Wednesday 29 February 2012

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129749249445781250_80On February 21, (Gansu) plain in Baiyin City Public Security Bureau economic investigation team of Office-zhenban extra large case of illegally absorbing deposits in public, suspect Yang to deal in the name of the company illegally absorbed more than 30 people in the Community funds were placed on file for investigation tera gold, involving an initial check up to $ 8 million. On February 17, 2012, the responses of the Public Security Bureau economic investigation team received Pcs DistrictDamage blade & soul gold, reported by the masses: Pcs District Yang of the supervision Council cadres to operate "responses of electric city" "Yu hao industry and trade limited company in Lanzhou" "Ningxia Yu hao trade limited company" in the name of signed loan contracts, illegal absorption of more than 30 people in the community about $ 8 million. Because the case involved many people, involving large, social influenceLarge, economic investigation team after Police Chief of responses quickly organize personnel to carry out preliminary investigation, investigation of 28 people, confirmed that Yang's alleged crime of illegally absorbing deposits in public, economic Investigation Brigade on February 21 aoc gold, 2012 investigation Chief of plain. Suspects Yang, born in 1965, absconded after the incident. In the present case is zhenban. (Editors: Zhang Jun)

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129742939272343750_184⊙ Reporter tuyan sinolink securities (600,109 valuation, evaluation, market information, the major trading), as at December 31, 2011, 605 of the statistical results for the unstructured sunshine only average or 17.86% private equity, only 20 per cent of annual revenues. In such an excellent product, there are manyStock index futures, commodity futures, alternative tools such as increasing equity. Including Shaanxi international trust ・ wins 2nd (Po win hedge), West of trust ・-in the East tera gold, TRW financial phase He Han Xin Taian ・ quantitative growth phase 1 product thanks to hedging strategies and quite profitable. To this end, Sinorama has interviewed several well-known private equity manager age of conan gold, talk about the stock index futuresView. Shanghai chongyang Mo Taishan, President of investment management Ltd: last year, China Banking Regulatory Commission publish guidelines on the trust company participated in the stock index futures trading business, to the private equity fund through the trust account to participate in stock index futures opened a hole in. But due to 20% position limits, it is difficult to be market neutral strategy. We very much hope that risk can be controlled in every aspect, CommissionerTube in place of the case, the greater risk, allowing a wide variety of policies, so that our overall strategy is really "creative". Because the current private equity the same stage of the Sun, there is differentiation, but not big enough. Beijing starrock investment management limited CEO Yang Ling: Futures arbitrage, we've been doing, but with the passage of time, low-risk,Higher-income arbitrage opportunities compared to previous narrow lots. According to overseas experience, institutional investors can use the Zoom lever to magnify gains and leverage costs too high in China, almost swallowed up arbitrage earnings, we do not seem to bring customers excess profits. And we found that at different stages of a stock market, there may be included such as convertible bonds diablo 3 gold, repoProfit, low risk, absolutely not low yield varieties worth mining. Shanghai kaishi Investment Management Ltd General Manager Chen Jiwu: in 2011, we are using its own funds has been involved in stock index futures, but the benefits are not very optimistic, only in-3%. The reason, participation requires first stock index futures market situation may be. Last year, unilateralEnvironment, market volatility is not actually stock futures fully reflects the participation shares a number of futures investors savvy, so very few room for arbitrage opportunities. Second, as has just started, futures trading and investment limits the size of more. Therefore, before gets relatively stable, high yield, we will not promote to the customer. But judging from the market this year, More arbitrage opportunities. Shenzhen Ding investment management limited CEO Huang �: introduction of stock index futures added a lot of selective to private placement in product design, product innovation more feasible. We have to look ahead, if you look at Hong Kong, China market, either with a macro hedge is in compliance with policy, stock-index futures in riskAt the same time, also to a large extent offset the gains, so is more suitable for investors who pursue income stable return. