Friday 15 June 2012

of gasoline and diesel respectively Diablo 3 Gold of gasoline and diesel respectively - PLLH

129836519581406250_241 <a href="">Diablo 3 Gold</a>Oil prices cut window will open the associated benefit sector stocks list [Scroll] experts believe: ASEAN and East Asia are speeding up regional economic integration (06-08) [scroll] nine doors to be closed 93 substandard pig slaughtering plant (06-08) [scroll] said the European Commission may at any time and rescue Spain banking (06-08)[Scroll] total assets of the banking industry 105 trillion at the end of last year six eastern provinces account for more than half (06-08) [scroll] resignation of Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano company listing in less than two weeks (06-08) [scroll] West axletree formulation increases raise no more than 1.73 billion yuan from the 11th resumption (06-08) [scroll] United States April wholesale inventory ring 0.6% increases higher than expected (06-08) [scroll] regulator: with a number of countries than the new regulatory capital standards are not high in China (06-08) [scroll] regulator: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] stocks lower on Friday the Dow down 0.24% (06-08:34) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08)[Scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08)[Scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales May increase 3.3% (06-087) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08: 55) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] The Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Rift CD-key, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China's economic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [rollingFixed] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll]Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08)[Scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose projects for poverty alleviation (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first new highs in June this year the gap will be reduced (06-08) [scroll] various provinces, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [rolling] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Boost salesKuranari, Kowloon SWTOR Credits, green city limit's 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [Financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from LiuBrand acquisition the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of FoxconnUnited States Federal Reserve System Others:

plus Dragon source cash flow ample SWTOR Power Leveling plus Dragon source cash flow ample - GVCJ

129836519628281250_337Longyuan electric power was believed to be selectively disclosed to analysts on the issue message On June 8, according to Hong Kong media reports, China Longyuan power (916) last month proposed the total issuance of shares issued 50% new h-share plan, market and destroyed more than reputation, stock price up down. Company analysts held a conference call Tuesday, disclosed to analysts during intends to reduce or even cancel the additional issue of shares, given the "pumping" action to be price-sensitive information Diablo 3 gold, it wasQuestioned whether the Dragon source suspected of selective disclosure. Bank of America Merrill Lynch report quoted a source management said the Dragon, "Dragon source not in stock price is now level launched issuance of h-share scheme, because of current prices do not reflect the reasonable price", but the management has not revealed levels of stock in what we consider issuing new shares, and disclosure of "Dragon source does not necessarily issue 1.355 billion new h-shares". The Bank, which means Dragon sourceIssue would have reduced the potential, and the actual issuance and issue price will depend on the reaction of shareholders SWTOR Power Leveling, as well as the 3rd extraordinary session next month and results may be. Shares slump tired fell less than a month almost 15% by Palestinian reports also confirm that, "Dragon source being given to reduce the scale of issuance of shares", it predicts that, long before the 3rd extraordinary general meeting next month of the source will be the lastDecision. This Dragon source event to the SFC and the HKEx (388), both of which indicated that he will not comment on individual companies. Long Yuan originally planned issuance of up to about $ 1.355 billion h-shares, per cent of its existing issued shares totals 50%, indicates that the new share placement to institutional investors only, was criticism unfair to minority shareholders in the market at the time, share prices fell more than 10% every other day. ThingsIntervals of less than one months, long Yuan shares fell tired 14.9%, it is no wonder that the company had to give up the idea of additional. According to sources close to the Dragon source means SWTOR CD-key, "did not say that it is important to issue 50% new shares, the biggest possibility is simply to write out" end circulation "have not clear decision", "the current share price is low, and does not reflect the corporate value". Capital securities analystAdmits, now city condition bad, Dragon source shares and downturn, company fundamental don't want to in new additional shares, due to management layer original to raised 6 billion to 7 billion yuan, but to currently shares,, folding let 20% Hou made shares only can raised about 4 billion to 5 billion yuan, and initially of plans apart too far, so currently additional h can be described as outweigh the, plus Dragon source cash flow ample, so does not excludedCompany will cancel new share plans. Citi questioned fund-raising purposes long Yuan by the end of last year, bank deposits and cash more than 3.6 billion yuan, but the company stressed that additional issue of shares is to optimize the capital structure and to reduce the financial cost, both as investment in wind power, offshore wind and solar projects in the Mainland. However, the Citigroup report, long Yuan is not appropriate for fund-raising purposes, due to offshore wind powerLow return on purpose but high construction costs, offshore wind power and solar energy project approval progress slow, subsidies and constantly cuts, plus the return on your solar project does not attract. Others:

