Tuesday 29 November 2011

economic structures

129667864497802892_471The World Bank recently published by the economy of East Asia in the half-year report to lower Chinese economic growth expected in next two years. Report is expected in China's economic growth rate this year is 9.1% diablo 3 gold, also will slow next year to 8.4%. Judgment about China's economic slowdown of the World Bank, has been recognized by the domestic many economists diablo 3 power leveling, research institutions and experts tend to feel that the futureA two-year China's economic slowdown is the probability of the event.   Some experts even predicted that China's economic growth will fall from around 10% to 6% per cent, over the next few years will speed growth era into the era of high growth. Economic slow-down is an inevitable choice for this year, China's GDP growth continued to slow. Between one and three quarters of this year, economic growth rates respectivelyFor 9.7%, and 9.1%, trade data showed that weak external demand lead to an unexpected increase in Chinese exports for October fell to 8-month low points, and either two months less than 20%. In the report of the World Bank pointed out that China's economic growth will also slow, based on two factors: one is the cyclical adjustment in the economy, and the other is China's economic structural adjustment, reduction of investmentsDependence, export and manufacturing industries. China international economic and Exchange Center, Vice Minister of information said when interviewed by this reporter Xu Hongcai, now pulling the Chinese exports remained the main driver of economic growth, but with the economic problems in Europe and America, United States continue to manufacture trade frictions with China to manufacture the pressure of RMB appreciation, EU action at WTO level, the purpose ofWant to increase their exports, cake increased their share in global export, to promote their economic recovery.   Drop in external demand, more stringent export situation, it's all external factors of the economic slowdown. From the perspective of internal factors, China's economic growth is slow, consumption is the key. Xu Hongcai pointed out that, in recent years the country has to spend more as it develops andImportant element, however, for a long time people slow income growth, income distribution is not very reasonable, with house price growth in recent years, inflation, income growth less notable people. No hotspots, revenue increase of consumption is not obvious, exports and a marked decline, investment-driven economic growth, is weakened, and given the present funding of social housing policy is not to, Factors such as inadequate financing of overlay, said Xu Hongcai, so look at the overall trend of economic decline is inevitable.   In addition, PKU China Center for financial research Secretary General Wang Shuguang believes that economic regulation as a whole is to do with spin down, the most recent two years, is the overall macroeconomic regulation and control of monetary tightening, this is also very crucial factor. Spin downCountries sustainable development beneficial "If spin down is just due to macro-economic control, not a cause for concern but it might be a good thing.   "Wang Shuguang said in an interview with this reporter, moderate slowdown in economic growth in China comprehensive result of proactive regulation and changes in market demand, China has a very good role in promoting economic restructuring in the future. Wang Shuguang believes that China's 10Year high growth of more than 10%, bring great wealth to China, but as a result of malpractice is gradually emerging, rapid growth on the one hand, pose great challenges all aspects of the country's environmental, energy, high environmental costs in exchange for higher GDP, is useless for China's long-term development and sustainable development. The other hand, the high speed growth of China's economic structural deformities, economy-knotStructure several years in non-equilibrium situation China faces many problems that the structural imbalance, including structures, economic structures, which cannot be adjusted during the rapid growth in the past. "Economic growth slowed moderately has its intrinsic rationality. "The State information center, Ministry of economic forecasting researcher Zhang Monan also pointed out that, decades of high growth in China is under higher risk costsForming a unique to China "excessive industrialization, over-investment, excessive driving, excessive reliance on exports the extensive growth" model, has a serious threat to the sustainable development of China's Cap, it is at the top of the resource constraints of supply constraints, environmental quality, climate change, ecological capacity constraint constraint. Economic growth will remain in a 8%-9% World Bank 8.4%Forecast for economic growth, experts generally considered too pessimistic. "The World Bank estimates are somewhat cautious.   "Wang Shuguang said overall macroeconomic in China is still good, expect economic growth slightly higher than the 8.4%, will reach about, 8.6%. In response, Xu Hongcai says: "expect growth next year is 8.6%, but even fall to 8.4% did notImportant because macro-economic control target is that GDP fell, as long as the growth in 8% the above questions are not great. "Xu Hongcai believes that World Bank forecasts economic growth without taking into account the policy changes now. In recent months, the Government's policy towards SMEs in the pre-fine tuning adjustment, funds targeted the directed easing, has introduced a series of policies to support SMEsFinancing to encourage financial institutions to provide financial support to them.   At the same time, guarantee of housing finance, railways and other infrastructure construction fund and further implemented, this will boost economic growth next year. "Chinese economic growth is expected next year will not be less than 8%, more optimistic estimates are around 9%. "Financial and Economic Committee, Vice Chairman of the national people's Congress Wu Xiaoling said that, in spiteEconomic slowdown is the probability of the event, but its growth rate in the world is still faster. Speed is not the main problem in China's economy next year, the key issue is to fine structure, although the bottom out of the world economy also needs a long-term process, but China's economic development dynamics and the broad space for development. China's industrialization has not been completed, urbanization has not been completed,Wishes and conditions of the reform of State-owned. Reporter Zhou Xiaoyuan

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