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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129742939363437500_372Speaking of insurance, people first thought was for themselves and their families to purchase life insurance, sickness insurance, accident insurance and other insurance products and talk about financial, people first think of stocks, funds, bonds, gold, foreign exchange and other financial products. East China National advanced financial planners say, we don't think will finance concept is limited in terms of equity investment, insurance, for example, insuranceMoney can themselves be protected not only in the way, can also play a role against the anti-inflation and negative interest rates. Senior financial planner told reporters that buying insurance this way in real life has been very good, as some people purchase protection insurance products, such as life insurance, property insurance, liability insurance can make the insured will get their due protection,This way can also be used as a very good way of managing money, insurance money than investments such as stocks, bonds, and currencies can be protected, and play a role at a crucial time is unmatched by the other way, insurance the way also be recognized by the people. Senior financial planner in life is to introduce a number of different circumstancesNeed to buy insurance, we hope to help. Valentine TA casualty on February 14, one taste of the romantic Valentine's day has just passed. Valentine, you looking for a gift and entangled in Roses and chocolates age of conan gold, in fact, than to think of a way to make love without having to get a surprise, at the same time earn more benefits. So, Valentine "Love insurance "began to become the first choice of many couples, of which insurance is very suitable for couples gift. Senior financial planner, couples must pay attention is that between the policyholder and the insured must have a certain amount of insurable interest and insurable interests first of all is I; followed by spouses, children, parents, and once again is upbringing, maintenance or care relationship with an insuredOther members of the family, close relatives. If you love belongs to the relationship between couples eq2 platinum, best with the insurance company to find out in advance whether you have an insurable interest. Dividend risk more popular in recent years, senior financial planner is considered more appropriate gift between husband and wife, it is a very affordable insurance. Using bonuses, added protection in the workplace last year, many people in the workplaceChinese new year has got a long bonus, how to take care of this hard-revenue, will become the public is most concerned about the topic in the near future. In fact, as one of the most affordable insurance, bonuses to purchase appropriate insurance products is a good choice. Insurance experts suggested that the chosen insurance product is based mainly on two aspects, one is the credibility and strength of the insurance companies; andAre insurance products, the feature is for you. Old-age pension should be planned early retirement face a sharp drop in revenue, is true, everyone will be able to see the body, old-age pension products, as a long-term protection plan, payment period, the longer time the cumulative effect of dividend more apparent. 30 to 40 years of age to purchase insurance, pension reserves of golden age�� Senior financial planner explains to the reporter, for between 30 to 40 years old, small, and is up for friends, economy already has a certain basis, for now there were certain requirements, and quality of life after retirement, best period is the start of pension reserves. Old-age insurance scheme at the same time taking into account, of course aoc gold, only for the pension savings isNot wise. During the preparation of the planned pension, fast meal accident protection is also indispensable. Insurance is the base part of the financial pyramid, it is to provide not only the protection of life, and can transfer risk, is an essential way of managing money. Life and all of a sudden something to easily destroy a family happy and happy, coupled with the domestic economy this year bySlide, inflation levels remain high, at this time for insurance money to be sorted out a better life. Institutional sources: East China (gold line/data center) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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129742938961875000_330The 1th page: investment facilitation into magic weapons of foreign exchange Chongqing foreign private equity dark war 2nd page: hot capital holds the 3rd page in mountain cities: the 4th page of the popular: experts voice 5th page: a win-win situation both within and outside the new Raiders 6th page: International Office, Luo Guang had a vision, to "financial" as the prototype, introduced ChongqingForeign-owned private equity story written as a screenplay. As a Director of the Chongqing Municipal Government Finance Office, Luo Guang had experienced in the process of attracting many of the exciting ups and downs.   