the market will get better wow power leveling the market will get better - QBBI

129835668843281250_598Unit base is first raised the longest record approval reduction fund approved last week without a Stock market is not good, new funds released! Yesterday also announced a new Fund extended to raise, and create a new fund raising this year's longest. Since the beginning of this year, there were 5 new funds announced an extension to raise, 4 of which are stock. At the same time, new Fund approval rate also slowed last week, no new fund raising approval. "Did not rule out extending fund more and more" new funds were forced to extendRaise cases have spread from small businesses to midsize companies. Invesco great wall weight ETF such as SSE 180 joins said, raising period will be extended to June 20 (which was scheduled to end yesterday to raise). Company 180ETF join fund raising on May 2, scheduled subscription deadline is June 6, while this extension allows the Fund to issue up to 50 days,Its first placement since this year's longest record. Since the beginning of this year, almost each month extended fund raising. Teda Manulife reverse policy on April 9 to raise, scheduled subscription deadline is May 8, later extended to May 18. Cycle round from March 14 to raise, and later extended from April 18 to April 27. Central spirit growth rating on February 15th raise, after extended from March 16 to March 23. Long the convertible bond is only extended placement of bonds in the Fund this year, raised the first time is 30 days. Historically, appeared for the first time large areas of the new fund raise was in 2005 extended bear market, 20 funds delay raised that year. 2008 bear market, is also out of the Fund, a total of 18 extension of new fund raising�� Last year also has 14 extension of new fund raising, or even the same Fund extended subscription period more than once. "If the market continues to fall, did not rule out an extension of the Fund more and more. But, given the positive factors in policy, is expected to start in late June, the market will get better, extension of new fund raising should be a certain degree of ease. "Good buying Fund Research Center Chief AnalystTo China, but the market has always been a good well done, well done well wow power leveling, when the market is relatively low, performance is relatively easy to do. However, in the new Fund has not declined. Fund 29 in the subscription period, vested in 28 fund companies. Among them, 6 of actively managed stock funds, index-6, mixed-type 1, bonds, IMF 4-6 only,QDII2 and capital preservation-only 4. Unit base is pale and funding sought after low-risk products from the viewpoint of delay raised this year, 5 4 is only in stock funds, bond funds. Equity funds keep going by painstaking effort was the norm this year. Statistics show that since the beginning of the year, equity fund raised a total of 19.118 billion, index-67.057 billion. More than 600Millions of base, contributions from both Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETF, a total of 52.302 billion copies. In addition, traditional actively managed stock funds first to 2.433 billion with the highest offering size, second and third respectively to 2.05 billion, 1.63 billion. QDII funds have faced a similar situation. Raise total size only 6 first QDII 2.592 billion.By contrast, first raised the scale advantages of low risk products. According to statistics, this year hybrid debt based raised a total of 27.422 billion copies, medium-and long-term net debt-debt-based raised 10.023 billion, 3.828 billion capital preservation fund, combined with short-term financing products 48.19 billion, totaling approximately 89.5 billion. Short-term financing products are particularly eye-catching, China universal money 30 days, ChinaMonthly Xin Xin first raised in the quarter quarter is less than 10 days SWTOR Credits, but it raised a total of 48.19 billion copies. First raise of more than 3 billion Fund, low risk class 5, raised a total of 8.401 billion yifangdachun debt, raise long-23 days. Peng said China fixed-income Manager in early winter Diablo 3 CD-KEY, economic fundamentals and policy direction on the bond market supported, but yields followingContinued down the space and more dependent on future changes in monetary policy. Equity markets, early winter that the present stock market valuation is reasonable on the whole interval, there is no systemic underestimation. Stock market to systemic opportunities, but there may be structural part of the plate and the company the opportunity, equity markets remained cautious attitude of participation. Short-term financing fund MayConcentrated SFC latest fund raising applications approved awaiting trial schedule shows that no new funds approved last week. In the analyst's view, this may be new funds for regulators to slow the release of signals. At the same time, last week, 3 3 of the Fund's new Fund has to submit the application materials. At this point, since the beginning of this year has had 89 funds continue to submit to the Commission claim new materialMaterial. Reporter statistics found that participating in queued awaiting trial since May 16 new funds, equity funds only 3. Short-term financial funds or popular in the market of the future. May participate in the queue since there are 5 Financing Fund, in addition, there is a Monetary Fund, all the remaining 7 are bond funds. Company insiders said the Fund, market now only bonds FundSell better, considering the current market sentiment, so they release delayed stock fund of the company, issued ahead of bond funds. Writing: the South reporter Xie Xiaoting intern Zhang �F�� Others:

will focus on high-tech industry investment opportunities in two ways TERA Gold will focus on high

