Tuesday 31 January 2012

Diablo 3 Power Leveling exportingBase - FCK

129667889610615392_16"The third China (Shenzhen) financial information service development forum" held on November 26, 2011 opens in Shenzhen, on the theme "financial innovation under the age of economic globalization and the challenges IT".  Dongfangcaifuwang on this forum the full broadcast, Cheng Bin to Shenzhen Municipal People's Government Deputy Secretary General of the following statements memoir. Cheng Bin: Dear Pan Yonghua Minister, distinguished guests Diablo 3 Gold,And friends, good morning! Today, the third China (Shenzhen) financial information service development forum was held here, commissioned by the Mayor Chen Yingchun, I Diablo 3 Power Leveling, on behalf of the Shenzhen Municipal Government warm congratulations on the convening of this forum, to visit the Forum's leaders, both inside and outside guests, sincerely welcome! Also take this opportunity to have long and supports sz economyCommunity development finance Street, our heartfelt thanks to my friend! With the rapid development of information technology, information technology is increasingly widely used in various industries, finance, information technologies are thoroughly infiltrated into the day-to-day decisions in various areas of management, business, and service, increasingly becoming the important decision to shore up the financial development, Shenzhen is China's important IT manufacturing base, exportingBase, financial sector development and integration of information technology is even more prominent, in recent years the city's annual financial innovation award 70% are from the IT technology, a wide range of areas of information technology in the financial sector, promoting the development of the city's financial sector, promoting the rapid development of the city's financial sector. At present, with the degree of deepening economic globalization, countries around the world in addition to sharing the fruits of globalization or avoidanceFacing challenges of international competition and financial market turmoil. In France the Group of 20 Summit in Cannes ends pointed out that the international financial markets is still under pressure, some experts say the world has entered a deep crisis, and in this context swtor credits, the Forum "financial innovation under the age of economic globalization and the challenges IT" as its theme, will help us betterClear ideas, building consensus, to further promote China's particularly high degree of integration and development of the Shenzhen financial technology, science and technology innovation to improve the market competitiveness of the financial industry, meet the challenges of globalization of international financial competition. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, "China (Shenzhen) financial information service development forums" after three years of development, have become important platform for communication, collaboration, the financial technology sector, we hope that the Forum will continue to promote Shenzhen finance deeper cooperation and exchanges, especially in the financial information applications of science and technology, make new financial technology product and service innovationMore useful explorations, and also hope that the leaders and guests we wanna, for Shenzhen finance and for their valuable views on the development of information industry. Finally, sincerely wish every success in this forum, I wish you all during the deep well, happy, thank you!

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