Wednesday 23 November 2011

Rtype= "1" tcsc= "0" St= "on" > 4 yards

129615116054843750_2371Super Lotto 11,112th lottery results for 06 17 28 32 33 12, odd 2:3, size 3:2, and 116. "Analysis of the area before the": an analysis, size: size than out of the 3:2 of the last issue, counteroffensive the departure of large numbers, the recentCode-leading big, concerned about the continued strength of large numbers for the current period will depart concern size than the 3:2 anti-cent. Second, the odd and analysis: parity than out of the 2:3 of the last issue, even bullish in the near future, next part of the bulls even number combination will depart odd bounce-proof heating, this issue concerns the parity than 2:3 anti-cent. Third, theAnd value: value and 116 points in the period on an upward trend, between short-and value lower than the basic point, hovering at around basis points concerned for the current period and values, look in 91-121 points out. "The region after the analysis": one, parity analysis: departure on even-even combinations, even bounce out of the two awards, after nearly twoOdd-even combination of alternating steady big, this issue concern the region after the departure of even and odd anti-odd. Second, size analysis: combination significantly after the previous issue, area greatly after the last two period composite continuous depart continued optimistic about the group size for the current period, preventing little combination. Third, the district and the big Lotto prediction value: 10-15; between the back areaT1 unitname= "code" sourcevalue= "6" hasspace= "False" negative= "False" NumberType= "1" tcsc= "0" St= "on" > 6 yard: 03 05 06 09 11 shrinkRtype= "1" tcsc= "0" St= "on" > 4 yards: 05 09 11 front 16: 03 04 07 10 13 18 19 24 25 2729 30 33 shrink"0" St= "on" > 12: 04 06 07 10 12 18 19 24 27 30 33 grade 10 Note: 22,24 diablo 3 power leveling,25,29,33 03,05 12,13,24,25,3305,11 06,12,13,22,30 06 diablo 3 power leveling,09 06,07,10,12,13 09,11 04,19,25,29,30 05,11 04,10,18,24,25 09,11 04,10,13,18,29 03,05 03,07,13,22,30 09,11 03,06,22,25,30 05,10 03,04,10,13,18 09,10 more experts predict stay tuned color Web (��

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