Saturday 11 February 2012

tor Warzone Commendation power leveling Liu Jiangyong - YOX

129733475383908750_11Information: the new warships of the Navy base in China Japan Ministry of defense think tank report speculation I Naval game effects of foreign media said China and the Asia-Pacific Japan development report of China's security display ambivalence, according to Japan's Kyodo News Agency this morning news, Japan Ministry of defense think tank "Institute of Defense" 10th release of the so-called "trend analysis of China's marine activities" in ChinaProtection report 2011. The report reflects the strong sense of vigilance against China, the report said, along with the economic development tor Warzone Commendation power leveling, China is strengthening its military power to ensure that the energy resources, and contend with us.  Report says, "this will affect Japan's security." Report the Sino-US "tied on" Chinese Navy report is shown first on the Chinese "energy spread"Made a warning, the report said China's growing external dependence for energy resources such as oil, is to obtain resources to accelerate ocean development. Report very clearly points out, the South China Sea will be a major area of future development of marine strategies in China.  "By showing naval strength to declare sovereignty, China advocated maritime rights, building in the interests of the country". MinAnalysis of people, although the Japan Ministry of Defense report topics directly at China, but nowhere without checks and balances, China and the United States in the Asia-Pacific region.  Report, China in future for the United States will be more sensitive to exert pressure the old republic pvp valor power leveling, will react more strongly. "The Chinese side intends to improve the mobile combat capability, designed to build and United States naval forces of the rival military advantage."The report said. Japanese media commenting on Sino-US game will certainly affect the Asia-Pacific Japan developing new it security report 2011 in China, Japan think the Yomiuri Shimbun, the world economic downturn, United States, too. In this case, the United States has made a return to the slogan of the Asia-Pacific region, hoping to take the win over the Asia-Pacific region. But the United States based onNational interests, not to Asia-Pacific countries greater benefits in the short term. By contrast, China's GDP ranked second in the world, very prominent economic advantage, and traditional powers in the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, Sino-US relations in the Asia-Pacific region between game will affect Japan's future development. Japan how to survive in the game, this attitude is also reflected inThis report. Expert interpretation is unwilling to offend the United States Japan ambivalence, Tsinghua University Professor Institute of contemporary international relations, Japan expert said in an interview with reporters this morning, Liu Jiangyong, Japan 2011 in this year of the Chinese security referred to in the United States, mainly catering to the United States last year to return to Asia-PacificStrategy.  On one hand the old republic commendation power leveling, United States return to the Asia-Pacific to Japan brought a military security, on the other hand, Japan also hopes that the Japan-us Alliance in politics. Liu Jiangyong also points out that "from this report, you can see that Japan's ambivalence and the twisted mind. "Last year in Japan after the earthquake, closer economic links of the day, making Japan have become increasingly dependent on ChinaThe trading partner, but the United States intervention in Japan feel a bit harder.  Therefore, Japan is not excessive gossiping about China's prosperity, adding too many subjective color, did not dare to offend the United States. Interns/reporter Cheng Lei Hong Chen Tong Mengqi Japan published China's security strategy focuses on ocean policy in China

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