In the past year, he even thought is called a "heroic war", "gunsmoke", the result of fruitful. Within a year, Chongqing has made the country one of the first foreign equity investmentInvestment fund pilot qualification and take the lead in developing measures for the improvement of cross-border RMB to set up foreign investment fund, became a pilot up to foreign equity participation in cities across the country.   This is a matter of urban economic development needed to play the best "plot", is also an important bridge of the city rise in the financial markets. Charm last January in Chongqing warhammer online gold, Chongqing municipality the "two sessions"."Foreign exchange of foreign private equity funds and investment facilitation pilot" written into the Government work report for the first time.   Mayor Huang qifan, said, this is one of the biggest highlights of the Government work report. At the time of finalization of the Government work report, Huang qifan, also consider deleting this information. "Then thought for a while, we had to do, why not write it? Moreover, in placeIn the Government work report, Chongqing is also the first came up with.   "This hit the capital market on the central nervous system, concern of the parties. Obvious reasons, Central monetary big tightening last year, both State-run and private, SME, or social projects, marketing projects, in addition to the traditional channels of financing, the strength of the foreign private equity aion kinah, shall beAn important channel.   DT capital partners said Zhang Le, foreign exchange of foreign private equity funds and investment facilitation pilot implementation in Chongqing, marked the break the bottleneck of foreign exchange will attract large-scale foreign investment in Chongqing, the establishment of the Fund, looking for investment projects.   However, for foreign private equity funds, and can get up and not want to soon. For example, a foreign private equity fundsA project of Chongqing, although both sides have signed a term sheet, but foreign private equity funds also to the foreign exchange record queued for approval in advance, through a series of rigorous review to allow investment of foreign exchange, often a month or so. After Chongqing investment facilitation of foreign exchange pilot, the processing time can be shortened to a week or so. This would give foreign private equity fundsShortening the period of return, more visible results. "This private equity is a great temptation to foreign investment.   "Zhang Le said. Before the trial, foreign-funded enterprises ' foreign exchange capital income of RMB funds shall not be used for equity investments in the territory, unless otherwise specified. Once QFLP (qualified foreign limited partners) system of ice, apply to the appropriate amount of foreign capital LP (limitedPartner) within the limits, foreign exchange foreign exchange into RMB for equity investments in the territory, treatment or equivalent to pure capital investment in institutions. Also, at the time of project settlement, foreign private equity funds are no longer like before every investment project to the external authority for approval. Only to local financial departments reporting a "item pool", their ready to voteFunded projects for detail. Based on these policies, "Chongqing investment facilitation of foreign exchange" into a magic weapon to foreign private equity funds. "The Finance Office has no land, no projects, we rely on to tell his story. "Luo Guang said, this story is what can make the other person understand you the money, foreign exchange, what to do after settlement, is how this makes youMake money here. "Supporting this story is the policy of the Government, of high quality and high efficiency.   "Huang qifan," foreign exchange of foreign private equity funds and investment facilitation pilot "call to promote the economic development of Chongqing 's" stone " tera gold, a year will bring us $ 1.5 billion to $ 2 billion of foreign capital to Chongqing. Although after the pilot all kinds of facilitation,But foreign-owned private equity reporting "item pool" will be strictly limited, property speculation, stock, speculate in foreign currency the speculative behaviour, will not get approval.

