Saturday 9 June 2012

clear areas TERA Gold clear areas - UUJR

129823442352500000_114Ministry to speed up fostering industry data in the cloud market is bullish 23rd, cloud computing world forum held in Beijing, China. Ministry Chief Economist study Zhou said in his speech, our country has will cloud computing as the next generation of information technology industry focus areas, "Twelve-Five" will give its support. With the rapid development of China cloud computing industry, industry representatives expressed the view that the participation, data management, and other niche market potential is huge. Cloud computing into the highSpeed development study Zhou said in his speech, as an Internet-based cloud computing and shared information resource of information by means of virtual computing model, embodies the integration of information technology and the development trend of network and services. Study Zhou said, our country has will cloud computing as the next generation of information technology industry focus areas, and had introduced a series of measures to support the planning and policy. WithMeasures include speeding up the industrialization of cloud computing technology research and development TERA Gold, and demonstration organization cloud computing application, focused on improving industrial development environment. The "Twelve-Five" period, the Ministry will speed up the industrialization of cloud computing services as the main line, to improve the ability of innovation and information services, as well as innovative service models to target, to advance cloud computing research and development of core technologies TERA Power Leveling, accelerating the formationIndustrialization of computing systems solution delivery and great product capabilities, enhanced cloud computing standards and construction specification for security management systems for technical services, integrated and standardize the development of cloud computing services center, to nurture the development of strategic industries, speed up the changes in development to provide more effective support. In this regard, investment consultants IT industry researcher Wang Ningyuan believe, in the departments ofSupport, operators have already begun mass distribution areas of cloud computing, "Twelve-Five," cloud computing into the rapid development in China during period. CCID consulting analysts over the next five years, cloud computing applications to Government, telecommunications, education, health care, financial, petrochemical and power industries as the focus, the size of the market grew from $ per cent in 2010 to 201$ 117.412 billion in 3 years, and before 2016, the industry's average annual compound growth rate will remain at more than 36%. Data processing is optimistic about the potential market as China entered the cloud computing industry high-speed development period, data processing as an important part of the cloud computing industry, highly concerned by the delegates. Market research firm IDC reports that 2011 year total amount of data being created and replicated in the world 1.8ZB, not nearly the size of the existing data to the physical number of stars in the universe known to man, and the total amount of information every two years, will increase 1 time. This means that cloud computing brings huge amounts of data before data processing had the opportunity in the market. At the meeting on that day, rock groupSenior Vice President and General Manager of Beijing TAUPO, relative to other areas, data comparison is more than a technology content, clear areas, China has relatively large development space in this regard. Intple Yang Sudong, founder and Chief Executive, said data processing industry in China has just opened a head, mining potential and space of the futureLevel, contributions to the Internet industry as a whole in the future can be very large. Since 2010, the major product launch schedule of the IT area of Giants stepped up big data wow power leveling, including EMC, HP, IBM, Microsoft, global IT Giants by acquiring large data vendors to achieve technical consolidation also focus its strategy of data on a layout. According to the domestic agencyThe initial budget, future China's large potential market size is expected to nearly $ 2 trillion. Others:

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