Monday 11 June 2012

in order to grasp the Skyworth supply chain efficiency. In terms of technology Diablo 3 gold in or

129834178882140000_51Skyworth President Yang Dongwen: Japan China ushered in the huge losses of the home appliance industry opportunities Video: Skyworth President Yang Dongwen accept finance interview with NetEase NetEase finance, June 4-Skyworth Group President Yang Dongwen recently guest NetEase finance, said in interview to NetEase finance, domestic TV in the renewal period, the first CCF TV face replacement, according to the authoritative institutions predict that this year China's household electrical appliance industry has manyAdverse conditions, but the scale of the Chinese TV market still has 40 million, over the same period last year was 5% per cent growth, in the process of growth. Chinese household electrical appliance enterprises should take advantage of the national consumption of energy subsidy policies, stimulate the growth of color TV sales. Japan household electrical appliance enterprises last year's huge losses, said Yang Dongwen, mainly due toIndustry law and caused by the appreciation of the yen. And industrial law leads Japan household electric appliance industry losses, also presents huge opportunities for Chinese companies. In addition, appreciation of the yen on Japan home appliance industry a huge impact, Yang Dongwen realizes the importance of exchange rate policies, he called on the Government to be careful, the consequences of not repeating the yen appreciating too quickly. Japan household electric appliance industry huge losses that ushered in the Chinese household electrical appliance industry opportunitiesLast year year-end Japan all large appliances Enterprise published has 2011 years Finance of performance notice, data displayed, including Sony, and sharp zainei of almost all of Japan appliances enterprise are rendering out giant losses of phenomenon, on this, Yang Dongwen to NetEase financial said, Japan appliances Enterprise last year bleak of outcomes, is by many of factors caused of, in he seems, first this is a industry law, in theCountry mainland of low-end manufacturing, full by productivity, labour cost, and population bonus this block, but currently low-end manufacturing is gradually began to Viet Nam, and Philippines, and India, to transfer, Japan this outcomes is in industry law process in the of results, but this also to has reported had Skyworth in within over China appliances brand Enterprise unlimited of opportunities, "we should seize this transformation of law Diablo 3 power leveling, fastSpeed upgrade industrial structure, from manufacturing to create transformation in the direction of ". In addition, he also pointed out to the NetEase finance, Japan enterprises also have an important reason is that Japan is a market of more than 100 million people, it is also relying on foreign sales of major household appliance products, due to the appreciation of the yen in recent years very near from around 2000 $ 1 dollar against the yen has more than 200 yen,Now 1 dollars on Yen only 80 following of level, "this on Japan export enterprise of combat is very of large of, so this on we of inspiration is hope Government carefully, not heavy repeat Yen appreciation had fast of consequences, this also to we comparison good of inspiration, also conducive to we export, and investment, and consumption three frame carriage, export this block continues to maintained sound growth". China color TV industrySkyworth over the next three issues will strengthen technical inputs to NetEase finance pointed out that Yang Dongwen China color TV industry faces pressure from three of the biggest part, because the world economy and the Chinese economy is currently in a situation of insufficient demand, China color TV industry is currently facing a problem of insufficient demand. Second, as a color TV enterprises, "our ability to grasp in the supply chainHas yet to be upgraded, especially the core components, such as panels. "He introduced, China is now some brands have more and more attention to this issue, some effort is being made," such as our China brand TCL, it led China satellite optical 8.5-generation LCD Panel project ". In addition, the technical problems faced by China color TV industry, yangdongwenjieSzabo, current color TV industry technology changes rapidly, either the display or the chip technology as well as the development of human-computer interaction very quickly. He pointed out that "while this piece of technology inputs and the preparatory, is very critical." China color TV industry from these pressures, said Yang Dongwen, Skyworth will take advantage of the State's subsidy policy, active recoveryTakes the strategic cooperation and a stake in the way, increase the input of key components, in order to grasp the Skyworth supply chain efficiency. In terms of technology, Skyworth will continue to increase investment in application of new technologies, has introduced new technologies and new products, at the same time as future technology ready to make our preparations and arrangements. "For example, new monitor, OLED, display panel, Our joint venture with Guangzhou South China University was an experimental line, tracing this piece of technology, industrialization of appropriate time how to make it, which is what we do to prepare, did some arrangement and layout ". Total sales of 3D TV will be an important direction Skyworth 30% 3D TV for consumers generally focus on 3D TV industry, Yang Dongwen describes, compared2D, 3D TV is a revolutionary change of display technology, 3D TV picture quality is more realistic, more dimensional and natural is better. Judging from the current situation, sales of 3D TV is growing very fast, "we have accounted for 30% Skyworth, sales more than 100 computers with more than 30 units is 3D TV, recently the proportion rising".In addition, Yang Dongwen introduction, now wearing glasses are required for viewing 3D TV, "we believe in the future must be naked-eye 3D 3D TV development. "But from now to get technical information and the results of industrialization, it also requires a process, a process of industrialization. Skyworth 3D TV sales in the future, said Yang Dongwen, Skyworth last year 3DDepending on the sales volume exceeded 2 million Diablo 3 gold, Skyworth overall sales about 7 million or so. He estimated the Skyworth 3D TV sales this year over Skyworth overall sales of at least 50%. Now more popular "Internet TV", said Yang Dongwen, "Internet TV" now known as "smart TV" by more, smart TVs in the future will beA large space for development. "Because of this, we note IT enterprises such as Lenovo, Apple and Microsoft are starting to enter the television industry, I think it improved the network environment, television has a very large imagination, if you assume that each of our family network can reach 100M, bandwidth can be reached 100M, and each family has Wi-Fi standardsThen the smart TV will be the biggest development ". Overseas market dominated by OEM for Skyworth overseas market, said Yang Dongwen, Skyworth currently OEM master, "to date we still use the OEM as larger export value-added, largest proportion also in the export value is OEM, including OEM, CKD, SKDSome forms ". Skyworth overseas development in the future, Yang Dongwen describes, from a business classification, Skyworth in OEM is also within a short time, for the international global brand manufacturing, "but at the same time we will think more mature markets start pushing their own brands, at present mainly in South-East Asia, ASEAN ten countries have a chance in the future, under the tariff barriers droppedAnd now we are in India, Viet Nam, established a branch in the Philippines is still being according to the steady progress in the actual situation of the enterprise ". Bullish on energy subsidies would increase investment in rural markets for energy subsidy policies imposed on June 1 this year wow power leveling, Yang Dongwen to NetEase finance said, this policy maintains the appliance industry in the past few years support policyContinuity and energy subsidies on industrial restructuring, especially towards energy saving and environmental protection in emerging strategic industries, promote the growth and development of this can play a very important role, "this policy regardless of where assessment is very positive." For future market development in China, Yang Dongwen pointed out, Skyworth has always focused on market equilibrium, but for rural market salesPower has been seriously, inputs are relatively large, "our entire revenue structure, from the rural growth rate has exceeded city, our plans for the future is to continue to strengthen in the countryside of this investment, including branding, including channels, including our products specifically tailored for rural properties, you need models, such as lightning, humidity, voltage, to adaptStable environment such as product development, and also increase the intensity of this promotion, from the past few years, our gain is relatively large ". This Skyworth brand strategy and positioning, Yang Dongwen to NetEase finance, Skyworth basic brand strategy this year is to adhere to the strong core business, core, related industry in color TV industry, such as the module, set-top boxes, electrical appliances,These new big, "we have a chance to put this under the market, according to the investment in technology, according to our research continues to make, maintain the increase in number and size, emerging industries and we still have a lot of room to grow." Others:

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