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Saturday 25 February 2012

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129725030008050594_63Worst winning fans recognized C: decommissioned in Qingdao Beginning of the season, when Qingdao doublestar men's basketball team when deciding on the introduction of 28 C, has received numerous criticisms. Fans said the thrashing of 2.12 meters was "a story", it is difficult to reproduce old Valor; fans think that the manner of ball playing has always been less sturdy C was not suitable for double star teams play, not to mention nearly thirty years of age he had already had their peak condition, it is difficult toStars bring more help. But season up to now, C has become the stars played one of the most steady players in the domestic players, veteran with the inner lane of the double star of strength and experience built up a solid barrier. Humble and sincere attitude also won him support from fans. Frankly can't make NBA strength enough to say that C is the double star teamThe biggest "wrist" without too much. Not to mention was elected to the national team, in 2003 to attend NBA talent alone, and was selected by Denver Nuggets let all metazoan junior experience envy. Of course, the past has a brilliant outsider seem some regrettable outcome: C failed to set foot on United States game. Now to talk about it, just sit lightlySaid one sentence: "who has passed away". In fact, many fans still in C regrets even holding grievances: physical condition of the year well, unlimited potential-why he failed to go to the NBA game make a trip? When the issue thrown, C's explanation is very simple: "go NBA, or blame our own strength is not enough". That means power gap, First joined the NBA of Yao Ming, Yi had struggled over, after a battle in the State of the peak in the United States mixed in the arenas to a championship ring. If that year across a barrier, to a high-level basketball environment nurtured, C basketball is going to be the scene of the way, everyone could not give an answer. Just everything wouldn't be "If" criticism. And recall your ownThese years of basketball experience, C I very much at ease, "in fact, over the years in the domestic game is also good, so many teams, his experience is very rich, feels no regret. "Early maturity on the field becomes more cool C a double star is, the Club and the fans are looking forward to the most famous players in team history to lead the team bottom out�� But no is that C is not only at the beginning of the season, play time is few. In time buy runescape items, fans criticized continuously. "That time itself is adjusted, include adapting the team's play, as well as teammates and coach run-in. "C explained. Shandong team until the team challenge, C ushered in the double star teams broke out. The game,He voted for 6 threes, and cut down the domestic players in the top 24. Lead stars won for the first time in team history of qilu away victory in the Derby. Finish a Shandong from the start, coach Jiang Zhengxiu waking up to the experience and effect of this veteran. The last four games, three games scoring over 20 C, the team also achieved three wins and a negative results. Playing with Army DayTeam battle, Xu Zhonghao opening C heads to a dunk, provocative eyes and let people feel the gunpowder. But credited C does not compete with rivals high and low for a moment, the audience of 22 people lamented the veteran experience. "Dunk two minutes, shooting two points, I appreciate most is winning or losing, playing for so many years largest change ball is cooled."C says, but veterans immediately after meitouyizhou asked reporters:" when I was young, is also very cool, right? "Future stars hit the retired with the C back rs items for sale, double star in the League's ranking has been steadily improving. In the case of regular as well as six, double star team still has a great wish to kill in the first eight. Being a war already more than 10 more CBA League seasonOlder athletes, C also gave their own view: "if we go all out cheap runescape items, what will happen." In C, the current team status are good, mutual trust between the coaches of the team, team upside is still very big, "team atmosphere are particularly good, laying it affinity, trust between members, which is the basis for our progress. "XueYuyang was born in jiaozuo, Henan Boai County and my sister is also a basketball player, and was his basketball on the road "the Pathfinder". Coincidence is that C's wife is also a Henan women's basketball players, their favorite daughter Yoko has more than two years old this year. Talking about family, C a look of happiness, "play no other difficulties, is miss my family, I itself is a family of veryHeavy people. "And come to Qingdao for long C has liked this seaside city, when he expressed the hope that summer, taking the wife and kids to walk by the sea in Qingdao. But has close to thirty years of age are also considering Xue road of their own future, "Let me double star is planning to retire. "C says with a laugh. Others:

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Their ability to sense of public relations and crisis management it is not flattery. Authenticity as a prerequisite to the event, have the courage to bear the losses due to their own negligence, and take remedial measures, won with a sincere attitude of the victim and the public understanding for the enterprise itself is not responsible,Explain why in a timely manner, understanding of social, so as to maintain the floor brand image, reducing the impact of the event. Like "swedx" in the floor event, the officer is trying to shirk its responsibility, the results "appalling". Introduce media crisis contingency plan positive linkage, agency executives to quickly make their own judgement, to crisis in qualitative, Determine the principles, positions, programmes and procedures; to give comfort to victims of crises in a timely manner to avoid deterioration of the situation; and in the shortest amount of time already have internal crisis situation and crisis management initiatives to the news media do a short description, clarify your position and attitude, fighting for the trust and support of the media. To avoid a misunderstanding here: the truthQian, try to avoid meeting the media. In fact, that you do not contact the media, the media also make up a lot of reason to guess, many flooring upgrade is because of the crisis at home and abroad failed to control the adverse results of information dissemination. Please keep in mind, do not try to hide, that will only make things worse, it is better to contact with media in a timely manner, to secure their objectiveField reports. Attention to processing enterprises tend to be set in time of crisis the crisis hotline information dissemination to ensure smooth flow of information within the enterprise, answer consumers ' questions, providing material for news media, play an information hub. Organized a press conference to inform the public of local brand crisis after all the ins and outs of figuring out, floor branded operators the best to the Organization of aExtensive press campaign, truth and the end result crisis reporting to the public, for a crisis to a successful end. In fact, many flooring select nothing definite outcome of final crisis event, it is very unwise to choose, it will not only not conducive to the brand image of the floor restored, but alienated relations between operators and consumers, weaken the flooringReputation. For example, order flooring "foreign origin" event, with the passage of time, news media began to lose interest in premises, operators thought the crisis seems to be away from the floor, but previous market position but has been unable to restore the floor; in fact, it can through a sincere mistake and appropriate compensation for the floor brand to life, than with his tail between his legs now "self" toA good 10 times. Participation in "company North America new year ritual" activity, send wishes to win awards, details, click here to read more comments "" crisis "--modern flooring business course" comments "crisis"--modern flooring enterprises will of course related articles than the floor baofeng Feng Wang Guangzhou Heng group-floor floor in huzhou, Zhejiang baofeng wood StFloor Suzhou Yi hui Santa wood Kang Hui Kang, Zhejiang-guide wood--the floor ... 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Addressing these challenges requires artSeekers, collectors, managers and the joint efforts of the whole society cheap runescape items, requires concerted efforts of the relevant departments, in close cooperation and comprehensive manner. Is definitely not by government authorities convened several meetings, issued a few files rs items for sale, you can solve the problem. Let the Government set up several "authoritative" can solve the problem of authenticating works of art institutions is less desirable, because art appraisal institutionsAuthority should not rely on the Government to establish, but depends on the identification of the scientific method and to establish the accuracy of the results. Otherwise, even direct participation of Government or useless or even harmful. On amendments introduced by auction or market issues regulations on the management of works of art, is to be carried out strictly according to the regulations, procedures, rather than some people in a Department can solveThing. Relevant departments of the Ministry of culture and the relevant expert study on long-term management policies and regulations in the art market, art market regulations are expected to emerge. In order to address the problems of art management, experts and scholars conducted an investigation, all relevant departments and units of times working together to "consultations", but unfortunately is, in recent years, the rapid development of the technology of high imitation of works of art,Yield and constantly improve the quality of fake, many works of art at the beginning of the registration is hard to distinguish between the true and the false, and after registration can not lock it in works of art, not only cannot solve the problem of preventing the replace the beams with rotten timbers and disputes by use ... surreptitiously to supersede ... and then finds, word art due to various reasons registered certification system has not yet been promoted. Start the painting really pseudoscienceSystems face many challenges in the identification and management of works of art, Ministry of culture of China scientific research work in Institute of art technology in works of art for the important results achieved in this area provides some significance. In 2008, the Art Institute of science and technology of China under the direct leadership of the Ministry of culture, under the strong support of the Ministry of science and technology, the Ministry of finance, has officially launchedNational research project--painting really pseudoscience identification system. 