129836519501718750_91 <a href="">TERA Gold</a>Wang Haijun Wells Fargo Fund: high-tech industry has bright prospects Wind data as of May 25, Shenzhen science and technology index, the index of leading technology, cninfo index of science and technology indicators, 100R, 4 tech index is yield of 14.37% since the beginning of this year, well ahead of market gains. This is issued by Wells Fargo high-tech Fund Manager Wang Haijun said the proposed Fund, at present China's dependence on traditional investments,Consumption and exports as "troika" pull the mode of economic growth is not sustainable, economic restructuring is a must. On May 30 Diablo 3 Gold, the State Council Executive meeting discussed and adopted the "Twelve-Five" national strategic industry development plan, development of new industries is expected to usher in a high speed, where the high-tech industry is on track to become the leader. Analysis of Wang Haijun road, high-techTechnology increases value less than 15% per cent of total GDP ratio, while the United States accounted for more than 70%, combined with the current transformation of China emphasized high-tech TERA Gold, high-tech industries and technology innovation is the support for national development and power, enormous potential for development of China's high-tech industry. On the specific investments, said Wang Haijun, will focus on high-tech industry investment opportunities in two ways: one is the result of long-term development, Traditional high-tech industry has matured, and second, as social and economic structure, the evolution of market demand and the incubation of new breakthroughs in science and technology and the occurrence of emerging high-tech industries. Others:

