Saturday 3 December 2011

makes Lu Zhiyuan.����Also hope that all investors are the same as Lu Zhiyuan

129667648237646642_18Blink of an eye, China's capital markets have gone through 20 years, 20 years is short, but their change and the fate of millions of Chinese lives. Investment in this field in the tide, although there are a lot of the loser, but also a number of elite after practical tests of investment, which both earn tens of millions of public-fund manager, also has 2 years to earn 100 times the grass-roots private, they useGlorious told the world: Chinese people in the capital markets despite late start, but comparable investment wisdom. Today, we to introduce was a head of private equity and investment in educational institutions from Shenzhen-Lu Zhiyuan, hoping his experience and practical experience to our investments have inspiration. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or change disc fiveLarge gold unit are buy opportunity large consumption will burning draws passion 8 unit zhanchiyufei muddy water and min all: who black has who sets are can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] Li Daxiao: for SFC initiatives applauded [Unit 's] strongly signal Xia does not copied end areFools Lu Zhiyuan's life story is an inspirational story in itself, he was born in Shandong rural, high school senior high school entrance examination twice failed before, in extremely difficult circumstances, after three years of high school, he completed a completely changes, admitted to Fudan University in one fell swoop and score the village high school record of school since 27. Talks about this experience, Lu Zhiyuan was always a sense ofExpense of thousands, which has given Lu Zhiyuan from less advanced to the State of the art experience most valuable wealth in life, so he is to face any challenge. When studying at Fudan University swtor power leveling, Lu Zhiyuan Swooning stock market investment, this is a rather hard and winding road, the number of Heroes has been The failure of Guan-Yu, sure enough, Lu Zhiyuan graduated from the University is an institution hired as player,Managing hundreds of millions of money, but the result ended in huge losses. The failure experience did not knock Lu Zhiyuan, by virtue of the spirit that does not admit defeat, Lu Zhiyuan soon rise again and formed from the investment concept to specific skill of set theory, the theory was 2005-2007 by its gains in the bull market of huge, Lu Zhiyuan in 08 bears escape unscathedNo loss, at this point, the bull and bear markets experienced the test of Lu Zhiyuan fully discharge his investment system of the building. 2010 Lu Zhiyuan operation continues to be a subtle, bottom-top escape several times, the industry as a classic case. Lu Zhiyuan not only in the field of private equity has yielded results, in 2004 he founded the well-known security training institutions-qifu investment has cultivated many traders,Digital disciples are rebuke of its unit master of the sea. Many people were heartened to Lu Zhiyuan's success, but more people want to be able to learn Lu Zhiyuan's investment experience, hoping one day to make success like Lu Zhiyuan. He summed up the eight investment experience, after many people learn, feel great harvest, change their original understanding, will now experience all eight were recordedXia for members reference: a, and rose trend heavy cartridge, fell trend light cartridge Lu Zhiyuan think: in market began rose trend Shi, must to heavy cartridge, because at this time more number a unit will rose, risk small, success rate high, market began fell trend Shi, at this time more number a unit will fell, must to light cartridge, as far as possible does not participation, such "fall out of use" to guarantee profit maximum, Risk minimization, a scientific and rational. Lu Zhiyuan said, many people see the master hit win, this is only superficial, not because of master-level high, but there is a risk he tried not to, high levels of natural look. But retail investors often are on the rise early for fear of not top holdings, the market rose after a while, head, no risk awareness, starting top holdings, andOn the cover on top of the Hill, and retail investments like a "coffee table", filled with "tragedy, tragedy". Second, the bottom-escape regular due to "random walk theory" effects, many people think that laws of randomness is the stock market's biggest, Lu Zhiyuan thinks this is a "random walk theory" misunderstood, if we say that stock markets were mixed for a short time the random factors shadowHave a certain amount of randomness, and turn in the trend is very neat patterns. Lu Zhiyuan has used the same technology on many important points escape bottom-top, such as the October 2007 top 6,000 points, per cent in 2009, as well as numerous top, before the top of the form, and markets the same signal, studied qifu investments of the occupationalTrader training course, students should not have any doubt about this. Third, share prices were mixed dominant factor along with other everyone wants to choose a good unit, riding a black horse on, but so blindly but for stock selection criteria, release is stock home called "three-low and one high" species: low earnings, low-circulation, low cost and high return, in fact, these are not decisions unitPrices were mixed in key to Lu Zhiyuan thought: key factors determining share prices were mixed is event-driven, with this clue to figure out where the big black horse, Daniel shares. The professional trader training course in Lu Zhiyuan cites an example of a stock price-earnings ratio of more than 50 times, earnings per share of 9 cents, just because an event just a month rose 183%. Lu Zhiyuan said: "threeLow and one high "as stock selection criteria to find big fish found on the black horse is climbing the tree. Four, opened in the morning you should know after a full day of trends in the stock market's biggest risk risk is unknown, if it were pointing to, you know that general trend throughout the day, no doubt to the investors ' day operation knowing what to do. Told qifu investment in training courses in a large time-sharing analysis theory, GeneralMovement of the early morning after a period of time will know trend throughout the day, the theory of market opening trend is divided into 42 species, each afternoon there is a corresponding adhesion, according to qifu investment introduces the learner, they almost always can make this up now. Five, selected units only to complete the procedure 20% of the work of many investors read newspapers, listen to the radio, participating in stock analysts reports, Just to get a big black horse, in fact, Lu Zhiyuan believes that stock selection is important, but not all investments, stock selection at most only a quarter of the whole operation process 20%, many people didn't realize that position swtor credits, the importance of time to buy, shipping time, concentrate our efforts on only select stocks this session, final earnings certainly not optimistic. -Six, the complex processesDecomposition becomes simply a complete investment process is very complex, and Lu Zhiyuan believes that decomposing complex things are going to be very simple. Lu Zhiyuan investment process is divided into five parts: what to buy, how much and when to buy, when to check the Pacific century, when to stop. To study and solve these problems one by one, each link has a corresponding rationale, thenAllow it to form an organic whole, nature can be an investment expert.����It is understood that the Kai Fu investment is targeted at these five links on the cadets ' training prior to each operation, students have to follow the above link written action plan, foresee various scenarios and response options, so that no cramming, everything under control. Seven, the revenue model is investorPursuit of the ultimate goal of a lot of people have been made in the stock market performance, but are overwhelmed, ate up not down, not sure what the future of the profits come from. Lu Zhiyuan believes that to easily invest unit evergreen trees, only form a profit model, in order to cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle [policy], creating a miracle of the capital market. Buffett's value investing may not be suitable for everybody, but heFor dozens of years are used the same profit model that is worth learning, Buffett wealth created by giant, but he was very easy, without a large team of, simply because he set up his own business model, he has to do is simple copy business model, business model make money for themselves. Establish its own profit model is aInvestors sign of maturity, as well as investors seeking the ultimate goal. Eight, grasp how much law, grasp how much wealth although every successful way of investors to invest in varies, but surely all successful investors are responsive to certain market patterns. Lu Zhi Yuan had long recognized: Mastering the rules of the stock market, grasp how much wealth. So Lu Zhiyuan on market regulationExploration of the law of never be completely invented the "trend analysis theory", "time-sharing study theory" and "event-driven theory", Kai Fu investment veteran students says it well: it is precisely these three theories, makes Lu Zhiyuan.����Also hope that all investors are the same as Lu Zhiyuan, explore rules, go to operation, the pursuit of wisdom, the pursuit of wealth. Lu-inducedLong box (you can call any investment challenges Kai Fu Lu Zhiyuan and investment website or log on 0755-83210223 to get in touch, leaving contact information, and respond within 24 hours, a typical problem published in the newspaper) Suzhou Mr LEE: I was seven or eight year old investor, a few years ago, learning to follow the master, when you never foundAnd now a few years later, still accomplish nothing, my mind made up be sure to learn, but I'm far away in Suzhou, unable to leave for a long time to train, what should I do? Lu Zhiyuan: you mentioned the issue of the many foreign students are mentioned, for investors in this case, we have developed a suite of remote training system, we will provide students sent educational materials and lightStrips, and providing network and call center answering, we have a set of compound interest is the most important software provides support for the students of the master, so you don't have to to Shenzhen to learn, it would be better than on-site training effect. There are a lot of students participate in other agencies on-site training in the past, think it was qifu investment training works best, because we have up to one yearTo two years of service, which is that many agencies are unable to do so.

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