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This Japan company's line of consumer electronics products including TVs, Blu-ray players and notebook; the other Sony digital cameras and game consoles. But they have and basically missed the wave of mobile devices-sales performance enough to indicate this. Main departments of Sony consumer electronics and video game business group,Third-quarter revenues fell by 24%. For the quarter ended December, Panasonic digital AV products division revenues fell by 19%. Sharp Electronics (excluding LCD Panel) the decline in revenues for the quarter ended September 5.3%, this particular vigilance, because sales revenue in the December quarter was boosted by holiday.Strategic consulting firm Roland Berger (Roland Berger) partner of God ever really FIR (Masugi Kaminaga) said it is a Japan Electronic enterprises the most difficult period; they have not faced a real challenge before, now faces a substantial challenge in every way. Kaminaga really FIR says, in the 1970 of the 20th century runescape items for sale, United StatesTech giants and today's Japan enterprises have similarities. Determined to adapt to the new environment of enterprises can survive, thrive and ultimately, international business machines Corporation (International Business Machines Corp., IBM for short) is one of those cases. While some companies may like the Kodak Company (eastman Kodak Co.) Disappear like that. In addition, like the United States resulting from the Japan Science and Technology Corporation and challenge the rise, Japan enterprises not only faces Korea increasingly fierce competition, and ultimately also faced competition from China. On Friday, Matsushita expects net loss of 780 billion yen for the current fiscal year (or US $ 10.18 billion), the originalIs the TV business setback (its bet on the plasma TV has failed to return before), and acquisition of Sanyo (Sanyo Electric Co.) The writedown. Beginning in 2009, Panasonic about 820 billion yen investment, makes Sanyo its wholly-owned subsidiary, plans to accelerate its green energy products. The deal backLogic is after, using three ocean areas of expertise, such as rechargeable batteries and solar panels, to cushion the Panasonic troubled consumer electronics business. However, Panasonic shortly began to buy Sanyo, competitors started down the battery. Panasonic plans to 250 billion yen writedown for the deal, said Sanyo's profit Outlook has deteriorated. Matsushita Electric President Ohtsubo(Fumio Ohtsubo) continued to support the plan. Ohtsubo said at a press conference on Friday, if we do not have to buy Sanyo, there would be no today's growth potential. Sony expects its fiscal year ending in March this year a loss of 220 billion yen ($ 2.87 billion). Earlier the company had expected profits, but at the latestBefore logging on has lost 90 billion yen. In 2009, under the influence of the global financial crisis, Sony unveiled a drastic streamlining programme. Under the light assets running strategy, will halve the number of suppliers of the company, reduced the number of factories 26%, to improve efficiency. Sony also sold the factory contract manufacturers and production outsourcing to the plant. In order to hasten theImplementation of the strategy, Sony last month sold its half of the LCD panel production to joint venture partner Samsung led to 63.4 billion yen in depreciation expenditures. The incoming Chief Executive Officer of Sony pingjingyifu (Kazuo Hirai) said in a recent interview, he wants quicker light assets running strategy of the company, but the consensus neededHampers our, this is Japan enterprise management features. Sharp projected loss of 290 billion yen for the year on Wednesday, which will be the largest annual loss in the history of the company. Sharpe said, TV business, and for TV LCD panels will result in business losses and tax-related write-downs. Sharp's part of the problem stems from it on a scale of 1 trillion yenInvestment in LCD factory. Sharpe opened the factory in 2009. The factory is located in Sakai city, was believed to be Japan manufacturing Summit, its high-end manufacturing methods and efficient supply of large size screens acclaimed, but due to the global economic downturn, excess inventory as sharp of a heavy burden. Bring pressure to release the excess supply, sharp said:Company plans by September only run half the capacity. Sharpe said, is considering giving up on the Sakai plant produces large TV screens, to production of a small LCD screen for computer monitors. (Editors: Sun Libin) Others:

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Thursday 23 February 2012

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Star Wars: The Old Republic, abbreviated as TOR or SWTOR, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game based in the Star Wars universe. TOR power leveling and TOR Credits are available at Developed by BioWare Austin and a supplemental team at BioWare Edmonton, the game was first announced on October 21, 2008, at an invitation-only press event. The video game was released for the Microsoft Windows platform on December 20, 2011 in North America and part of Europe. Early access to the game began one week before release, on December 13, 2011, for those who had pre-ordered the game online; access opened in "waves" based on pre-order date. Although BioWare has not disclosed development costs, industry leaders and financial analysts have estimated it to be between $150 million and $200 million. If accurate, this would make it the most expensive video game ever developed. The game had 1 million subscribers within three days of its launch, making it the world's 'Fastest-Growing MMO Ever', compared with rivals such as World of Warcraft.

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