Thursday 24 November 2011

fair network for the information published on it are strictly audited

129615052986718750_647SINA tech news on September 26 afternoon News, fair network for media reported abusers dating channel part of the solicitation for the network, said in a statement made by the fair network to Sina technology, fair network for the information published on it are strictly audited, post content without any lewd information content, and noAny called "abusers".  Fair network statement reads as follows: first, fair network for the information published on it are strictly audited, post content without any lewd content of the information, nor any so-called "abusers". Second, fair network information audit areas, miningTake a series of major measures, its rigor and effectiveness, tops in the forefront of the peer.  Fair network are committed to building a healthy city living service information platform, site does not have any porn Guide. Third, fair network activities with city channel, is free for users to provide voluntary organizations with the city liveDynamic information platform, fair network is not a profit. Four, fair network each post has reported in clear position button.  If users contact each other and found bad or illegal information or any hidden dangers, to immediately report to the fair network, fair network will verify and be dealt with quickly. Five BazaarNetwork appeals to all Internet platforms to strengthen supervision, Internet environment purification, vigilance was engaged by minority not to give bad elements to existing space. Six, given the media reports suspected misleading users and caused serious damage to the fair network reputation, fair network reserves the person liable to prosecutionOf their rights. As an important member of the Internet industry, fair network will take should be made to an enterprise's social responsibility, further improve information quality assurance work, and strive to provide our users with free, high quality, efficient living information service platform. Meanwhile, fair network remains a startup, withoutNumber of startups, encounter a wide variety of issues, we sincerely hope to get more of the users advice.  We also call upon all people together for the ideals of entrepreneurial companies to create a healthy environment for the growth. Fair network on September 26, 2011 (Luo Liang)

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