in 2012 Diablo 3 gold in 2012 - LBUX

129836519703906250_491 <a href="">Diablo 3 gold</a>Ten urban land rent revenue nearly 3-year low Although "red May" around the housing contract rebounded rapidly appear, Beijing, Guangzhou and other cities of the area of commercial transactions, and even created a 16-month high, but for local government, contract rebounded above growth in tax revenue from financial pressure may not be enough to change places. Shanghai Research Institute of real estate's latest statistics show that ten cities such as Beijing and Shanghai in May beforeChurangjin only $ 92.2 billion Rift CD-key, for nearly 3 years minimum, 58.41% lower than $ per cent in 2011, more shock than $ 276 billion in 2010. Shanghai Research Institute of real estate research Minister Yang Hongxu told the daily economic news reporter, although the rebound because of market transactions, taxation revenue from the sales linkRise, but dropped sharply compared to the land rent revenue is still the ocean, local governments are looking forward to further fine-tune the policies to meet revenue needs. Land rent revenue decline in a row according to the observation of Shanghai Research Institute of real estate, land revenue from December 2010 after it reaches the highest value in the recent 5 years, started to enter the waves down-passRoad, has been down for 9 consecutive months, May hit a nearly 3-year low. According to the statistics of the institution May ten urban land rent income of $ 13.1 billion, fell to 41%, down 50%. And vulnerable settlements similar to the real estate Institute of statistics, Research Centre senior research manager of centaline property Liu Yuan also revealed that their statistics in 12 citiesChurangjin also found when income falling sharply. However, the land transfer payment revenues fall into the minimum of 3 years when, commercial housing turnover is refreshing a 16-month high. May this city contract area of 6.68 million square metres per cent from April rose 29%, an increase of 15%, has been up for 3 consecutive months. Department of sales of commercial housingAs a result of tax revenues, is it can make up for the decline in land revenue around? Yang Hongxu believes that such decline in tax revenues and land transfer payment of only a fraction compared to income. The daily economic news reporter Statistics May 8 cities in the top ten cities, total sales of more than 90 billion yuan. Housing Research Director said Xue Jianxiong, residential sales linksTax rate of approximately 8%~10% (including business tax is 5.65%, yuzheng 2%~5% of land value-added tax, stamp duties and fees, and so on). In 8% terms, these sales contribution of tax revenue is more than 7 billion yuan. Shanghai alone is concerned, May land before income is less than in the same period last year to one-third, only 120.$ 7.4 billion. Local policies are still fine-tuning the impulse on June 6 last year in Shanghai's first major land premium, sold about 70% premium for business transactions. But Yang Hongxu believes that this does not mean that the land market out of the bear market, local governments still need to fine tune the policies, so that land markets pick up again. Shanghai Research Institute of real estate developmentMs. Zhan Li, Director of the Institute believes that consecutive growth in real estate investment fell, indicating that land market in the short term is difficult to pick up rapidly. National Bureau of statistics show that 1 to may of this year the national real estate development and investment 1.5835 trillion yuan, decline of growth than 1 ~ March 4.8%. Residential investment 1.0818 trillion yuan, growth fell 5.1%. LeeWar Army believed that directly related to investment in real estate and house sales, transaction if the real estate market rebound unsustainable, so growth in investment will continue to decline, thereby affecting the land market. Shanghai real estate Research Institute under the Ministry of Finance on the 2011 and 2012 on the implementation of the Central and local budget data of the report on the draft Central and local budgets meterIs drawn, is expected in 2012 local level 5.768 trillion yuan, local level government expenditure 10.5281 trillion yuan, balance was 4.7601 trillion yuan, the difference a 2011 growth. According to the notice of the Audit Commission, expires 2012 local government debt amounted to 1.8402 trillion yuan, the debt due to expire in 2011Part will be turnover by 2012 by refinancing, debt principal amount or more than $ 3 trillion is expected to expire in 2012. Because of the above reasons, Habitat Yi Wu Xiaojun, a researcher of the Institute of real estate in Shanghai are expected, more cities will be added to the appropriate fine tuning in the second half, and will even have a place to cross the central policy "red lines", there are still blocked possibility of individual policies.��-Related news Department of housing: the affordable housing starts in May according to the Housing Department yesterday (June 7) message, in 2012, the planned affordable housing program started in cities and towns throughout the country more than 7 million, completed basic 5 million units. By the end of May, has started the 3.46 million sets, starts at 46.4%, basically completed 2.06 million, invested 38$ 9.5 billion. Because the amount May started, completed, and completed both investment up sharply, then overlay factors with the rapid progress of the construction of many high latitude regions of the country, expected new starts in the first half and completed more than half. Chain real estate market research department Neve told the daily economic news reporter, from the 2009 significantly speed-up the construction of affordable housing, a large number of openConstruction and improve the completion rate requirements for low income people for the first time this year is good. At the same time protect the housing market on the domestic market of goods indirect lightening. In Beijing, for example, removing lease forms of social housing and affordable housing wow cd-key, affordable housing, trading markets, affordable housing deal than is possible in per cent in 2012. Vice President of China real estate Association, Professor, Peking UniversityMr CHAN Kwok-keung (Twitter) that diverts the construction of affordable housing demand in the housing market, low-end home buyers demand satisfaction, can be achieved through secure channels to resolve. For the construction of affordable housing financing, the Ministry has accelerated the pace of action, May, Treasury has issued a $ 97.7 billion financed affordable housing construction, recently released the 2011Year city affordable housing program awards funding to $ 1.5 billion. Others:

06-08 20 Diablo 3 gold 06-08 20 - GXGH

129836519546093750_173Haitong securities: banks need to jiancang waiting for catalyst People's Bank of China decided, as of June 8, 2012, cut RMB benchmark deposit and lending rates of financial institutions. Benchmark one-year deposit rate financial institutions 0.25%, benchmark one-year lending rate 0.25%; other grade benchmark deposit and lending interest rates and housing Provident Fund deposit and lending interest rates adjusted accordingly. In this regard, haitong securities issuedResearch reports, floating interest rate liberalization to the disadvantage of large customer-oriented banking, micro-enterprise and small business and retail banking business have little effect. Future Bank valuations will continue to open between: public loan bank valuations continued weakening of the traditional business-oriented; small business lending, retail banking, and Bank valuations have headroom for the advantages of financial innovation. Haitong securities said, the formerPeriod on Bank partial empty; cuts boots landing, attitude has change, does not recommendations continues to jiancang: (1) early Bank unit weak includes cuts expected, Fund of Bank positions and is history status Diablo 3 gold, 5% around; (2) regulatory layer promoting rates market will keep carefully: in more long time observation release loan deposits rates floating of effect, does not suddenly speed; customer bargain relationship and silverCompetition floats less negative. (3) the Bank underestimated the value 12-year profit growth certainty. Potential future catalysts: released early (August), the market turned to concern 13 valuation periods (Bank PB as low as 0.8 per cent). [Scroll] regulator: with a number of countries than the new regulatory capital standards are not high in China (06-08) [scroll] regulator: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-081:43) [scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: rate cut signals delivered steady growth is expected this year, growth in China (8%21:31) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [Scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-080) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08 20: 58) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [Rolling] Diablo 3 gold, 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF:China's economic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] The CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose projects for poverty alleviation (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first new highs in June this year the gap will be reduced (06-08) [Scroll] various provinces, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08) [scroll] shares in the face of major tournaments feet soft European Cup magic spell can break (06-08) [scroll]Tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first year record (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll] expert analysis that the price reduction was too small (06-08) [scroll] oil prices second cut boots can floor peopleWhether the welfare (06-08) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) gasoline and diesel oil down $ 0.39 per litre respectively SWTOR CD-key, and 0.$ 44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Special counties in the private Super HOTomb of Wah [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [Unit] The two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] central bank interest rate cutsMillions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System Others:

