Saturday 12 May 2012

as well as 6 and iPod Nano iPad keyboard display module wow cd-key as well as 6 and iPod Nano iPad

129810431544687500_174New Apple patents granted: or pushing for MacBook 4G access function United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) granted a new patent to Apple on Tuesday, said the new patents in the industry might suggest that Apple is considering for its MacBook product launches 4G network access capabilities. Patent and Trademark Office Diablo 3 CD-KEY, the new patent granted to Apple today and 4G antenna built into notebooks the way wow cd-key, for a description of the patent describes 4G antenna hiding in located on the notebook screen behind the borders of "conducting holes". Apple patent, said the top placed the laptop antenna can improve the possibility of obtaining a strong signal, but does not exclude the possibility of placing antennas in the other hole. In the past few years, there have been rumors Diablo 3 power leveling, Apple will at least consider the notebook series-boundMobile connectivity. Sources last year said it had seen an Apple notebook prototype, the prototype equipped with allows the user to connect to the 3G network of antennas. But in trying to sell on eBay soon after for this product, Apple is going to back to the prototype, thus prompting some people to wonder if Apple does for the MacBook series launches wireless connectionFunction. Industry points out that, although the latest granted patents mean that Apple could be introduced in MacBook 4G Internet access, but this is not conclusive evidence. Large companies like Apple would require a large number of patents each year, but in many cases do not use patent-related technologies. In addition, the United States media also found that some of Apple's other patents also todayGet approved, including a page event handler with the iOS platform-related patents, as well as 6 and iPod Nano iPad keyboard display module, and other product-related patents. Others:

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