Wednesday 29 February 2012

aion kinah property speculation - LFL

129742938961875000_330The 1th page: investment facilitation into magic weapons of foreign exchange Chongqing foreign private equity dark war 2nd page: hot capital holds the 3rd page in mountain cities: the 4th page of the popular: experts voice 5th page: a win-win situation both within and outside the new Raiders 6th page: International Office, Luo Guang had a vision, to "financial" as the prototype, introduced ChongqingForeign-owned private equity story written as a screenplay. As a Director of the Chongqing Municipal Government Finance Office, Luo Guang had experienced in the process of attracting many of the exciting ups and downs.   In the past year, he even thought is called a "heroic war", "gunsmoke", the result of fruitful. Within a year, Chongqing has made the country one of the first foreign equity investmentInvestment fund pilot qualification and take the lead in developing measures for the improvement of cross-border RMB to set up foreign investment fund, became a pilot up to foreign equity participation in cities across the country.   This is a matter of urban economic development needed to play the best "plot", is also an important bridge of the city rise in the financial markets. Charm last January in Chongqing warhammer online gold, Chongqing municipality the "two sessions"."Foreign exchange of foreign private equity funds and investment facilitation pilot" written into the Government work report for the first time.   Mayor Huang qifan, said, this is one of the biggest highlights of the Government work report. At the time of finalization of the Government work report, Huang qifan, also consider deleting this information. "Then thought for a while, we had to do, why not write it? Moreover, in placeIn the Government work report, Chongqing is also the first came up with.   "This hit the capital market on the central nervous system, concern of the parties. Obvious reasons, Central monetary big tightening last year, both State-run and private, SME, or social projects, marketing projects, in addition to the traditional channels of financing, the strength of the foreign private equity aion kinah, shall beAn important channel.   DT capital partners said Zhang Le, foreign exchange of foreign private equity funds and investment facilitation pilot implementation in Chongqing, marked the break the bottleneck of foreign exchange will attract large-scale foreign investment in Chongqing, the establishment of the Fund, looking for investment projects.   However, for foreign private equity funds, and can get up and not want to soon. For example, a foreign private equity fundsA project of Chongqing, although both sides have signed a term sheet, but foreign private equity funds also to the foreign exchange record queued for approval in advance, through a series of rigorous review to allow investment of foreign exchange, often a month or so. After Chongqing investment facilitation of foreign exchange pilot, the processing time can be shortened to a week or so. This would give foreign private equity fundsShortening the period of return, more visible results. "This private equity is a great temptation to foreign investment.   "Zhang Le said. Before the trial, foreign-funded enterprises ' foreign exchange capital income of RMB funds shall not be used for equity investments in the territory, unless otherwise specified. Once QFLP (qualified foreign limited partners) system of ice, apply to the appropriate amount of foreign capital LP (limitedPartner) within the limits, foreign exchange foreign exchange into RMB for equity investments in the territory, treatment or equivalent to pure capital investment in institutions. Also, at the time of project settlement, foreign private equity funds are no longer like before every investment project to the external authority for approval. Only to local financial departments reporting a "item pool", their ready to voteFunded projects for detail. Based on these policies, "Chongqing investment facilitation of foreign exchange" into a magic weapon to foreign private equity funds. "The Finance Office has no land, no projects, we rely on to tell his story. "Luo Guang said, this story is what can make the other person understand you the money, foreign exchange, what to do after settlement, is how this makes youMake money here. "Supporting this story is the policy of the Government, of high quality and high efficiency.   "Huang qifan," foreign exchange of foreign private equity funds and investment facilitation pilot "call to promote the economic development of Chongqing 's" stone " tera gold, a year will bring us $ 1.5 billion to $ 2 billion of foreign capital to Chongqing. Although after the pilot all kinds of facilitation,But foreign-owned private equity reporting "item pool" will be strictly limited, property speculation, stock, speculate in foreign currency the speculative behaviour, will not get approval.

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