Friday 15 June 2012

in 2012 Diablo 3 gold in 2012 - LBUX

129836519703906250_491 <a href="">Diablo 3 gold</a>Ten urban land rent revenue nearly 3-year low Although "red May" around the housing contract rebounded rapidly appear, Beijing, Guangzhou and other cities of the area of commercial transactions, and even created a 16-month high, but for local government, contract rebounded above growth in tax revenue from financial pressure may not be enough to change places. Shanghai Research Institute of real estate's latest statistics show that ten cities such as Beijing and Shanghai in May beforeChurangjin only $ 92.2 billion Rift CD-key, for nearly 3 years minimum, 58.41% lower than $ per cent in 2011, more shock than $ 276 billion in 2010. Shanghai Research Institute of real estate research Minister Yang Hongxu told the daily economic news reporter, although the rebound because of market transactions, taxation revenue from the sales linkRise, but dropped sharply compared to the land rent revenue is still the ocean, local governments are looking forward to further fine-tune the policies to meet revenue needs. Land rent revenue decline in a row according to the observation of Shanghai Research Institute of real estate, land revenue from December 2010 after it reaches the highest value in the recent 5 years, started to enter the waves down-passRoad, has been down for 9 consecutive months, May hit a nearly 3-year low. According to the statistics of the institution May ten urban land rent income of $ 13.1 billion, fell to 41%, down 50%. And vulnerable settlements similar to the real estate Institute of statistics, Research Centre senior research manager of centaline property Liu Yuan also revealed that their statistics in 12 citiesChurangjin also found when income falling sharply. However, the land transfer payment revenues fall into the minimum of 3 years when, commercial housing turnover is refreshing a 16-month high. May this city contract area of 6.68 million square metres per cent from April rose 29%, an increase of 15%, has been up for 3 consecutive months. Department of sales of commercial housingAs a result of tax revenues, is it can make up for the decline in land revenue around? Yang Hongxu believes that such decline in tax revenues and land transfer payment of only a fraction compared to income. The daily economic news reporter Statistics May 8 cities in the top ten cities, total sales of more than 90 billion yuan. Housing Research Director said Xue Jianxiong, residential sales linksTax rate of approximately 8%~10% (including business tax is 5.65%, yuzheng 2%~5% of land value-added tax, stamp duties and fees, and so on). In 8% terms, these sales contribution of tax revenue is more than 7 billion yuan. Shanghai alone is concerned, May land before income is less than in the same period last year to one-third, only 120.$ 7.4 billion. Local policies are still fine-tuning the impulse on June 6 last year in Shanghai's first major land premium, sold about 70% premium for business transactions. But Yang Hongxu believes that this does not mean that the land market out of the bear market, local governments still need to fine tune the policies, so that land markets pick up again. Shanghai Research Institute of real estate developmentMs. Zhan Li, Director of the Institute believes that consecutive growth in real estate investment fell, indicating that land market in the short term is difficult to pick up rapidly. National Bureau of statistics show that 1 to may of this year the national real estate development and investment 1.5835 trillion yuan, decline of growth than 1 ~ March 4.8%. Residential investment 1.0818 trillion yuan, growth fell 5.1%. LeeWar Army believed that directly related to investment in real estate and house sales, transaction if the real estate market rebound unsustainable, so growth in investment will continue to decline, thereby affecting the land market. Shanghai real estate Research Institute under the Ministry of Finance on the 2011 and 2012 on the implementation of the Central and local budget data of the report on the draft Central and local budgets meterIs drawn, is expected in 2012 local level 5.768 trillion yuan, local level government expenditure 10.5281 trillion yuan, balance was 4.7601 trillion yuan, the difference a 2011 growth. According to the notice of the Audit Commission, expires 2012 local government debt amounted to 1.8402 trillion yuan, the debt due to expire in 2011Part will be turnover by 2012 by refinancing, debt principal amount or more than $ 3 trillion is expected to expire in 2012. Because of the above reasons, Habitat Yi Wu Xiaojun, a researcher of the Institute of real estate in Shanghai are expected, more cities will be added to the appropriate fine tuning in the second half, and will even have a place to cross the central policy "red lines", there are still blocked possibility of individual policies.��-Related news Department of housing: the affordable housing starts in May according to the Housing Department yesterday (June 7) message, in 2012, the planned affordable housing program started in cities and towns throughout the country more than 7 million, completed basic 5 million units. By the end of May, has started the 3.46 million sets, starts at 46.4%, basically completed 2.06 million, invested 38$ 9.5 billion. Because the amount May started, completed, and completed both investment up sharply, then overlay factors with the rapid progress of the construction of many high latitude regions of the country, expected new starts in the first half and completed more than half. Chain real estate market research department Neve told the daily economic news reporter, from the 2009 significantly speed-up the construction of affordable housing, a large number of openConstruction and improve the completion rate requirements for low income people for the first time this year is good. At the same time protect the housing market on the domestic market of goods indirect lightening. In Beijing, for example, removing lease forms of social housing and affordable housing wow cd-key, affordable housing, trading markets, affordable housing deal than is possible in per cent in 2012. Vice President of China real estate Association, Professor, Peking UniversityMr CHAN Kwok-keung (Twitter) that diverts the construction of affordable housing demand in the housing market, low-end home buyers demand satisfaction, can be achieved through secure channels to resolve. For the construction of affordable housing financing, the Ministry has accelerated the pace of action, May, Treasury has issued a $ 97.7 billion financed affordable housing construction, recently released the 2011Year city affordable housing program awards funding to $ 1.5 billion. Others:

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