Monday 21 November 2011

and sold a iPhone

129625978808281250_319Southern Metropolis daily: Apple's success and United States of sorrow United States because of the debt crisis have to raise debt ceiling to avoid Government bankruptcy, at the same time is the great success of Apple, shares conceals to 400 dollars per share, market capitalisation surpassed Exxon · Mobil, the world's most valuable company. Apple's cash holdings over United States Treasury, amounted to us $ 76 billion, can truly be richer than. Predicament of superpowerAnd Super company of the Sun at high noon as if a metaphor of human aftertaste---Apple's success is precisely the United States of woe, represents the United States economy typical of hollow. Apple's success is the success of capitalist profit model, is the feast of victory and the capitalists of capital. The time magazine survey of industrial chain behind the iPhone, and a retail price of iPhoneAbout US $ 500, and sold a iPhone, Apple's net profit was a staggering US $ 399. The profit ratio in the industry right now no one can match, Apple is indeed true money machine, it is how to do it? Apple is typical of economic globalization, it is very effective in controlling labor costs and ensure capital gainsBenefits maximized. Although it is a United States company, Apple is a company of capitalists, in the United States in addition has an excellent design and management team, how many employees did not, he in the United States does not have a factory, all orders a full outsourcing, electronic components from Korea, and Japan, assembled in China. From this perspective, Apple is not a manufacturing enterprise, but aCompany headquarters is located in the United States, on the United States employment promotion are limited. As a listed company, who can own Apple stock, Mexico telecommunications Tycoon, Prince of Saudi Arabia, Russia rich even did not rule out "the base" secret funds of the Organization, they are taken from the surge in the stock and dividends reaped huge benefits. Yes, too many people like Apple, these people for AppleJust a huge market, Apple on United States economic boost and radiation intensity of Japan and the European super enterprises, not look like much. Germany large companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, BASF chemical, earnings, of course, not Apple's amazing, but led Germany industry chain in middle and lower reaches of hundreds or thousands of small businesses, facilitated the employment of hundreds of thousands of people. United States liberal capitalism does not emphasize corporate socialResponsibility, as long as the profits on the line. In addition to Apple, United States of globalization is the most successful companies are the most successful companies, Nike, Coca Cola, McDonald 's, Wal-Mart, and so on. They all without exception, every link from saving on labor costs and squeeze maximum profits for capital. United States enterprises diablo 3 power leveling, United States society going through the current crisis is inevitable. Company stockHolders are the rich, and their wealth swelling, according to statistics, now 1% the population of wealthy United States 70% of the wealth of the community, but what about the Middle, then reduced, now not only are production lines transferred abroad diablo 3 gold, even many of the Office of management and the work is outsourced to India, the Philippines and other English-speaking countries. United States social polarization deepens social conflicts increasingly shrill,Taxes reduced production in the body the United States become fiscal outlays of countries. United States, the largest country of immigration, on behalf of a dream, a dream about the future, freedom, rights and wealth, now this dream has been bursting to the general public, no jobs, real estate devaluation, was pushed around by rich lobby Government, expensive and cannot afford medical treatment, mercenaryCompanies and grasping the rich, all of which were even generations of Americans by an entire generation of Outlook is bleak. -Gary Chu (Internet freedom commentator) comments: about jobs, almost all of the comments are a very similar argument, is nothing more than his, feeling his genius, this story about Apple and United States economic commentary is own, can let you seeCommending behind many of the facts, or you can let everyone wants to have more.

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