify the training of talents in the least developed countries, enhance their self-development capacity; six, continued to promote the construction of Chinese enterprises in the least developed countries economic and trade cooperation.

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