Sunday 25 December 2011

Rovers in Mars Lander is scheduled for August 6

129668732744375000_91International online news (press Qiao Quanxing): the United States "curiosity" Rover, 26th from Qana Villars launched point air force base, Florida, the detector mainly for exploring Mars, past or present existence environment fit for life. "Curiosity", par with cars, weighing 900 kg, to provide power for nuclear fuel, plutonium. After approximately 5.6Million miles (about 900 million km) journey, the "curious", Rovers in Mars Lander is scheduled for August 6, started a one-year Mars (about 687 Earth Day) detection. According to United States new space strategy of the Obama administration announced last year swtor power leveling, United States with Mars as the new destination of space exploration. United States Space Agency after 2025 the old republic power leveling, to transport astronautsCelestial bodies other than to low Earth orbit, such as asteroids; mid by 2030, to transport astronauts to Mars orbit.

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