Friday 24 February 2012

cheap runescape items flood was believed to be able to "drive out the dead" - CWX

129731361949697977_44CNS, Xuzhou, February 7 (reporters Tang Juan and and Ma Xuan)-a woman whose husband had been in poor health for many years to find "reality Ziyang" treatment. The so-called "real" tell her, is she has the dead do not clean, needs to inject "gas" to "drive out the dead". The insane women had convinced about this, three years was more than once in this "reality TV"Lie to rape until her husband was seriously ill in hospital buy runescape items, realized deceived and alarm.  7th, the reporter learned from the Jiangsu Xinyi Court, claiming to be "reality Ziyang" wearing a rape of the defendant is sentenced to four years and six months ' imprisonment by the Court. Who lives in Xinyi district is 56 years old, he was at the gate of a community, have floated the idea that he was "reality Ziyang" descendsAnd can people heal rs items for sale, see Feng Shui. One day in June 2008, with more than 50 years old women hung by her husband a body has been bad for years, found a asked him to help exorcise calamities. Found a very hung believes that superstition and "looks good" idea was cheating. Wearing a flood and a cheat that according to his observation, in fact is she has the dead do not clean, andYin is still very serious, her husband was her grams, if not casting spells in time where her husband will soon "an accident". Flood and one was wearing a bent on saving her husband's have said, hastened to ask him to break the disaster. A hook in a flood, enraptured, and he took the opportunity to say that, to ward off evil and be sure to "practice", will he really sent to the flood of a body, to make her bodyThe dead, disaster and disease eradication, and hung a chance before he agreed to help the busy, otherwise how does not consume your own skills. When the "practices", after this hung a know what to send "real gas", is actually to a sexual relationship, but on this ridiculous Act, flood was believed to be able to "drive out the dead", and has been wearing in the final three years of a seduction。  Until August last year, hung a husband admitted to hospital seriously ill, hung a know a "spell" has not worked at all, then made a report to police. Court concluded that wearing a superstition and deception of the defendant rape women, their behavior constituted the crime of rape. In view of the defendant voluntarily pleaded guilty in a trial, as appropriate cheap runescape items, be a lighter punishment. Others:

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