Saturday 25 February 2012

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129742938943281250_295"The Han dynasty jade stool" took out the $ 220 million parties question the contemporary art market boom in China, but at the same time and some confusion, both on the "cultural spirit", but also some comments on its "chaotic cluster", was also worried. In 2011, the number of news media exposure a son of Xu Beihong's participation in "calling a stag a horse", Central AmericaFirst seminar of oil painting student work "means" to "my father Xu Beihong authentic", and took out a case for more $ 72.8 million. Xie Genrong was also revealed a high appraisal of the media has a 5-bit authoritative identification of forged it "Jade" identified as genuine, valuation of $ 2.4 billion, and to this fraudulent banking Insider. This case raises two shockingStrong criticism of the party, at the same time growing louder and louder on the specification work of art market in the community. Recommended reading the Chinese market three debut son Yang Liping Yu Qian's colorful advertising exposure 6 years old not eating rice stars lose weight recipes 86 Edition of journey to play in the top ten beautiful women in Xiamen campus beauty blast killed tea MM red instant second world's most generous donation:Kg �C she's Ni Ni lunar new year leading figures competition struggling art registration certification system established in fact, China's cultural development "Eleven-Five" in planning and will have a "promotional art registration certification system", "increase the intensity of intellectual property protection", but I believe that today, without too much success. What isAppraisal work of painting and calligraphy, painting and calligraphy of the Chinese management work out of the predicament? ����How can I grasp this challenge in the primary and key links, higher preparatory strategy and best solutions to reverse the situation, this is the Ministry of leadership has been important issues of common interest. Formation of the chaos of contemporary Chinese art market, both for historical reasons and practical reasons. NotOnly domestic factors, there are international factors, the situation is complex. To its governance, not only to face the professional issues of the art anti-counterfeiting, counterfeit, art management and regulatory policy issues, even in the face of intellectual property protection, consumer protection runescape items, art collection and trading of some judicial problems. Addressing these challenges requires artSeekers, collectors, managers and the joint efforts of the whole society cheap runescape items, requires concerted efforts of the relevant departments, in close cooperation and comprehensive manner. Is definitely not by government authorities convened several meetings, issued a few files rs items for sale, you can solve the problem. Let the Government set up several "authoritative" can solve the problem of authenticating works of art institutions is less desirable, because art appraisal institutionsAuthority should not rely on the Government to establish, but depends on the identification of the scientific method and to establish the accuracy of the results. Otherwise, even direct participation of Government or useless or even harmful. On amendments introduced by auction or market issues regulations on the management of works of art, is to be carried out strictly according to the regulations, procedures, rather than some people in a Department can solveThing. Relevant departments of the Ministry of culture and the relevant expert study on long-term management policies and regulations in the art market, art market regulations are expected to emerge. In order to address the problems of art management, experts and scholars conducted an investigation, all relevant departments and units of times working together to "consultations", but unfortunately is, in recent years, the rapid development of the technology of high imitation of works of art,Yield and constantly improve the quality of fake, many works of art at the beginning of the registration is hard to distinguish between the true and the false, and after registration can not lock it in works of art, not only cannot solve the problem of preventing the replace the beams with rotten timbers and disputes by use ... surreptitiously to supersede ... and then finds, word art due to various reasons registered certification system has not yet been promoted. Start the painting really pseudoscienceSystems face many challenges in the identification and management of works of art, Ministry of culture of China scientific research work in Institute of art technology in works of art for the important results achieved in this area provides some significance. In 2008, the Art Institute of science and technology of China under the direct leadership of the Ministry of culture, under the strong support of the Ministry of science and technology, the Ministry of finance, has officially launchedNational research project--painting really pseudoscience identification system. Identification of the project to make the painting breakthrough based on work styles, the author's skill in the art of calligraphy and limitations of form fields and identification, based on scientific evidence, scientific proof of concept, works of calligraphy and painting appraisal professional development to material form field, painting and calligraphy and the introduction of modern optical technology certified professional, their results could lead to works of artFundamental changes have taken place in the area. Art identification many unable to accurately identify some of the challenges of industry, art market supervision and certification system of registration of works of art is not easy to promote challenge, relying on the results of the project are expected to be resolved. The project is by no means a simple project of introduction of foreign scientific research instrument and method, it will change the calligraphy and painting appraisal experience acting alone, make it goScientific and information technology. Therefore, the results of the project in December 2010, after acceptance, a year are affected by a wide range of social concerns and expectations, and in some provinces and cities of some units for the application. Others:

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