Monday 11 June 2012

we help the customer to contact the insurance company Diablo 3 power leveling we help the customer

129823520622343750_198Explore a way six banks banks and insurance sales network: banks selling insurance is not active On May 22, the insurance securities journal weekly journalist found when banks also included sales of banking and insurance products, Bank Manager does not have much enthusiasm for marketing of banking and insurance products, even with bank branches are no longer selling banking and insurance products, to push their own short-term financing products. City: banking and insurance follow-up service to the Bank of China Merchants Bank World Trade Center network, rememberFound on a shelf of the banking Hall, banks, funds and banks ' financial products of insurance products leaflets arranged in separate, which was marked with "Governors recommended". Only China and the Luen Thai good luck of the Metropolitan life insurance protection and escort of children's growth plan both in selling insurance products, where good luck protection scheme is an endowment insurance (participating) and additional lead timePaid long-term insurance combination of major diseases, both investment and guarantee functions. Liabilities in financial counters Lee sales in the retail business, making insurance presentation for journalists. She told reporters that the product in the network have been sold for a long time. She explicitly told reporters that all the network insurance customer, services can be processed by the Bank in the future, customers do not have to look forInsurance companies. "Customer after the accident, we help the customer to contact the insurance company, we help clients claim. After years or even decades, I can no longer work in investment banking, but it doesn't matter, customers with a contract to the China Merchants Bank as long as it was OK. "She also told reporters that China Merchants Bank had sold ten years ago after an insurance company of a product, is notCooperation and the insurance company, but is still responsible for customer service. Jianxinrenshou: "their own" Bank agent sales reporter walked into the Bank of China at the world trade center network, selling of banking and insurance products up to 5 Diablo 3 power leveling, including ping an life insurance, endowment insurance, two of Sun Life Pacific life and endowment insurance for 3 offer, are participating,Bank insurance sales brochure of the car insurance. Jianxinrenshou a co-existence of dividends insurance became a guest of the China Construction Bank global trade center network, at the same time, the network agent to sell a co-existence of the Italian life insurance plan. Financial Manager of the dot pointed at China Construction Bank sign on brochure said: "look, this is our product for banks to own insurance company."There is no doubt that when selling, brand of China Construction Bank have played a role. "Societe Generale at anzhen xili no banks and insurance companies within the network of product sales, staff told reporters that the network now to push bank short-term financing products. A century of life: 12.2% fixed income fall short of the reality in the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank outlets at anzhen xili, a century of lifeTwo dividend risk. Reporters found a promotional page, indicate the barge, $ 10,000, and is an integer multiple of 1000 dollars, earnings expire after 5 years of expiry of insurance premiums by 112.2%. Personal finance manager reminded reporters, 12.2% looks very high rate of fixed income, in fact it is not annualised yields, but 5 years finally yieldsIs 2.44% a year. Also SWTOR Credits, leaflets are marked on, holding an insurance policy cash value that is more than 1 year premium, interest shows table display, after 1 year insurance policy cash value is $ 100,100. Reporter Centennial life insurance customer service staff to confirm the information Rift CD-key, "If a year back, does not affect the insurance policy cash value. "The banks personal finance manager for marketingYawn yawned his disapproval of bank products, "because the income is not high, this product is sold every month of five or six, and has two or three per month single surrender. �� Others: