Wednesday 29 February 2012

diablo 3 gold Futures arbitrage - GXR

129742939272343750_184⊙ Reporter tuyan sinolink securities (600,109 valuation, evaluation, market information, the major trading), as at December 31, 2011, 605 of the statistical results for the unstructured sunshine only average or 17.86% private equity, only 20 per cent of annual revenues. In such an excellent product, there are manyStock index futures, commodity futures, alternative tools such as increasing equity. Including Shaanxi international trust ・ wins 2nd (Po win hedge), West of trust ・-in the East tera gold, TRW financial phase He Han Xin Taian ・ quantitative growth phase 1 product thanks to hedging strategies and quite profitable. To this end, Sinorama has interviewed several well-known private equity manager age of conan gold, talk about the stock index futuresView. Shanghai chongyang Mo Taishan, President of investment management Ltd: last year, China Banking Regulatory Commission publish guidelines on the trust company participated in the stock index futures trading business, to the private equity fund through the trust account to participate in stock index futures opened a hole in. But due to 20% position limits, it is difficult to be market neutral strategy. We very much hope that risk can be controlled in every aspect, CommissionerTube in place of the case, the greater risk, allowing a wide variety of policies, so that our overall strategy is really "creative". Because the current private equity the same stage of the Sun, there is differentiation, but not big enough. Beijing starrock investment management limited CEO Yang Ling: Futures arbitrage, we've been doing, but with the passage of time, low-risk,Higher-income arbitrage opportunities compared to previous narrow lots. According to overseas experience, institutional investors can use the Zoom lever to magnify gains and leverage costs too high in China, almost swallowed up arbitrage earnings, we do not seem to bring customers excess profits. And we found that at different stages of a stock market, there may be included such as convertible bonds diablo 3 gold, repoProfit, low risk, absolutely not low yield varieties worth mining. Shanghai kaishi Investment Management Ltd General Manager Chen Jiwu: in 2011, we are using its own funds has been involved in stock index futures, but the benefits are not very optimistic, only in-3%. The reason, participation requires first stock index futures market situation may be. Last year, unilateralEnvironment, market volatility is not actually stock futures fully reflects the participation shares a number of futures investors savvy, so very few room for arbitrage opportunities. Second, as has just started, futures trading and investment limits the size of more. Therefore, before gets relatively stable, high yield, we will not promote to the customer. But judging from the market this year, More arbitrage opportunities. Shenzhen Ding investment management limited CEO Huang �: introduction of stock index futures added a lot of selective to private placement in product design, product innovation more feasible. We have to look ahead, if you look at Hong Kong, China market, either with a macro hedge is in compliance with policy, stock-index futures in riskAt the same time, also to a large extent offset the gains, so is more suitable for investors who pursue income stable return. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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