Friday 15 June 2012

the market will get better wow power leveling the market will get better - QBBI

129835668843281250_598Unit base is first raised the longest record approval reduction fund approved last week without a Stock market is not good, new funds released! Yesterday also announced a new Fund extended to raise, and create a new fund raising this year's longest. Since the beginning of this year, there were 5 new funds announced an extension to raise, 4 of which are stock. At the same time, new Fund approval rate also slowed last week, no new fund raising approval. "Did not rule out extending fund more and more" new funds were forced to extendRaise cases have spread from small businesses to midsize companies. Invesco great wall weight ETF such as SSE 180 joins said, raising period will be extended to June 20 (which was scheduled to end yesterday to raise). Company 180ETF join fund raising on May 2, scheduled subscription deadline is June 6, while this extension allows the Fund to issue up to 50 days,Its first placement since this year's longest record. Since the beginning of this year, almost each month extended fund raising. Teda Manulife reverse policy on April 9 to raise, scheduled subscription deadline is May 8, later extended to May 18. Cycle round from March 14 to raise, and later extended from April 18 to April 27. Central spirit growth rating on February 15th raise, after extended from March 16 to March 23. Long the convertible bond is only extended placement of bonds in the Fund this year, raised the first time is 30 days. Historically, appeared for the first time large areas of the new fund raise was in 2005 extended bear market, 20 funds delay raised that year. 2008 bear market, is also out of the Fund, a total of 18 extension of new fund raising�� Last year also has 14 extension of new fund raising, or even the same Fund extended subscription period more than once. "If the market continues to fall, did not rule out an extension of the Fund more and more. But, given the positive factors in policy, is expected to start in late June, the market will get better, extension of new fund raising should be a certain degree of ease. "Good buying Fund Research Center Chief AnalystTo China, but the market has always been a good well done, well done well wow power leveling, when the market is relatively low, performance is relatively easy to do. However, in the new Fund has not declined. Fund 29 in the subscription period, vested in 28 fund companies. Among them, 6 of actively managed stock funds, index-6, mixed-type 1, bonds, IMF 4-6 only,QDII2 and capital preservation-only 4. Unit base is pale and funding sought after low-risk products from the viewpoint of delay raised this year, 5 4 is only in stock funds, bond funds. Equity funds keep going by painstaking effort was the norm this year. Statistics show that since the beginning of the year, equity fund raised a total of 19.118 billion, index-67.057 billion. More than 600Millions of base, contributions from both Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETF, a total of 52.302 billion copies. In addition, traditional actively managed stock funds first to 2.433 billion with the highest offering size, second and third respectively to 2.05 billion, 1.63 billion. QDII funds have faced a similar situation. Raise total size only 6 first QDII 2.592 billion.By contrast, first raised the scale advantages of low risk products. According to statistics, this year hybrid debt based raised a total of 27.422 billion copies, medium-and long-term net debt-debt-based raised 10.023 billion, 3.828 billion capital preservation fund, combined with short-term financing products 48.19 billion, totaling approximately 89.5 billion. Short-term financing products are particularly eye-catching, China universal money 30 days, ChinaMonthly Xin Xin first raised in the quarter quarter is less than 10 days SWTOR Credits, but it raised a total of 48.19 billion copies. First raise of more than 3 billion Fund, low risk class 5, raised a total of 8.401 billion yifangdachun debt, raise long-23 days. Peng said China fixed-income Manager in early winter Diablo 3 CD-KEY, economic fundamentals and policy direction on the bond market supported, but yields followingContinued down the space and more dependent on future changes in monetary policy. Equity markets, early winter that the present stock market valuation is reasonable on the whole interval, there is no systemic underestimation. Stock market to systemic opportunities, but there may be structural part of the plate and the company the opportunity, equity markets remained cautious attitude of participation. Short-term financing fund MayConcentrated SFC latest fund raising applications approved awaiting trial schedule shows that no new funds approved last week. In the analyst's view, this may be new funds for regulators to slow the release of signals. At the same time, last week, 3 3 of the Fund's new Fund has to submit the application materials. At this point, since the beginning of this year has had 89 funds continue to submit to the Commission claim new materialMaterial. Reporter statistics found that participating in queued awaiting trial since May 16 new funds, equity funds only 3. Short-term financial funds or popular in the market of the future. May participate in the queue since there are 5 Financing Fund, in addition, there is a Monetary Fund, all the remaining 7 are bond funds. Company insiders said the Fund, market now only bonds FundSell better, considering the current market sentiment, so they release delayed stock fund of the company, issued ahead of bond funds. Writing: the South reporter Xie Xiaoting intern Zhang �F�� Others:

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