Thursday 15 December 2011

sing your songs like a well

129667716769990392_5An interview with "er" and Qiu Xiang: go national wind routes He Qiuxiang NetEase accepted an interview with entertainment. NetEase entertainment on November 26 the night of November 25, 2011 "blossoms under the Sun" and finally came to an end, and called Qinghai TV before to secure the seeded player He Qiuxiang, obtained third prize of the year. After the match, admitted He Qiuxiang NetEase accepted an interview with entertainment, no record company invited, after coming back to Yunnan nationalities villageSing swtor credits, and they have been good at national wind route also will continue to go on. 22 years old this year fall at the age of 13, her mother died, his father lost opportunities for further studies to low income, since then, autumn shoulder their home all of the domestic and farm work, and had to take care of younger sister. At the age of 15 he left home in autumn migrant, done on a show dancerWhile also helping the Regiment who does the cooking and cleaning, and even then, each month more than the more than more than 100 dollars. Strong He Qiuxiang has never been afraid of hard work, in order to survive, she worked as a hotel waiter, cleaning hotel rooms until you came to Kunming ethnic village when actor, she's living conditions have improved. 09 due to chance He Qiuxiang participated that year"Happy girl", and successfully entered the national top 60, just one step away from signing day entertainment, but also failed to do so. The end of "er" admitted He Qiuxiang accept NetEase entertainment in an exclusive interview with the game, never thought that they could get a third such good results. He Qiuxiang also said that now that it has not received the record company invited, after performing arts road planning in QinghaiTV take care of, he himself will come back to Yunnan nationalities village continues to sing. Competitions since He Qiuxiang with her unique melodies, unique national wind all the way through. For the future, admitted He Qiuxiang will go on national air line: "I feel like I can't leave, and then adding some elements of fashion, I think it would be better. I think I will nationalThings to do, and then try something else. "The following is an interview with and autumn memoir: NetEase entertainment: autumn ever tonight's champion not Huang Xi times? He Qiuxiang: I think the first, second, third place is less important, sing your songs like a well, NetEase entertainment: do you want to go back to Yunnan and Huang Xi times? He Qiuxiang: two of us togetherBack to Yunnan. NetEase entertainment: the game is over, what do you most want to do is? He Qiuxiang: go out for a good meal, Huang Xi times and I want to go out for a small pot of rice noodles, this is the biggest wish of ours. NetEase entertainment: you say before you really want to thank the Yunnan ethnic village, now on national village of the sisters said something? He Qiuxiang: because theyI very much support the direct concern me, thank them swtor power leveling, they all know me. NetEase entertainment: do you still would have gone back to Yunnan nationalities village singing? He Qiuxiang: definitely wanted to go back, but after that things can't say now, but I think we have to go back. NetEase entertainment: to get third place performance satisfaction? He Qiuxiang: I never thought I would get the third place, I could not evenThe top ten are afraid to think, now get the third place, has been very great. NetEase entertainment: performing arts road do you have any plan for the future? He Qiuxiang: what kind of life I don't want to put your own planning, I would like to let nature take its course, wants to start happy heart good every day. NetEase entertainment: there is now a did you receive any record company offer? He Qiuxiang: nowStill unclear for the time being. NetEase entertainment: will stick to its own "national wind"? He Qiuxiang: I feel like I can't leave, and then adding some elements of fashion, I think it would be better. First off, I think that my nation do extreme things, and then try something else.

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