Friday 24 February 2012

runescape items to cushion the Panasonic troubled consumer electronics business. However - LWA

129731621469690000_99In three days last week, Japan's three most famous electronics company-Sony (Sony Corp.), sharp (Sharp Corp.) And Matsushita (Panasonic Corp.) Gave up hope for this fiscal year profit, forecasts for the fiscal year ended March a total loss of almost US $ 17 billion rs items for sale。 A few years ago, the three companies each use different strategies to improve their meagre profit margins. Sony's approach is to compress the supply chain costs sharp in Japan built a large, LCD Panel factories represent the latest technology; Matsushita bought a smaller rival in China, entering a new area of business. One after another loss this year including some short term askedTopic: Yen last year Japan suffered a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami, Thailand floods, rising energy prices and the financial crisis in Europe. But companies such as Sony, sharp and Panasonic's problem is more fundamental. Japan company used to be the main force of the consumer electronics industry, but now they simply can not meet consumer demand for electronic products. And product differencesNot doing enough, that into to fierce price competition. When the consumer needs to change when they can not respond quickly enough runescape items, because the resource distribution in an awful lot of products online, resources and too little on each product line. So their creative capabilities catch up with Apple (Apple Inc.) -The Apple iPad and iPhone, And the production capacity is not keeping up with Samsung Electronics (Samsung Electronics Co.) -Samsung Electronics in the field of semiconductors, cell phones, and TVs all have a vital role. Than three Japan firms estimate of 17 billion dollars in losses, Apple earned $ 13.1 billion in latest quarter alone, and Samsung for the 2012 capitalWould have a budget of 41 billion dollars. This Japan company's line of consumer electronics products including TVs, Blu-ray players and notebook; the other Sony digital cameras and game consoles. But they have and basically missed the wave of mobile devices-sales performance enough to indicate this. Main departments of Sony consumer electronics and video game business group,Third-quarter revenues fell by 24%. For the quarter ended December, Panasonic digital AV products division revenues fell by 19%. Sharp Electronics (excluding LCD Panel) the decline in revenues for the quarter ended September 5.3%, this particular vigilance, because sales revenue in the December quarter was boosted by holiday.Strategic consulting firm Roland Berger (Roland Berger) partner of God ever really FIR (Masugi Kaminaga) said it is a Japan Electronic enterprises the most difficult period; they have not faced a real challenge before, now faces a substantial challenge in every way. Kaminaga really FIR says, in the 1970 of the 20th century runescape items for sale, United StatesTech giants and today's Japan enterprises have similarities. Determined to adapt to the new environment of enterprises can survive, thrive and ultimately, international business machines Corporation (International Business Machines Corp., IBM for short) is one of those cases. While some companies may like the Kodak Company (eastman Kodak Co.) Disappear like that. In addition, like the United States resulting from the Japan Science and Technology Corporation and challenge the rise, Japan enterprises not only faces Korea increasingly fierce competition, and ultimately also faced competition from China. On Friday, Matsushita expects net loss of 780 billion yen for the current fiscal year (or US $ 10.18 billion), the originalIs the TV business setback (its bet on the plasma TV has failed to return before), and acquisition of Sanyo (Sanyo Electric Co.) The writedown. Beginning in 2009, Panasonic about 820 billion yen investment, makes Sanyo its wholly-owned subsidiary, plans to accelerate its green energy products. The deal backLogic is after, using three ocean areas of expertise, such as rechargeable batteries and solar panels, to cushion the Panasonic troubled consumer electronics business. However, Panasonic shortly began to buy Sanyo, competitors started down the battery. Panasonic plans to 250 billion yen writedown for the deal, said Sanyo's profit Outlook has deteriorated. Matsushita Electric President Ohtsubo(Fumio Ohtsubo) continued to support the plan. Ohtsubo said at a press conference on Friday, if we do not have to buy Sanyo, there would be no today's growth potential. Sony expects its fiscal year ending in March this year a loss of 220 billion yen ($ 2.87 billion). Earlier the company had expected profits, but at the latestBefore logging on has lost 90 billion yen. In 2009, under the influence of the global financial crisis, Sony unveiled a drastic streamlining programme. Under the light assets running strategy, will halve the number of suppliers of the company, reduced the number of factories 26%, to improve efficiency. Sony also sold the factory contract manufacturers and production outsourcing to the plant. In order to hasten theImplementation of the strategy, Sony last month sold its half of the LCD panel production to joint venture partner Samsung led to 63.4 billion yen in depreciation expenditures. The incoming Chief Executive Officer of Sony pingjingyifu (Kazuo Hirai) said in a recent interview, he wants quicker light assets running strategy of the company, but the consensus neededHampers our, this is Japan enterprise management features. Sharp projected loss of 290 billion yen for the year on Wednesday, which will be the largest annual loss in the history of the company. Sharpe said, TV business, and for TV LCD panels will result in business losses and tax-related write-downs. Sharp's part of the problem stems from it on a scale of 1 trillion yenInvestment in LCD factory. Sharpe opened the factory in 2009. The factory is located in Sakai city, was believed to be Japan manufacturing Summit, its high-end manufacturing methods and efficient supply of large size screens acclaimed, but due to the global economic downturn, excess inventory as sharp of a heavy burden. Bring pressure to release the excess supply, sharp said:Company plans by September only run half the capacity. Sharpe said, is considering giving up on the Sakai plant produces large TV screens, to production of a small LCD screen for computer monitors. (Editors: Sun Libin) Others:

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